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Author Topic: General Strategy at Nationals  (Read 4691 times)


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General Strategy at Nationals
« on: June 20, 2007, 06:13:17 AM »
I was just curious as to if anyone could give me a little advice about some general strategy on how to play the lanes.  I have never bowled Nationals and I know that without all of my stats it will be hard to give perfect advice.  I am a medium rev, medium speed player.  I just want a general idea of how to attack the lanes as a team and how you guys prepare mentally.  I bowl next week.  Any advice is welcomed.  Thanks in advance.
I use Storm - you want to smell my balls


B Pirnie

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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2007, 07:23:36 PM »
Check the USBC OPEN or PBA Midwestern region boards. Riggs (Jeff Richgels) posted his report on the lanes. His report seemed to be very similar to what I saw there.
 As for getting loose before D&S the stub lane is open then. It costs $11 to throw a few shots and you get a photo. Doesn't take many pins to make the $11 back if you have a good set.


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2007, 09:47:32 PM »

I took my Mammoth and tried going up the 6 board and got the ball to the hole for about 4 frames and then it was gone. If you shot 300 going up the 5 board, good for you. I dont know anyone else that could even the ball to wrinkle outside on the days I bowled.


That's because 98% of bowlers today have no idea how to properly play the outside part of the lane.  We play 10 to 5 in league and think we've got it down.

I played up 7 in team event and made over $4k in brackets shooting 660.  I moved in for s/d only because the lanes were very broken down and ended up at 1942 AE.

If you can properly play the is wide open.

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2007, 09:55:57 PM »

I took my Mammoth and tried going up the 6 board and got the ball to the hole for about 4 frames and then it was gone. If you shot 300 going up the 5 board, good for you. I dont know anyone else that could even the ball to wrinkle outside on the days I bowled.


That's because 98% of bowlers today have no idea how to properly play the outside part of the lane.  We play 10 to 5 in league and think we've got it down.

I played up 7 in team event and made over $4k in brackets shooting 660.  I moved in for s/d only because the lanes were very broken down and ended up at 1942 AE.

If you can properly play the is wide open.

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"

Your 30 years younger than I am. Your knee wasn't swollen 2 times what it should have been. You have more revs than I do, and it depends all on how the others on the pair are playing the lanes.

I do know how to play the outside part of the lane when I gives me an area to get the ball to the hole, but when I start leaving stone 10 pins as they are called today I look for something else.

I was playing the 1-2 board before you were born, so I think I know how to play the outside.



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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2007, 10:35:58 PM »
If your knee and ball roll keep you from playing outside....maybe you should refrain from discouraging others to do the same.

Just a thought....

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2007, 06:34:47 AM »
If your knee and ball roll keep you from playing outside....maybe you should refrain from discouraging others to do the same.

Just a thought....

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"

There were 3 others who responded about shooting outside of 8 besides me. You picked me to comment on my suggestions. Just because you scored outside of 8 doesn't mean all the others yet to bowl should stay there and not try inside to see if it just might work for them.

I was giving this kid who is going to his first nationals advice on where to try and see what might work for him. From what I have read not many bowlers have been able to score from outside. If you watch the Greg Lemond clip, he is playing inside 20 and he did pretty good from there if you think 795 is ok.

So just maybe your line is not for everybody?



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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2007, 09:48:28 AM »
Easy guys.  It's not a big deal.  I will try all the lines I feel comfortable with to start and go from there.  All the advice is much appreciated.  I can play different parts of the lane if need be.  I will try outside and straight up, but that is not my "A" game.  But, if it happens to be striking more, I will stay there.  We will see.  I just want to have a good experience for my first Nationals tournament and hope to score well enough to maybe get a check back.
I use Storm - you want to smell my balls


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2007, 12:13:10 PM »
What is the rest of your team going to do?  That will have a huge impact on how the lanes play.  Get everyone to play the same area if at all possible.  

I found straighter with some surface to be the best option this year.  The shot allows you to hook the ball as much as you desire, but from what I saw and experienced the guys that were trying to play the big hooks were getting in more trouble via designer splits and washouts.  Where the the guys playing a bit straighter were holding the pocket much better and leaving easier spares.

I threw a ROTOGRIP Epic Battle in team(should have switched to the STORM Double Agent earlier the third game).  Started doubles with the Battle and quickly switched to the Double Agent for the rest of D/S.  There were occasional appearances by my Vertigo and Agent(original).      

Anyway good luck, have fun and enjoy your first Nationals.

I've been lucky long I'd like to get good.


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2007, 12:56:22 PM »
When I was there, I saw guys playing all over.  Some guys did really well shooting outside.  My first day it seemed anything 10 board or out sailed on you.  A more direct line was needed.  S/D The lanes broke down and there was some play.  
Overall, I saw people with shinny equipment.  Guy that I know that did well had particle pearl and shiny resin balls.  No idea what the surface was that they used.  I know one guy had his OOB condition on his Enriched Uranium.
To me it seemed I had to be right on.  There wasn't much forgiveness for me.  It was my first nationals, so I just was trying to have as much fun as possible while trying to bowl the best I could.
Member of F.O.S.

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Black Cherry Bomb, Super Carbide Bomb, Solid Uranium, Crystal Diamond, and Brunswick Raging Inferno
Which will be the next?....


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2007, 02:15:11 PM »
No matter where you play, you need to execute.  Because more people play inside, you will see more friction.  If you play on the spot, you'll see early hook.  If you can get just inside of the majority, you might get a small spot to bounce off of.  While I hook the ball plenty on a house shot, it's mostly because of the large amounts of dry available.  Put me on a heavier shot and watch me go much straighter than most.  I've learned my rev rate is not near as high as I once thought.  That being said, I had no problem playing outside.  I used a weakly drilled Tsunami at 1000 grit for all nine games.  Because my D/S were at 7am, I had fresh oil for everything.  Since my 2nd and 3rd games were all better than my 1st, a little more surface might have been a good thing.  Because I had to play straighter outside, I stayed out of trouble.  Just about all of my high shots ended up in splits, but I still avoided the washout/2-4-10, nose shot combinations that I saw.  Even if you do play inside, don't try to swing the ball a ton.  It's easy to throw it through the break point, but because the back ends are pretty lively, slow or left isn't a good thing if you're trying to slow hook the lane.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2007, 02:22:08 PM »
Thanks everyone for all the suggestions.  I will focus one shot at a time and see how it goes.  I leave Thursday morning and bowl the 8:30PM team event and the D/S on Friday.  I will have a report for everyone when I get back.  Once again, thanks for all the help and suggestions.
I use Storm - you want to smell my balls


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2007, 02:37:25 PM »
For team I attempted to play fairly straight (trying for the 7-8 board area).  When I was able to hit it, I was around the pocket.  However, for the team event, I seemed to have lost any and all sense of the so-so mechanics I have.  May have been the three straight days a drinking prior?  Anyway, I kept missing right... about 5 boards of where I was looking.  I think it took me 5 frames to hit the head pin and that was only because I just starting looking 5 boards deeper that I wanted to hit...
We had the late shift for s/d.  Our doubles pair still had a ton of oil and was quite touchy.. I was throwing the ball a lot better, but still didn't manage to make many spares.  I was playing around 15 at the arrows swinging the ball out to around 8-9-10 at the break point.  Pretty decent shot when I could hit it.  We flipped pairs with our teammates and it was like night and day.  The singles pair was absolutely flying (maybe because someone was covering 40 boards with their Fury/Shift combo the set prior ).  I moved in with my newly acquired Equation^2... standing against the ball return and pitching it right and managed to shoot a reasonable set.. easily would have been in the 700's if I had any sort of spare game (think I had 7 or 8 opens for the set.. including 10th frame of last game), but managed a high 640 (by the way, didn't make it through any brackets shooting 208 my first game)...  

But it was absolutely night and day between the doubles and singles pair...  So I think it really depends on the pair you catch and the people bowling there before you.

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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2007, 02:41:44 PM »
Hey everyone, I am back.

I must say that I had a great first experience for Nationals.

Team -  Team event was my lowest set.  I had games of 147, 156 and 230.  The first two games I tried to play around 10 or so and I just couldn't execute.  I had 6 splits this game (one being a 7 - 10 in the pocket).  The oil outside made it a bit more difficult.  So, midway through the 2nd game, I moved inside and was playing around 18 out to the last board marker for my break point.  That was the change I needed as I started the third game with the first 6 strikes.  I got the next one outside of my breakpoint and I didn't come out of it clean and washed out.  I had two more strikes and then opened in the tenth with another split.  All in all, I felt like I had maybe found something for the next two sets.

Doubles - Doubles was my best set.  My three games were 183, 202 and 211.  I was playing right where I had finished off in Team.  It worked well for me, other than the fact if I missed right, I would have a split.  I think that my partner and I cashed.

Singles - Singles was the set that I felt I bowled the best.  My scores were 187, 208, and 180.  I moved 2 boards right on this pair as the group before us were a few ladies that threw the ball straight and didn't really change the shot too much.  The 208 game started out open, spare, spare.  The first open was a 7 - 10 in the hole.  So, I make my next two spares.  I get lined up again and get the next 4 in a row.  In the ninth, I threw a pretty good ball and I leave another 7 - 10 in the pocket.  A little frustrating.  I punched out in the 10th for the 208.  The third game, I got a little tired and I didn't execute as well and shot 180.

Overall, I had a great time.  It showed me that I really need to practice ALOT more.  Thanks again everyone for all of your thoughts and suggestions.  I will definitely be ready for next year.
I use Storm - you want to smell my balls


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2007, 02:51:07 PM »
Nice bowling.  Nearly a 190 average your first time at nationals is certainly respectable.  You get rid of those really low games to start and....

As a fellow Storm user I'm curious, what balls did you throw?

I've been lucky long I'd like to get good.

Edited on 7/2/2007 2:51 PM


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Re: General Strategy at Nationals
« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2007, 02:52:40 PM »
I started with my Passion for the first couple games and finished the rest of the way with my Ace.
I use Storm - you want to smell my balls