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Author Topic: I can only take 4 balls to reno...  (Read 1933 times)


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I can only take 4 balls to reno...
« on: February 19, 2004, 05:03:42 AM »
Which of these should I take

Icon 300 (hopefully I sell
Swamp Monster (coming)
Eraser Particle Pearl (reaction loss is setting in)
X-factor Reloaded (to sell or not to sell)
El nino 2000 (really no reaction left)
Time zone (no backend...rolls like urethane)
Too Hot (hates OB)
Nitro (4 sets of plugs...almost didnt pass last year!)
White dot

Right now I am thinking of polishing up the Time Zone for singles and doubles when they start to burn up, bringing either the reloaded or EPP, the swamp monster (if I want to play straighter outside to start), and my too hot.  I have to redrill my white dot for it to be effective so it'll probably be left at home.

I am lacking a true medium ball I think (maybe a hot rod or brusier or charge would go well)

I really want to dump them all for new equip, but Im a poor college
(Ideally I would bring the a power charge, a bruiser and a hot wire and maybe something for some oil, just in case there are more units)

Any help is appreciated.



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Re: I can only take 4 balls to reno...
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2004, 11:38:09 PM »
Well, here's what I would do...
I'd ship 4 fedex ground to my hotel, and take 4 on the plane.
Then I can make up my mind once I get there and see what everyone else is throwing.

Also - do you have time to resurface or treat any of the balls with Hook Again? Might help.
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Re: I can only take 4 balls to reno...
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2004, 11:20:01 PM »
haha... I would sell all of the listed equipment and use the proceeds to buy a couple new balls.  Nothing like new out of the box reaction.  I think a medium pearl and a medium to medium strong solid.  Possibly a "Thing Returns" and a solid Buzzsaw....  maybe a blueberry or a green bomb.  Pick whichever one feels the best and go from there.  I think, especially on tougher shots, you cna get caught up in changing equipment and trying to find the magic ball.  By the time you cycle through your equipment, you are well into your 2nd game and the set is 1/2 way over.  Pick something that you are confident with (and getting a reasonable reaction) and go with it.  Makes for one less think to worry about.

The Bengals season has come to an end.  Achieved the .500 mark, so all was not lost.  Now we look forward to April...  Come on Chris Gamble


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Re: I can only take 4 balls to reno...
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2004, 08:22:27 AM »
Here's a simple suggestion, IMO:

Take one that hooks, one that doesn't, a middle of the road/arc type, and plastic.

I figure I have all my bases covered if I choose 4 of these.
White Dot
If you don't knock them all down with the first ball, that's no reason to leave any after the second ball.


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Re: I can only take 4 balls to reno...
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2004, 06:14:23 PM »
It all depends on how you are going to play the lanes. From when I was there if you played straight up 10 SLOW ball speed and something aggresive you can do it. However if you swing out to 10 and out it will not come back. I was using my Pearl Carbide C Buzzsaw and was able to play about 18-12. My teammate was using his Monster Frenzy that just slide to far. My suggestion is to have something to get clean through the heads and have good recovery on the backends. Event though the backends are pretty strong. It all depends on your game as well of course. Reading what you put on here maybe drill a few new ones before you go or get a couple there.
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Re: I can only take 4 balls to reno...
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2004, 06:20:51 PM »
Chris - have you checked in your area to see if any of the local houses are or will put down the same type of shot they have in the stadium?  (It is pretty popular here)  True, the conditions wouldn't be identical, but it would allow you to get a better idea of what type of reaction you will get from each piece of equipment.
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Re: I can only take 4 balls to reno...
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2004, 08:51:10 PM »
My local house put down the shot and for me my sapphire zone and angle evolution reactive worked well on it.  The earlier rolling zone made a nice arc to the pocket, and when carrydown set I played straight up with the evolution and it worked well.  From that, I would imagine the reactives like the time zone and too hot would probably be good.
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling