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Author Topic: Feeling on All women team  (Read 3696 times)


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Feeling on All women team
« on: April 25, 2004, 04:04:54 AM »
I've been bowling ABC for 9 years now, and I still don't think it is fair for women to bowl in the men's tournament.   Men can't bowl in theirs....
A all women team bowled that had mostly past PWBA members on it.

What do other ABC members think!



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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2004, 07:24:13 PM »
Here we go again... :rolleyes:

ABC Nationals are not the "men's tournament."  It is the "ABC tournament" which means it is open to ALL ABC members that choose to bowl.  ABC never wrote their bylaws in such a way that limited membership and chose to open their doors to all comers rather than risk the litigation.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2004, 07:27:47 PM »
If so, then why should the WIBC exist?  If the ABC covers everyone, why then is the WIBC around?  Doesn't make much sense.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2004, 07:34:36 PM »
Geez. Won't this one ever die??
Here's the history as I understand it.

Several years ago, the American Bowling Congress was afraid that womens groups were going to sue them for the right of membership (because of the wording - "American", not "Men's", so they opened the organization up to women.

The WIBC has "Women's" in the title - that's why the membership is currently limited to women.

Now, as I have said countless times - I wasn't there when they voted. If I was, I, as a woman, probably would have voted AGAINST allowing women to join the ABC. But they let us in, I have purchased my card legitimately the last 8 years or so, I have participated in, and won, local ABC tournaments, and have received several ABC honor awards.

My biggest complaint with the new single membership organization is that they have a womens division, a youth division, and an OPEN division - no exclusive mens division. I personally think that's wrong..
However, since the PBA has now agreed to allow women to join, I guess nothing is sacred within our sport any more.
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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2004, 07:37:59 PM »
multiple reasons Andy...multiple reasons

The main reason it continues to exist, though, is that a sizeable percentage of the women bowlers have no desire to compete with the men.  Some women choose to sanction ABC only and bowl with what they perceive as a higher level of competition.  Let's face it...if you are competitive and most of the women you compete with are ecstatic at shooting back-to-back 170 games, chances are you aren't going to have much fun.  

That said, I never sanctioned ABC until the options that opened up at the end of March.  Until then, I had no reason to except maybe for better awards on an honor score...

If the SMO would ever come to pass, then this should become a moot point.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2004, 07:47:45 PM »
Ok.  Well, it's not like it matters.  I didn't plan on joining the WIBC anytime soon.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2004, 12:05:43 PM »
I am by far not afraid of the women bowlers.  I hate when I go to Nationals and a women that doesn't belong bowling in this event is bowling next to me.  I can see if the women had some skills.  I see one team out there two years agon that the women on the team throw the best ball on the team. (4 other guys).  My point is why can a women bowl in both national tournaments when a man only has one!   So if you a women that bowls in nationals. Then come and bowl, but bring a game!   Don't bowl it just to say you bowled in it.  I go to national to compete against the best!  

As far as the ABC, WIBC, and YABA.   These organization are spending way too much money on delegates for each.  At this pace, the average bowler in league will quit bowling because dues are too high.   With the merger into one group, the ABC could eliminate delegates and keep dues down.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2004, 12:17:27 PM »
First off, if you want change, then join your local association, become and officer and/or a director and work for change.  Go to the tournament as a delegate.  Oh wait, that would require some effort, nevermind. (And yes I have been a delegate for the last two years, only been going 3)

As for the women with "no game"...what about all the men with No game?  The guys that dump with 4 revs at 8mph, or the guys that couldn't even hit a 10 board area consistently?  Why should they be allowed to bowl if women can't?  

This is why there are average divisions for the tournament.  To help seperate the bowlers from those who just like to bowl.  

And I'll say it once again (I think this statement makes it the 433,276th time it's been said)  ABC bilaws do not place restrictions on membership based on sex.  WIBC bilaws do.  

And by the way, if the SMO doesn't pass(I hope it does)the WIBC contigency plan allows for Men to join.

D Scott Johnson

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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2004, 01:40:28 PM »
If they have an ABC card, then let them bowl.  

Last time I checked, you did not have to be accomplished as a bowler to bowl in the tournament (boy, would that cut the field way down).  The ABC Tournament is an experience and I wish more ABC members would choose to bowl in it every year, regardless of their race, gender, etc.

Plus, it looked to me like maybe Lynda Barnes cleaned up in brackets with her scores.

Just my opinion.



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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2004, 01:49:33 PM »
I am by far not afraid of the women bowlers.  I hate when I go to Nationals and a women that doesn't belong bowling in this event is bowling next to me.  I can see if the women had some skills.  I see one team out there two years agon that the women on the team throw the best ball on the team. (4 other guys).  My point is why can a women bowl in both national tournaments when a man only has one!   So if you a women that bowls in nationals. Then come and bowl, but bring a game!   Don't bowl it just to say you bowled in it.  I go to national to compete against the best!  

Do you feel the same way when you see a man bowling at Nationals that "doesn't belong there"? There are plenty of those around too (I'm probably one of them).

Life isn't fair sometimes. Deal with it.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2004, 02:14:18 PM »
"...doesn't belong there"...?!  What exactly defines someone who "belongs" at the tournament?  The fact is that most of the people who go to Nationals (including a significant percentage of high average bowlers) have absolutely no hope of contending, much less winning, the tournament.  Do all those people "belong there"?

Scooby, I don't know you or whether you "belong" at Nationals, so I won't make any guesses.  I just have a hard time believing your elitist attitude...and I won't even get into the sexism thing....


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2004, 02:33:49 PM »
I don't reckon' you ought to be feeling on women 'lessun they asked ya' to.

You know somebody had to say it
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Edited on 4/26/2004 3:04 PM


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2004, 03:08:50 PM »
If you read the first statement I wrote,  I said it wasn't fair.  I didn't say I was sexist.  This topic didn't go where I wanted it too.  So leave it go!!!!

As far as do I belong at Nationals, Yes.  I cash almost every year I went.  I can play almost every line on the lane and change hand positions to change my reaction.   You want to talk about who belongs at nationals.....Start a topic!!  Otherwise leave it go.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2004, 03:14:53 PM »
Um, you're the one that said you hate to see women bowl next to you that don't belong there.  So you're the one that opened the topic up to that.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2004, 03:19:46 PM »
First off, if you want change, then join your local association, become and officer and/or a director and work for change. Go to the tournament as a delegate. Oh wait, that would require some effort, nevermind. (And yes I have been a delegate for the last two years, only been going 3)

Well you are one of the people that are driving bowlers from the sport.  I worked in a bowling center for 12 years and you are the people that keep making the sport better for lower average bowler.  I am the kind of bowler that says lets put out the sport shot if you are giving that much hand.  But, NO guys like you just want to give the 150 bowler a 230 average!!!!

Edited on 4/26/2004 3:23 PM