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Author Topic: June 16th and June 17th be down there  (Read 1267 times)


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June 16th and June 17th be down there
« on: May 29, 2008, 04:20:47 AM »
Well my group of people will be heading down there to bowl on these dates, and look forward to it, should make it down there on the 15th, and be leaving out on the 18th.  
think we bowl @ 8:30pm
and 7 or something like that other day, I will post up lanes when I get a chance
If anyone else will be down there @ same time hope you have alot of fun and look for the crazy group

untill then
still trying to figure out which balls to take and @ what coverstock

lets see here is everything I will be choosing from, looking to take down 7

Morich LevRG
Morich Shock N Awe
Morich Awesome Finisih
Roto Grip Quest
Roto Grip Cell
Roto Grip Odeysee x2 (prob only 1 due to be playing with drillings on other)
Brunswick Ichiro Vizaball
Ebonite SR300
Storm Attitude Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl

ok out of that wanting to take 7
what 7 do I take and what coverstock should I take them LOLOL
going to be doing the 40 frame game, roto grip challenge, possibley something else besides just the main tourny.  

anyway thats all for now chat with you all later back to work

current arsenal
Storm Attitude Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl
Morich Shock & Awe
Morich LevRG
Roto Grip Quest
Roto Grip Cell
Roto Grip Odysse x2
Brunswick vizaball Ichiro

Columbia 300 Piranha/c Pearl (old school been sent out to some 1 )

Ebonite SR300 15lb (4 sale)
Morich Awesome Finish 15lb (4 sale)
Morich Ravage 15lb (4 sale)
pm me if intersted in any of these balls for sale

Edited on 5/29/2008 12:22 PM



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Re: June 16th and June 17th be down there
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2008, 10:23:04 AM »
this up for joe

current arsenal all 15lbs
Storm Attitude Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl
Morich Shock & Awe
Morich LevRG
Roto Grip Quest
Roto Grip Cell
Roto Grip Odysee
Brunswick vizaball Ichiro

Ebonite SR300 15lb (4 sale)
Morich Awesome Finish 15lb (4 sale)
Morich Ravage 15lb (4 sale)
Roto Grip Odysee 16lb (4 sale)

pm me if intersted in any of these balls for sale


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Re: June 16th and June 17th be down there
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2008, 05:24:47 PM »
I will miss you by a couple of days. I will be there 6/19 thru 6/21. We bowl Friday and Saturday.

Interested in what everyone thinks about your arsenal but not getting to much feedback. Good luck and good bowling.
Deven Walls

Pro Shop Staff Member
Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"