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Author Topic: Kevin Dornberger---  (Read 8205 times)


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Kevin Dornberger---
« on: May 20, 2010, 05:11:42 AM »
And here I thought he wasn't a smart person.. Ohh wait but he is. Drives the USBC straight into ground, then takes over as WTBA President. Ohh and now he is able to release fun stuff like this to screw the USBC and our National tournament.

Side Note this is all over.. Wait for it... Wait.... Yup the fact that you are able to drink during squads. WTBA has a huge policy against that!! I said it in the very beginning when they first announced this damn new thing, that it was going to hurt in the end! Sure enough now it will take away some bowlers and only get worse I am sure.



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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2010, 10:16:07 PM »
There is a time and a place for everything in this world and drinking while competing in the USBC Open Championships is neither the time nor the place for that.


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2010, 06:34:53 AM »
MI 2 AZ-

This is where Dornberger screwed us in the beginning. It was his DREAM to see bowling in the Olympics someday. I can't fault a guy for having a dream and doing whatever possible to see that dream though. BUT at what expense do you go through to try and achieve this dream?!

The USOC and Olympic committees all said that in order to get bowling in the Olympics professional bowlers must be eligible to bowl in the events. So Kevin then turned around and started allowing the professional bowlers on Team USA. NOT only did he allow them on, he had a selection committee CHOOSE who could be on Team USA from the professional bowlers. They didn't even have to try out for the team. Submit a resume and you had a chance to be chosen. The reason for not having to try out? Because they didn't want to interrupt the PBA season and the tournaments they were already bowling. PLUS doing all of this only would give us a CHANCE to get on 1 ballot that was for potential Olympic sports. After we got through that ballot we had to be on another one for future Olympic sports to be added to the games. So we had a slim chance to begin with!

So now lets take a look at this. It has been a few years since I brought up this argument so the #'s might not be exact, but pretty darn close.

The last year of Team USA that only amateurs were allowed to bowl:

140 men bowled
90 women bowled
$300 entry fees = $69,000

Plus they were bowling for 8 spots on each team. Just about all of these players had a chance to travel and bowl international tournaments to represent Team USA! 5 were from qualifying, 3 from selection committee.

Selecting the professionals and allowing them to bowl trials:

1st year-
75 men bowled
50 girls bowled
$300 entry fees = $37,500

Plus they were bowling for 4 spots on each team, which in no way shape or form guarantees you a chance to travel to any tournament. It is pretty amazing that you could go through the process and win TEAM USA and not travel to a tournament! 2 were from qualifying and 2 were selection committee. So basically you are bowling for 2 spots.

I had figured it out at one time the expenses it cost someone to bowl for 2 spots:

$300 entry, $400 flight, $420 for hotel (1 week), $250 food (1 week), plus any other expenses. It is Las Vegas and all. So your in for roughly $1400 ++++ whatever money your losing at home from your job if you took time off! It is just amazing how so many people still go out and do it each year!

So as it may ONLY be $32,000 difference roughly between the 2 years, just think that TEAM USA pays for EVERYTHING for their bowlers. I am pretty sure that money could go a pretty long way! Meanwhile so much time, effort, and money were put into this project and we are nowhere closer to being in the Olympics as we were 5 years ago. So now we just have the "Dream Team" each year going to bowl tournaments all around the world

So MI 2 AZ to answer you question it would be the Olympic Committee's choice as to who would represent bowling in the governing body I believe. WTBA definitely would have a shoe in for the job as they are much more organized then USBC. Plus they have the whole world behind them, USBC has uugghhh very few Americans behind them.

Doctor Doom

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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2010, 07:19:46 AM »
The The Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ) would most likely represent bowling in the Olympics. Not the WTBA


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2010, 08:23:34 AM »
Yes, people should be informed of things that impact them!

A couple questions so I understand the scope of all this:

How many WTBA events are we talking about? What are they?

How many bowlers who bowl USBC OC would bowl the WTBA events?

Bottom line for me is I'd rather see USBC offer drinks than raise entry fees or dues ... being that they are so hard up for $$$
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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2010, 08:41:20 AM »

I believe just about every European Bowlers Tour event is WTBA sanctioned. As well as any Asian Bowling Federation tournament.

Along with ALL major tournaments that national teams compete in.

There is current tournaments, plus you can see the past and future as well.

Edited on 5/23/2010 8:41 AM


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2010, 08:43:37 AM »
Even better -

All 3 zones that are a part of WTBA. Pabcon(America's), Asia, and Europe Zones.


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2010, 04:45:35 PM »
Mvpbowler, so according to the last link that you posted, the USBC is a part of the WTPA, as seen in the following link:

So the USBC is not sanctioning its Open Championship with a body that it belongs to?


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2010, 05:52:33 PM »
Mvpbowler, so according to the last link that you posted, the USBC is a part of the WTPA, as seen in the following link:

So the USBC is not sanctioning its Open Championship with a body that it belongs to?


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The USBC could not have possibly sanctioned the Open with the WTBA. The fact that alcohol is allowed to be consumed, during competition, is in violation of WTBA rules. So the only choice was not to sanction, with them. I have no problem with that, but I guess, it is becoming a worldwide scandal.


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2010, 06:54:00 AM »
The difference between all those WTBA events and the USBC OC is that those events are for top level bowlers -- they don't have Classified Divisions (unless I'm missing something).  

WTBA events are more on the level of PBA events.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense NOT to sanction USBC.

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2010, 06:55:29 AM »
George, one more question: Are you saying that someone who bowls in a State tournament or City tournament or some other tourney or even league that allows alcohol and is USBC certified could be DQ'd from WTBA eligibility?

If not, how are those events different from USBC OC?

If that is the case, WTBA might wanna reconsider its rules/regs.
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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2010, 07:00:23 AM »
The bottom line in this is that it's the UNITED STATES Bowling Congress Open Championships so why are people who don't bowl in U.S. leagues even eligible to bowl in the event?

And please don't run the jingoistic flag up the ladder -- I was writing years and years ago about the rise of international bowling and international bowlers and love that guys like Osku and Belmo come over here for PBA events and our top guys go across the globe.

But there's the difference -- PBA vs. USBC OC.  Two totally different things.  One is about top level bowling period.  The other essentially is the championships for U.S. league bowlers ... and IMO folks who don't bowl in U.S. leagues should NOT be eligible.
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2010, 06:07:28 PM »
MI 2 AZ, USBC has to be sanctioned with the WTBA if we want our country to participate in any country events. Mens/Womans/Youth World Championships, plus others that countries get together and compete in.

Riggs, You are fully opposed to allowing anyone bowl this tournament and getting entries? So what your also saying is the USBC Masters should only be allowing UNITED STATES bowlers to bowl in the event, as it is NOT a PBA event, but a USBC event. I know for a fact that we have international stars that fly over to bowl this event, YET have never thrown a ball in a USBC sanctioned league. BUT USBC has always said that if you buy your sanction card you can bowl any of their events. I am pretty sure no one is going to tell Belmo, Osku, Dom, Stu, Mads, along with anyone else from any foreign country they are NOT allowed to bowl.

Now onto your local association stuff. I believe the WTBA rules(not 100% sure) says that during no tournament may you drink alcohol or smoke during a squad. So the way I read it if a bowler representing a team of any country is bowling in one of these events, could potentially jeopardize their spot on a team. Again I am not 100% as to what it says during leagues or local tournaments. I have never been in a position to have to worry about that nor will I ever. But anyone that represents a countries national team probably could answer that for you.

All in all I have never been opposed to who can and can''''t bowl the USBC National Tournament. I do disagree with rules they have. The allowing of jeans and now the alcohol. I do think it puts a damper and makes our biggest event look classless now! I don''''t see the problem that for a total of 5-6 hours of bowling in 2 days that someone can''''t possible manage to wear slacks and a collared/mock shirt. Why is that so difficult to ask?! As well as waiting 3 hours to have an alcoholic beverage or any beverage at that!?

Edited on 5/24/2010 6:10 PM

On Further Review

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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2010, 07:40:51 PM »
I have a couple of questions that hopefully someone can answer.

Is the WTPA the governing body that would run bowling in the Olympics?  Wasn't one of the reasons for the USBC forming to get all of the US bowling bodies organized into one because of the Olympics?

Bowling didn't have much of a chance to get in the Olympics anyway, but USBC allowing drinking totally eliminates any chance whatsoever.
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On Further Review

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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2010, 08:00:08 PM »
George, why should bowlers in the U.S. care whether WTBA sanctions the USBC (US!!!) Open Championships??????

So a few bowlers can't come from outside the U.S. to bowl?

Don't see that as a big deal ... and no slight intended at them.

Didn't some players from outside the U.S. bowl in Reno? If so, doesn't that at least indirectly involve WTBA? Has Dornberger said anything for the record about the alcohol policy?
"Don't worry about voting to ram this bill down their throats. The stupid, idiotic American voters will forget by the time November comes around."


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Re: Kevin Dornberger---
« Reply #30 on: May 24, 2010, 09:22:21 PM »
Spoke to a nice Lady at The Silver Legacy TODAY.
As we chatted she said two teams from overseas
stayed there over the weekend and bowled at The Stadium.
One of the fellows had been to Reno 15 times.
She thought they were from Switzerland.(sp)
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