Those that are not REAL scratch bowlers (ie. bowl regularly on sport condition leagues, PBAX leagues, etc.) are "idiots" if bowling Natl's. UNLESS they are going for a vacation.
Do you really think you are going to walk away with decent $$$ if you aren't among the bowlers that understand equipment, lane conditions, how to break down a pair with a team, shoot spares dead straight, vary a trajectory from playing the twig to getting inside of the 5th arrow to 8 board at the break point, etc.

?? Do you want to bowl on a THS at Natl's?
You are giving $$$ to the elite bowlers that are taking it from you. They know that now you should understand that. Dumb bunny's!
Good gawd I don't bowl Natl's anymore I know I am not that good. Sheesh take it as a vacation and leave it at that. Otherwise quit your whining. I'd never want to see it as a hdcp. tourney.
BTW.....this is how ABC/USBC keeps's NOT off your sanctions dues it's off you folks that keep on bowling Natl's. Wake up and smell the coffee!
This Nat'l tourney dies and USBC dies. Duh!