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Author Topic: Feeling on All women team  (Read 3697 times)


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Feeling on All women team
« on: April 25, 2004, 04:04:54 AM »
I've been bowling ABC for 9 years now, and I still don't think it is fair for women to bowl in the men's tournament.   Men can't bowl in theirs....
A all women team bowled that had mostly past PWBA members on it.

What do other ABC members think!



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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2004, 03:26:33 PM »
I chose to dual sanction because, as other women have stated, I want the extra level of competition.  I pay my $30 - $31 per year to sanction, and yes I also bowl the "Men's" tournaments as well as the Women's.  I may or may not belong in any of them, but I am allowed to so I do.  My team for nationals, I was the only female, and the one who got the team together.  Had I not done so, the 4 guys would not have bowled at all.  

I put a team together for our LABA City, 3 of the team, all men, would not have bowled had I not got the team together.  I put a team together for CA State.  Again the 4 men would not be bowling had I not got the team together.  I am working on getting 2 teams together for Baton Rouge.  One is my team from this year, and a new team so everyone can bowla ll the events.  So before you start complaining about women in your association, you might think about the number of entries that would not be without women getting the men to bowl them.

As for the comment about the SMO, under the proposal the men could option to also hol a men's only tournament in addition to the Women's Youth, and Open.  As others have said if you don't like what you see, get involved and be a voice.  I personally am thankful that the LABA welcomes women with open arms into the association and tournaments.
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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2004, 03:35:49 PM »
Um, actually I'm in favor of toughening conditions.  Unfortunatly 180 bowlers will quit if they can't average 220.  Bowling centers are in business to make money.  ABC came up with sport shots, and I can only think of 3 winter leagues around Chicago that have them.  To me that says bowlers in general don't want Sport shots.  

When you worked at a Center did the ABC come in and say lay down this pattern?  No, they said make the pattern fit these guidelines.  Easy or tough is up to the owner/manager.  It is very easy to make a shot, within those guidelines, that is not sport compliant, that is tougher than any sport shot ever.

But back to your original statement, which I feel I already answered, yes it's fair.  Becuase those are the rules.  If you don't like the rules, work to change them.  Don't hide behind a keyboard blaming others.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2004, 03:45:55 PM »
So you in favor of a 160 average bowler having an average of 190 in league.  Or leting a 150 average person bowl 30 pins over his average and have a 700 series in a tournament.  To me that is not bowling as a sport.   That is catering to the weak!

As for the rules,  I was a league secretary, president.  I can up with a rule in one league to change the condition every 8 wks.  The other team captians and owner agreed.   After the second condition was put out, the bowlers were crying about the shot, which the owner posted.  The owner went back the the orginal shot,  Against league rules.   Rules are there to be broken not followed.   Show me a rule that someone hasn't broken!!!

Edited on 4/26/2004 3:41 PM


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2004, 04:11:07 PM »
No, what I'm in favor of is, and this is a very basic concept, but to have different divisions of bowling.  One where the shot can be whatever they want, any equipment they want.  And another where there are both restrictions on equipment and lane conditions.  And those that CHOOSE to bowl in the higher division will be given more credit, for lack of a better term, than those in the lower.  

But please re-read your second paragraph.  The BOWLERS signed up for the rotating shot league,(which sounds like a good concept to me) then the BOWLERS cried about it when it was too tough, so the OWNER caved because he was didn't want to lose his Customers.  Based on your experience, I feel it is unfair to blame the ABC.  

Glen Allison shot 900, score rejected becuase of illegal lanes.  someone I bowl with shot 5 300's, I think, in one season back in the Uerathane days, all rejected because of illegal lane conditions.  Bowlers complained it wasn't fair that they be penalized because of what the house did so the ABC caved and doesn't nullify scores because of the condition.  Too many people want high scores, and fair semi difficult lane conditions.  I don't think you can have both.


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2004, 11:56:23 PM »
I dual sanction and bowl only the ABC Tournament because the group of friends I bowl with have both male and female bowlers and obviously the male bowlers can't bowl the WIBC Tournament.

Women bowling ABC came down to a legal issue, and the ABC didn't want to be sued over it, so they allowed women to join.

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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2004, 08:04:15 PM »
I am by far not afraid of the women bowlers.  I hate when I go to Nationals and a women that doesn't belong bowling in this event is bowling next to me.  I can see if the women had some skills.  I see one team out there two years agon that the women on the team throw the best ball on the team. (4 other guys).  My point is why can a women bowl in both national tournaments when a man only has one!   So if you a women that bowls in nationals. Then come and bowl, but bring a game!   Don't bowl it just to say you bowled in it.  I go to national to compete against the best!  .

Samething can be sad for a lot of men that are out there. I have viewed scores from people that I know that have gone to nationals. They average right around 200  if not higher and they have not done that well. Does not matter if they are female or male to score good. For my first 3 nationals I went to I averaged like a 173 for them the same time frame for league I was about 200. Now this year I went back averaged 194 about the same as league this year. I am sure that some woman went out there and kicked my butt. Good for her if that has indeed happened. Does it bother me not at all. I am happy with what I did if they figure the lanes out better awsome.
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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2004, 07:33:29 PM »
You're a little late to the party, huh?

Man, why can't my house put up a THS?...


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Re: Feeling on All women team
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2004, 08:13:37 PM »
There's got to become a time when all competitions, in any sport, are "open".  Certainly there should be qualifying rounds, but to exclude a certain group based solely on gender; color; religious beliefs; sexual orientation; you name it, seems to me to be illogical.  After all is said and done, we are ALL mere mortals.
Advancing age does not invite "maturity" into your life.  You really have to work at it! Monsieur Perique, 17th century philosopher.
I am with peri 100%! If a woman can woop my as§ then MORE POWER TO HER! Just because a woman cant throw a 16 pound ball 19 mph and hook the whole lane does NOT by any means, mean that she cant bowl. I know a women who throws the ball 10 mph with 4 and a half revs (exagerated ) and averages around 220. So you know what, like I said, if she has the skill to win then let her woop everyones as§!
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
AM not A CHICK OF BOWLING but I wanted to be in Manda's clique And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS! I'd rather blow it over with my storm, and 21mph ball speed on dry shots.