I threw a Dry Heat pin above bridge and cg in center of grip box finish for all 9 games. As Jabroni stated, who you cross with plays a great deal on what you use and where. What I was upset about, is that their oil schedule was different from previous years. They have 3 squads of singles/doubles in the morning before re-oiling for the first team event of the day. Memory serves me correctly, it was oil in the morning, 1 squad each of team and s/d and then reoil and repeat the process throughout the course of the day. We had the last squad that morning (3rd squad after oiling in the morning), so I was playing where Tommy Jones was playing the final game of the US Open. I bowled on 13-14 for S/D and by the 3rd game of singles, i was standing on lane 13 lofting gutter to lane 14. It was the deepest I have been at the Natls in quite a few years. They softened up the shot this year so bowlers of all styles could play anywhere on the lane and score. Crankers can get deep and open up and the strokers can play off the gutter with ball reaction and success with the right bowler/ball matchup. Jabroni made a comment to me in Corpus that if I had a Desert Heat, I could have whacked them in s/d, but I did not anticipate needing something weaker than a "Dry Hook" as he put it.
Steven Vance
Atlanta (Buford), GA
Pro Shop Operator
Advanced Bowling Solutions
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!