The key to Nationals, or any flatter pattern is not to try to find something that opens the lanes up to the max, but finding something that will give you a predictable breakpoint, and not go too much sideways off the end of the oil. I don't think anyone is going to need a hook monster on a 38 foot team pattern, even with ice oil. If you want to go with power, I would opt for the Alpha Crux or Nirvana.
My game plan will be to start with my IQ tour solid, and see how it reads between 7 and 10 board. Depending on the reaction I will either go with my control layout Viral Solid, or go in and try to get a look off my Paradox hybrid with polish.
Its really all about transitions. I never have trouble getting lined up out of the gate. How the carrydown sets up becomes a much bigger factor, especially with a 38 ft pattern.