Here is something I have not shared anywhere that speaks to this topic.
When I sent our sheets in we split our guys 4 on 11:40 a.m. and 6 on 5:30 p.m. for minors. On my sheet it specifically was written to please have our 4 and 2 guys at 5:30 p.m. flip with each other for minors -- a pretty standard request.
I screwed up when I got all the sheets and didn''t notice that while we were on adjacent pairs for doubles they were NOT adjacents that flipped with EACH OTHER.
I didn''t notice it until Saturday morning -- the day we bowled minors -- when 11:40 guys were bowling. I wento to Kevin Olson at the registration desk and he looked up the sheet I sent in and saw what I had written and said that should not have happened. He offered to talk to some other folks on pairs in that area about possibly switching so we could flip. But before they arrived he had spoken to his superior Roger who overruled him and said they didn''t want to do that because it could appear that something funny was going on. I had said we didn''t want anything done that would appear funny but since we had the request in writing from long before we bowled it didn''t seem out of line if anyone said something about it. But I also agreed with Roger that it was probably best not to do anything because if we did bowl great in minors it could like something was done in our favor.
So in this case USBC bent over backward NOT TO DO ANYTHING FOR OUR GUYS!
Hardly what the conspiracy theorists might suggest.
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here: on 4/16/2010 3:59 PM