Alright, so I've seen some folks saying they need stronger covers with fresh surfaces.
I am a speed dominant player, so I'll be bringing surface for sure. And it sounds like a lot of ball is required to help get the ball go through the pins. Here's what I'm thinking for an arsenal at the moment, what do you guys think?
Reality, sanded to 1k, pin up drilling
Aspect, sanded to 1k, pin down drilling
Inception DCT Pearl, sanded to 1500, pin down drilling (strictly for teams)
Flux Solid, sanded to 1500, pin up drilling
Respect, sanded 2k, pin in ring
For Teams, I start w/DCT Pearl since it's a slower response to friction and that type of look is good for Game 1. I'm hoping the pearl cover will help me camp out most of Game 1, and then can change to the Aspect or Respect and continue camping.
For S/D, I start with the Aspect, possibly at 800 or 1000, playing straighter. Then when it's time to migrate, I'll switch to my Reality with a max flare layout. Once that becomes a bit much, transition to whatever I need.