Props to you, Shawn, for putting together an amazing series at Nationals!
For the rest of you, just a few observations ...
First, I don't know Shawn, even though we are members of the same local association. I do know from the USBC story that he has only been bowling for four years.
I've also been bowling for four years, and between my first and third years of bowling, my average improved more than 30 pins.
He's younger, stronger and in better shape than me, so I have no doubt that he could improve more quickly and more dramatically than a middle-aged overweight woman with no athletic ability.
In February of this year, he sent me a PM asking about my coach, his coaching style, and what types of skills he teaches. That shows to me that he is very interested in improving his game. From Shawn's post above, he took my word and sought out this coach. By the way, the bowler I go to for coaching is currently in the Eagle position in Doubles at the USBC Open.
Why is it we are so quick to judge people who have an amazing series to be sandbaggers or cheats? Everyone who has a banner day at the bowling center isn't named Mushtare.