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Author Topic: Help - I Suck at South Point  (Read 12622 times)


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Help - I Suck at South Point
« on: March 15, 2021, 08:17:46 AM »
Hey guys, I'm looking for a little help. Like the title says - I suck at South Point. For whatever reason, I just cannot get a ball to read the lanes properly in the bowling plaza. I do pretty alright in the bowling center though, so I'm glad S/D are there.

Anywho, what type of gear works well for you at South Point? What type of surfaces? And also, how do you see the transition?
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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2021, 10:54:18 AM »
My assumption would be you do alright in the regular center because there is a ton of friction.

I know I've been able to use stronger covers and more surface in the Plaza


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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2021, 11:15:36 AM »
The regular center hooks a lot more than the plaza, combine that with some questionable lane topography in the plaza and that would make sense that your ball doesn't read the lanes well.  If you have this problem on multiple pairs in the plaza it could just be due to there being less friction instead of topography issues.

When the gutter hooks a bit on a tough pattern it makes a huge difference versus having hang at the gutter which usually comes down to topography.

I've definitely had to use stronger covers/more surface in the plaza and they have always played a bit tougher in there for me.

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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2021, 03:27:01 PM »
I suck there too man, this year I'm packing some extra shell in a fresh Axiom and Reality.

Then down to a HB Solid Extreme and a Pro Motion.....

Then down to probably and All Road and that will be my bag.


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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2021, 10:01:46 AM »
Same here. One of my best National tournaments was at the Cashman Center. S Point, ugh, it's been horrible.

So I am not going to stay there either, just break up the whole trip. The less time I spend in there, the better.

Remember though, every year is a new opportunity. Some guys used 500 abralon in my group last time, and had moderate success. Never say die...


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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2021, 08:26:39 PM »
Alright, so I've seen some folks saying they need stronger covers with fresh surfaces.

I am a speed dominant player, so I'll be bringing surface for sure. And it sounds like a lot of ball is required to help get the ball go through the pins. Here's what I'm thinking for an arsenal at the moment, what do you guys think?

Reality, sanded to 1k, pin up drilling
Aspect, sanded to 1k, pin down drilling
Inception DCT Pearl, sanded to 1500, pin down drilling (strictly for teams)
Flux Solid, sanded to 1500, pin up drilling
Respect, sanded 2k, pin in ring

For Teams, I start w/DCT Pearl since it's a slower response to friction and that type of look is good for Game 1. I'm hoping the pearl cover will help me camp out most of Game 1, and then can change to the Aspect or Respect and continue camping.

For S/D, I start with the Aspect, possibly at 800 or 1000, playing straighter. Then when it's time to migrate, I'll switch to my Reality with a max flare layout. Once that becomes a bit much, transition to whatever I need.
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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2021, 01:30:41 AM »
Not familiar with The Plaza but very familiar with the original center. I’ve bowled leagues there since SP opened some 19 or so years.

The original center features a flood in the middle and a large wall of friction allowing a lot of bump outside. It is a typical high scoring modern environment, at least for league play, especially so if you are speed dominant.

As the lanes break down, and recently they break down quickly, speed with lower revs/rotation can be very forgiving and ones best friend. I’ve seen many bowlers match up and average well there and not match up as well when they move houses with a slicker condition.

I haven’t bowled serious tournaments in awhile, (older and no time to dedicate practice for competitive shots), but when I did, I don’t remember one that would match this type of forgiving environment for a mere mortal, couple of nights a week league bowler, like myself.

That all said, I’ll let people far more knowledgeable than me comment on balls, layout, etc. that can best help you match up well to the Plaza conditions.


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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2021, 08:02:39 AM »
Here's the moral of the story guys regarding the Plaza and the other center where the Journal is either make shots or you don't.

Certainly ball selection and prep are important factors but I mean, you have to make pristine shots off the hand, be consistent with accuracy and speed and throw them pure.  Anything other than that you're washing out or shooting a 2-10 or 3-6-10 etc (as a righty).


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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2021, 08:34:56 AM »
My 2 cents:

The Plaza:  Plays tight and combining that with a sports pattern makes for a fun environment to bowl on.  Assuming they follow previous years team patterns, I will throw a pin down IQ Tour Solid at 2000 grit and when they dry out move to a pin up Code Black at OOB.  I don't believe the Team event pattern is that difficult its the venue that makes is hard.

The Bowling Center: I bowled a tournament there, on their THS, Jan 2020.  The lanes have built in friction and the equipment that worked best was low RG, low diff, if you attempted to throw anything with high diff it had to be polished because it would react very squirrelly and hit like a turd.  With S/D being held there, and the pattern sticks to the previous years pattern statistics, I plan on starting with an Axiom at OOB (as normal for S/D event) but will be quick to switch to my IQ Tour Solid or maybe the Money Badger Tour, if I see that same squirrelly reaction.

Lineup (if I left tomorrow):

Axiom - pin over ring at 3K
Phaze 2 - pin under ring at 3K
Money Badger Tour - pin over ring at 2K
IQ Tour Solid - pin under ring at 2K
Code Black - pin up next to ring at 1K polished
Spare Ball

**might swap Phaze 2 for Hy-Road Max with same layout/surface prep


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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2021, 09:55:11 AM »
My 2 cents:

The Plaza:  Plays tight and combining that with a sports pattern makes for a fun environment to bowl on.  Assuming they follow previous years team patterns, I will throw a pin down IQ Tour Solid at 2000 grit and when they dry out move to a pin up Code Black at OOB.  I don't believe the Team event pattern is that difficult its the venue that makes is hard.

The Bowling Center: I bowled a tournament there, on their THS, Jan 2020.  The lanes have built in friction and the equipment that worked best was low RG, low diff, if you attempted to throw anything with high diff it had to be polished because it would react very squirrelly and hit like a turd.  With S/D being held there, and the pattern sticks to the previous years pattern statistics, I plan on starting with an Axiom at OOB (as normal for S/D event) but will be quick to switch to my IQ Tour Solid or maybe the Money Badger Tour, if I see that same squirrelly reaction.

Lineup (if I left tomorrow):

Axiom - pin over ring at 3K
Phaze 2 - pin under ring at 3K
Money Badger Tour - pin over ring at 2K
IQ Tour Solid - pin under ring at 2K
Code Black - pin up next to ring at 1K polished
Spare Ball

**might swap Phaze 2 for Hy-Road Max with same layout/surface prep

I like this, it's an arsenal of benchmark-type pieces. And that's good info about the Plaza vs. the Center. I think using pieces that roll heavy, and can blend front-to-back, is my key to success. Thanks for this info!
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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2021, 10:58:18 AM »
Here's the moral of the story guys regarding the Plaza and the other center where the Journal is either make shots or you don't.

Certainly ball selection and prep are important factors but I mean, you have to make pristine shots off the hand, be consistent with accuracy and speed and throw them pure.  Anything other than that you're washing out or shooting a 2-10 or 3-6-10 etc (as a righty).

Pretty much sums up any USBC/ABC tournament I've ever attended (17). Honestly though, S Point seems to offer absolutely no forgiveness compared to the other 15 tournaments I bowled in.

Yes, I own the bad shots for sure. I still don't like S Point, but maybe I turn it around this time.


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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2021, 11:23:44 AM »
Here's the moral of the story guys regarding the Plaza and the other center where the Journal is either make shots or you don't.

Certainly ball selection and prep are important factors but I mean, you have to make pristine shots off the hand, be consistent with accuracy and speed and throw them pure.  Anything other than that you're washing out or shooting a 2-10 or 3-6-10 etc (as a righty).

Pretty much sums up any USBC/ABC tournament I've ever attended (17). Honestly though, S Point seems to offer absolutely no forgiveness compared to the other 15 tournaments I bowled in.

Yes, I own the bad shots for sure. I still don't like S Point, but maybe I turn it around this time.

This is exactly how I feel. The two times I've bowled at South Point might be the lowest 2 sets I've ever rolled in teams. It's either I get a good reaction and bad carry, or good carry and a completely unpredictable reaction. Talk about frustrating! lol
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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2021, 11:35:29 AM »
I do like the ending of your post, "LOL". Say's so much.  ;D  Excellent attitude, I figure.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 11:40:44 AM by jimjames »


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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2021, 11:55:32 AM »
I do like the ending of your post, "LOL". Say's so much.  ;D  Excellent attitude, I figure.

Haha, thanks JimJames (jim jim?). The pandemic gave me a fresh respect for the miracle that is life. I have an absolute luxury to throw a ball across some flooring panels and knock things down. I may get frustrated, but I'll love every second of it!
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Re: Help - I Suck at South Point
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2021, 01:09:32 PM »
My 2 cents:

The Plaza:  Plays tight and combining that with a sports pattern makes for a fun environment to bowl on.  Assuming they follow previous years team patterns, I will throw a pin down IQ Tour Solid at 2000 grit and when they dry out move to a pin up Code Black at OOB.  I don't believe the Team event pattern is that difficult its the venue that makes is hard.

The Bowling Center: I bowled a tournament there, on their THS, Jan 2020.  The lanes have built in friction and the equipment that worked best was low RG, low diff, if you attempted to throw anything with high diff it had to be polished because it would react very squirrelly and hit like a turd.  With S/D being held there, and the pattern sticks to the previous years pattern statistics, I plan on starting with an Axiom at OOB (as normal for S/D event) but will be quick to switch to my IQ Tour Solid or maybe the Money Badger Tour, if I see that same squirrelly reaction.

Lineup (if I left tomorrow):

Axiom - pin over ring at 3K
Phaze 2 - pin under ring at 3K
Money Badger Tour - pin over ring at 2K
IQ Tour Solid - pin under ring at 2K
Code Black - pin up next to ring at 1K polished
Spare Ball

**might swap Phaze 2 for Hy-Road Max with same layout/surface prep

I like this, it's an arsenal of benchmark-type pieces. And that's good info about the Plaza vs. the Center. I think using pieces that roll heavy, and can blend front-to-back, is my key to success. Thanks for this info!

You're welcome, but the thanks really goes to Luke Rosdahl.  He put out a video on youtube about building 2 small event specific arsenals for Nationals instead one large one.

For example (from what I plan on taking):

Team event:
IQ Tour Solid
Phaze 2
Code Black

S/D event:
Phaze 2
Code Black

You might notice I didn't list the Money Badger Tour in any of the arsenals.  I did that because that ball matches up really well with me, but it wouldn't be my first choice for any of the events.  My thought is it my might make an appearance in the S/D event, if the squirrelly reaction appears and the IQ Tour isn't enough ball.