I just got home last night from this year's trip to Reno, my 22nd year doing Nationals. It's always interesting to listen to the commentary given by those who run the booths. Some of it is interesting, some outlandish, but it's always entertaining. This year's crop of comments was particularly entertaining, so much so that I thought I would share a few of the highlights for consideration. Some of these comments are so strange that I feel the need to promise you up front these were actual statements told to me by the booth staffers. Believe me, you can't make this stuff up! I have suppressed names and companies in order to protect the innocent...
"_________" is an absolute jerk.
"Dual angles are complete marketing hype and have no value whatsoever."
"You need to listen to me. I have worked for this company for 20 years, and I have lunch with the guy who owns the company. I don't know and can't tell you any of the Rg's or differentials in any of our equipment because none of it matters".
"There is no such thing as mass bias. Stop and think about it. A bowling ball is round, how can it have a mass bias"? I PROMISE he said and meant mass bias, this was NOT a cgnomaddah comment or discussion. We were talking about the 6-3/4 MB location.
In answer to my comment that a particular polished ball I was considering was well known for over/under OOB and needed to have the surface adjusted... "No, that's wrong, you never want to change the surface on a polished ball. You will affect the reaction that it was designed for. If you do not like the OOB of a polished ball, then buy a solid ball in the first place".
After hearing this year's group of comments, I am more convinced than ever that I did the right thing when I stopped buying balls at Nationals many years ago.
Signature? I dont need no stinking signature...