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Author Topic: First Nationals post mortem  (Read 842 times)


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First Nationals post mortem
« on: June 26, 2007, 02:23:00 PM »
Facility was great overall.  Tournament very well run.  Kudos to all involved.  First shift for team, second for D/S.  Accuracy was the name of the game, and I didn't have that, so didn't have game.  Line didn't seem to hold up long in team.  Took one 2000-grit pearl, a Shift, an oil ball, and a spare.  Didn't need the oil ball, that's for sure.  Only two nits, one unrelated to the tournament itself:

1)  Approaches were very 'dusty' for D/S.  I played right next to the middle carpet area, so maybe that had something to do with it.  Slide sole loaded up with dust within 2-3 frames.  So went from no slide to alot of slide and back again after a wipe of the towel.  Never knew for sure if I was going to fall down or not.  Yeah, should have just wiped for every shot <sigh>.  Believe this definitely hurt accuracy and consistency, but that's no excuse.  Need to work on those aspects of my game, for sure.

2)  Flew Southwest Air back.  Ugh.  First, SWA made me sign a waiver of liability for damage on my ball bag.  Second was the free-for all seating--and I was in group C.  I am a big guy--not fat, just big in shoulders and chest, so the kiddie seats in coach, with no seating choices, is a show-stopper.  Never again.

But, I'm hooked.  See y'all in Albuquerque, after a renewed focus on accuracy and consistency over reaction strength.  Next year will probably take one control ball, one pearl, and one spare and that's it.  Best wishes and many thanks to the USBC tournament staff.  It was a great tournament.