Which of these should I take
Icon 300 (hopefully I sell it...lol)
Swamp Monster (coming)
Eraser Particle Pearl (reaction loss is setting in)
X-factor Reloaded (to sell or not to sell)
El nino 2000 (really no reaction left)
Time zone (no backend...rolls like urethane)
Too Hot (hates OB)
Nitro (4 sets of plugs...almost didnt pass last year!)
White dot
Right now I am thinking of polishing up the Time Zone for singles and doubles when they start to burn up, bringing either the reloaded or EPP, the swamp monster (if I want to play straighter outside to start), and my too hot. I have to redrill my white dot for it to be effective so it'll probably be left at home.
I am lacking a true medium ball I think (maybe a hot rod or brusier or charge would go well)
I really want to dump them all for new equip, but Im a poor college student...lol
(Ideally I would bring the a power charge, a bruiser and a hot wire and maybe something for some oil, just in case there are more units)
Any help is appreciated.