I think the extreme differences from low end to high end diminished greatly when they installed the new lanes a few years back.
In general, high end is tighter ... probably cause low end gets more play and so lanes are more worn. Most people like the low end better but I've had some real struggles on some of the pairs on the low end and great success on some of the pairs on the high end in PBA stuff there. My least favorie pairs are the 30s and guess where we are for everything this year?
I also know people who swear 51-52 is a death pair.
That being said, I think who is in front of you in minors and how they play the lanes and how you manage the pattern in team is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than any pair to pair differences.
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here: