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Author Topic: leauge bowling  (Read 1800 times)


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leauge bowling
« on: April 07, 2008, 10:13:02 PM »
I can not belive how rude people are on league bowling instance my wife has never bowled in her life. She started up last year. Well she has a high handicap a #124. She throws a 14 pound brunswick breast cancer ball and it is plastic. Well one lady says she should not be allowed to bowl because she had a high handicap say for people who are very compete and are not out to have fun and enjoy bowling then they should start a league where if U have a handicap of 20 or less U should have a compete league. I mean some of the women where very rude to my wife. She loves the sport and she told me that she wants to quit. I told her not to worry about it. She has a very hard time to keep her hand straight. When she throws her palm is facing down. I plan on working on her  throw but that will take time and practice. So If any one like to commit Like that K.



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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2008, 06:36:19 AM »
Just tell her not to worry about what anyone says. Just go out and enjoy the game. If she continues to get better then she can tell those others off. Just remember to enjoy the game while starting.
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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2008, 08:09:03 AM »
There are jackholes in every league who can't do sixth grade math and therefore don't understand how handicap works.  You can't reason with them, you can't explain simple arithmetic they should have learned 20 years ago.  You can only ignore them and have fun.

There are some teams in my league that I don't enjoy bowling.  Some individuals that I wish would find some other diversion on Tuesday nights.  But really, we can't tell people not to bowl, if for no other reason than we cannot afford to lose more bowlers.

You could ask the league president or sergeant-at-arms to speak to these guys about their attitude.  It may not change the way they feel but it might keep them from being such jackholes about it.



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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 08:28:00 AM »
Just ignore and move on. I had this issue to arrise at a tournament I went to. I had 8 pins of handicap because I had never bowled there before and they went off a printout of last seasons high avg which wasn't great. Well I was doing really good, shooting a 300 first game then a 288 or something like that, well by the end of the 5 games of qualifing I was ahead of the 2nd place guy by 50 pins and his wife comes up to me and tells me that I better not come and expect to bowl with any handicap there ever again because she would see to it that I wouldn't get it.

I was kind of surprised and kind of like WTF? lol I mean when you do the math 8 pins per game in a 5 game qualifing block that would equal to 40 pins, I beat him by 50 so either way I beat him, so the argument was pointless anyways. I was just bowling extreamly well that night for some reason and just started off hot. The thing was though that it was my first trip up there and I'm guessing because they have never seen me bowl badly before she was upset that I had any handicap, but hey it happens to me week in and week out. I couldn't control what AVG they went by..
Throwing hambones since 2005.


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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 08:59:54 AM »
that is just terrible if it is a handicap it doesn't make a difference what her handicap is just tell her not to let it bother her and the next time YOU bowl against this witch of woman that said it you should bet her for some money if she is so good that will shut her up
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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2008, 09:19:37 AM »
I am in full agreement with the last comment, if someone is complaining about having to give handicap then they should get in a scratch league.  Even with the handicap thrown in we only calculate it at 80% of the difference so if you both bowl your average the higher average bowler will win.


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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2008, 09:22:54 AM »
I have a guy on my team that has an average of 88.  We had to add him after rosters were closed in the 22nd week.  My team is not running away with the league.  As a matter of fact, we are in second-last place.  Some good bowlers feel threatened that a high handicapped individual could bowl a 150 game or more.  The reality is that it rarely happens.  Our 88 average bowler broke 100 once.  My advice is to ignore that rude person and tell your wife to enjoy bowling.
Visionary Test Staff

I love the sound of falling pins anytime of the day.

I live in Buffalo, NY and contrary to popular belief, it is not snowing.

I wish I had Chuck Norris with me last night.  He would have made sure that 9 pin went down for my first 300 game.
I love the sound of falling pins anytime of the day.

I live in Buffalo, NY and contrary to popular belief, it is not snowing.

I didn't need Chuck Norris last night when I finally shot my first 800 series.

Check out this rad Boba Fett - he's playing clarinet


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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2008, 09:30:04 AM »
That's pretty bad when someone has to pick on your wife because of handicap.  My wife had a handicap and still does around 90 pins.  She is out to have fun and I will tell you if some told that my wife, I can promise you they would be pretty sorry.  That is why it is called a handicap league to give people who don't have high averages or who are just starting out a chance to win and have fun while learning.  Tell her to keep bowling and not to worry about it.  Next time your wife see's this witch tell to ask her where her Women's PBA card or tell her to ask if she is going to be on the USBC Queen's tournament in April or May.  If she says no then tell her to SHUT UP AND THEN ASK WHEN HER DREAM OF BEING THE BEST WILL BE OVER AND REALITY KICKS IN!!!!!!!!!!  Better yet ask her when she averaged over 220 on a Sport Shot or PBA Experience League for more than 5 years.  That should shut her up.  Plus if she start smirking after that you know you got to her.  To that I say Nice Job.

Edited on 4/8/2008 9:31 AM


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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2008, 10:03:58 AM »
thks to all of u who made your point it made my wife smile but made her heart very warm


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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2008, 02:17:09 PM »
I hate the abnormally high Handicap Bowlers as well, but theres nothing you can do about it, except bowl a scratch league. I plan to bowl scratch leagues as an adult next year, however as youth this year I can complain about the abnormally high handicap teams because I don't have scratch leagues lol.


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Re: leauge bowling
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2008, 03:25:40 PM »
At one time the ABC said that the fair handicap was around 117%, or something like that. This would allow the low average team to win as often as the high aveage team. At 80% they are giving you a 20% handicap.
Hi Bob, were the good old boys.