Ok here is my report on this years nationals...We had about 3-4 practices sessions back in Detroit but most everything we saw at home didn't hook as much as what we saw yesterday. For those that watchted the live stream we tried to start out practice around 5. Some of us had a little surface and some of us didn't, we felt if too many of us had surface we would have ruined the front of the pattern so we mixed that up a little bit. For the most part we made them very playable by the end of the 1st game, it was just a matter of good execution and getting the darn ball off my hand and most importantly you MUST MAKE YOUR SPARES.
The variety of balls used were, DV8 too reckless, Crossroads, Black Eagles, Black Taboo, Brunswick C system and there new Black Ball (can't think of the name right now) and Eruptions.
Majority of use were using 4.5-5" pins as those seemed to go through the 1-3 a little better. We had an idea of using shorter pins from axis but with the more friction we saw those drillings didn't face the 1-3 good enough to get the carry you want.
With the teams that are coming out I do believe someone will get around the current leaders. We bowl D/S today at 11:30 hopefully I can make some spares today.

If you have any questions feel free to ask I will try to asnwer them when I see them. I hope some of this helps.
Bowl well!!