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Author Topic: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?  (Read 11537 times)


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Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:08:16 PM »
Maybe it's because people can't get into their #$*&ed up website to register a team.

I registered a few teams earlier this year, but now it doesn't respond to the log in. I've sent emails to USBC and no response. Perhaps it's time I called and chewed out some ass.

Another thing, why the hell does the sub board and the team registration pages require separate log-ins?

And one more thing, why do we have to go though the process of entering the team information before we can see what dates are available on the team registration site?

Who runs the website for USBC? Whoever it is, they need someone better.
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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2015, 01:44:23 PM »
Location Location Location.


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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2015, 02:00:28 PM »
Location Location Location.

Are you saying people didn't want to go to El Paso? It can be blamed on Reno all you want, but it's more than that. Although I did enjoy the trips to Baton Rouge and El Paso more than Reno.

This problem with their website is pissing me off. I think my next email will have every email address on the site I can find CC'ed.  ;D
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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2015, 03:33:26 PM »
El Paso was actually really nice.  Everybody kept saying it was a dirty old cow town and I found it to be exactly the opposite.  I'd love to go back.  I also don't care what people say about Reno, the bowling stadium is the ultimate bowling venue.  I spend all my time there, I go for the bowling, not any kind of vacation.  Baton Rouge was a dump, not a good experience for me. 

Their website is kind of a dumpster fire though, I'll give you that. 
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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2015, 03:44:04 PM »
Too many are starting to realize the negatives with the USBC and well as the olde statement goes - you wanna get at a business do it with your money as in don't give it to them
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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2015, 06:03:41 PM »
With the sharp drop in sanctioned bowlers I have been surprised that participation in the open has been as high as it is. If it wasn't for the classified division boosting the numbers it would be even lower.


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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2015, 09:22:18 AM »
My only problem with Reno is that they have not utilized the money gained from the Open to revitalize the downtown area especially the hotels. 


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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2015, 10:12:18 AM »
 LOTS of reasons. Here are a few:

1. Membership is way down.
2. Interest is way down.
3. Few go just for bowling, and the locations sometimes leave much to be desired otherwise.
4. "Joe Bowler" no longer even stands a chance, and he now knows that.

 I think there are quite a few more, but they are only my opinion as to what is going on, while these are pretty much given fact.
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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2015, 11:26:55 AM »
Joe Bowler never stood a chance. If you take any bowler who gets regular practice on the type of condition they will face in the open vs someone who will not see it till they get there the advantage will always go to the person who has been bowling on the condition.

Many great bowlers spend countless hours bowling on the condition and game planning for it months in advance. Many other bowlers can't or won't do the same.

Location is a big factor. I have no desire to waste my vacation time and money to go to Reno. Vegas...hell yes. been twice and cant wait to go back. Baton Rouge was fun. Looking forward to going to NY as well.

The end results is there is more then one reason why the numbers drop. There is more then one solution to help turn things around. There is only one organization that is in position to do anything of it.
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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2015, 01:05:50 PM »
 Yea kid, the difference is that NOW "Joe Bowler" has been made totally aware that he is "wasting his time", or at least that's how it is looked at in the modern game.

 You and I both know you are right.

 I also agree there are MANY other factors as well, but only one organization that can change it. Problem is, I no longer think they will or can.

Maybe I'm wrong about that. Sure hope so anyway.
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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2015, 01:53:16 PM »
 Yeah. Kidlost2000 and Juggernaut are right about those points each described. Total numbers for sanctions are and will dwindle. Then there are the 10 to 15% of bowlers who bowl the Nationals and show up to bowl the without a sanction card like myself.
 Expressing the words "bowling needs to change" is not what the USBC wants to hear as well a great many people who do actually read these posts. It would actually mean taking away something they have been bottle fed for the last 23 years. Instead of the sport of bowling growing for the great majority it has turned into creating monstrous Baby Huey's whom have turned out individually more honor scores in such a short period of time than what 100,000 bowlers could over a seasons worth could accomplish.
 The bowling Proprietors had expressed concerns over the matter many times over many years only to be rebuffed by the ABC and USBC. The stance was always we are observing and it is under control. Just like a nuclear meltdown. The men at the controls just looking at each saying "What the hell do we do now"?????


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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2015, 02:16:33 PM »
My only problem with Reno is that they have not utilized the money gained from the Open to revitalize the downtown area especially the hotels. 

This is the most misguided/uninformed opinion I have read yet about Reno. The hotels are private entities and are not owned by the City of Reno. The hotels are usually owned by a casino property and the Indian Casinos in California are having a huge impact on the Nevada Gaming Industry. Several Casinos have closed within the last few years, including some of the bigger ones. The major players are still surviving, but there is only a handful of them left.

The City of Reno has made huge efforts to revitalize the downtown area. Remember the trains coming through downtown just north of Harrahs? Not anymore, as the city had the tracks lowered 70 feet so as not to impact the downtown area.

The river is another area the city spend huge sums of money. They took the old area where the Truckee River ran through downtown and created a very nice river walk, with restaurants, bars/clubs, kayaking and a park.

There is only so much they can do, but to say they have misused the money is just incorrect.
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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2015, 06:23:54 PM »
My team treated the tournament as a vacation that also had a couple days of bowling involved.  and most of my teammates are tired of going to reno.  So we skipped a Reno year, and then 2 teammates did something different with their time off from work for a family vacation and that took their priority and my team hasn't gone to nationals since.

For me to go again, it would have to include a place worth visiting on its own merits; because quite honestly it is so expensive to travel to a tournament with bowling equipment, reno and vegas are the only 2 locations I could even think of driving to; everywhere else would require a flight, or 3 weeks of vacation for the drive.


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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2015, 07:03:50 PM »
I plan to go this year to Reno and next year to Vegas and then call it quits. Incidently, if the years were reversed and they were going to Vegas this year, then this would have been my final year.
We had a decent time in El Paso, we played golf and watched a minor league baseball game and even made a few bucks bowling. But, there lies the problem. We as a team know that we are basically donators to the best amatuer bowlers and thats ok because for us, it is a vacation. But, money is tight and our vacation dollars need to be spent on destinations we are excited about. Which means sorry Reno ( been there done that) no thanks El Paso ( rather see a major league game ) Syracuse ( seriously ), or Albequrqee (I'm not even interested in learning how to spell your name).
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 07:06:36 PM by tipgrinder »


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Re: Ever wonder why participation has dropped at the USBC Open?
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2015, 07:46:36 PM »
 My hat's off to you gentlemen for sticking it out for as long you have. Nationals had been fun to bowl with a competitive team I bowled with. Then it became just a vacation. It's a shame that there are no less than fifty teams that actually remain at the top of the leader boards year in and year out. No every Joe Bowler has the opportunity to practice for an entire month or months with their teammates at home houses that provide the Nationals shot. It really takes away from the respectability of what Nationals had been throughout the many decades it had without giving away the oil pattern. Many bowlers before would just practice for accuracy before going. Now it's getting a team to burn a track. Setting up the right multiple angle layouts on multiple balls for each game bowled. Nationals will eventually shrink to less than 25000 bowlers who are only game for just the bracket money. Eventually it will go away just as The High Roller and Team Challenge had. Only the USBC can reign in the advantage by not providing oil patterns before the tournament begins. In all fairness they should just oil every lane just drastically different.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 08:37:36 PM by noslouch »