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Author Topic: left side  (Read 1399 times)


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left side
« on: April 03, 2013, 08:56:54 AM »
Anybody out there from the left side bowled usbc's.  If so where did you play and what kind of ball and surface.  I have practiced and bowled a couple of tournaments on the pattern here around home but I'm pretty sure they will not play like what i have seen at the tourneys.  Thanks in advance for your help.



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Re: left side
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2013, 10:23:08 PM »
im on this pattern in my league and we have the "ice" oil
we have a team that was in 2nd  for team and 1st for AE a few weeks ago.
Am told our shot is very close to what they saw out there
Team pattern - I drilled a pin down low flare and hand dulled to 1000
as long as i concentrated on "rolling" it off my hand, it was good
tried playing out around 5-6 with limited success.
Moved to 10 board and had a decent look 10-8 and moved in to maybe 12-9 in game 3.
im 385 ish, higher tracker and really tried to roll up the back of the ball.
Also, focused my mark about a foot short of the arrows to emphasize earlier roll.

Minors pattern was tougher I thought
pin down low flare was to dull at 1000, will try it at 3000 this week
struggled 1st two games on minors with pin up low flare, gamechanger, 300T
went to my 2000 dull 300A (pin is 2" to pap) and it was money around 12 -8
easy length, very even arcing with low short pin.

spare practice is the most important investment you can make IMO