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Author Topic: Lefties in Reno  (Read 1679 times)


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Lefties in Reno
« on: March 29, 2010, 08:01:48 AM »
Have any high rev, or high speed lefties been out to nationals? I am interested to hear what some of you may have seen/heard out there. Thanks.



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Re: Lefties in Reno
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2010, 09:35:37 PM »
I lost my timing while bowling most of the Nats but I did make good shots towards the end.  I was using some surface and staying between the second and third arrow and got to the rangefinder around 10 at the break point.  It plays similar to the right if you have some hand.  I think four out of my last six shots in singles were pocket strikes.  Out side of five one has to be be soft for it to make it back and swinging to the five at 20 feet or so will result in taking three off of the left side. Straight up with my 2D, Cell, or t-road solid resulted in a crossover.  Best look came from my Total Bedlam.

I am about 17 mph at the pinsand I have an inside out release if that helps .  I have more hand than a tweener but less than a no thumber.

The only thing I know for sure is you will need surface.


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Re: Lefties in Reno
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2010, 07:03:14 AM »
Did you see any shim if you got the ball in? I keep hearing that all the miss room seems to be out, not in like last year.


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Re: Lefties in Reno
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2010, 10:53:08 AM »
How far is in?  I did see a little hold if I was able to keep the speed up about one or two boards but if the speed was soft it was a crossover.  Missing out depending how far one went out.  Going straight up without much hand and using speed usually meant missing the headpin completely.  I tried twice to see what would happen.


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Re: Lefties in Reno
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2010, 12:20:23 PM »
Last year if I kept my speed up you could miss 2-3 boards in down the lane and it would at least still have a chance without going too high. I was playing about 22 at the arrows out to 11-12 at the breakpoint. If i got it wide though forget about it. Anywhere even 10 and out and it missed the headpin. This year seems to be the opposite of that from what I have heard.


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Re: Lefties in Reno
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2010, 04:17:37 PM »
Last year if I kept my speed up you could miss 2-3 boards in down the lane and it would at least still have a chance without going too high. I was playing about 22 at the arrows out to 11-12 at the breakpoint. If i got it wide though forget about it. Anywhere even 10 and out and it missed the headpin. This year seems to be the opposite of that from what I have heard.

I didn't play that deep so I am not sure.  There is a lot of backend for those with good hand.  From what it sounds like you do if you played that deep last year.  I think you could miss a board or two either way and be able to reach the pocket but keep up the speed.  10 at the  break point is a good start.  Feet at 25 or so should be good be a good start.  

I think I was deeper than most of the rightys but I think they were playing the lanes wrong.


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Re: Lefties in Reno
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2010, 10:40:44 PM »
I'm a high rev lefty.  I bowled this past Sunday at 830 and bowled a so so 629.  I used a Python with the pin about 1 inch from my axis at 4000 abralon to try and control the backend a little more than my stronger balls.  I was around 12-13 at the arrows out to about 10 at the most.  This year I think you really need to close your angles up a tad compared to last year due to the amount of head oil.  I wish I had a solid ball with the same layout as the Python as I think it would have been ideal.  In singles and doubles it seemed I could get it a little further left and get it to recover.  I made the mistake and try to stay around the same area as team instead of moving about 8 left like I did for my 240 last game in singles.  Hope this helps.


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Re: Lefties in Reno
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2010, 09:49:10 AM »
Did you try to play outside at all? somewhere around 3-4-5. Last time i was in reno i used chalk and could throw it as hard as i wanted striaght up the gutter and had a great look in team.


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Re: Lefties in Reno
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2010, 11:16:14 PM »
Did you try to play outside at all? somewhere around 3-4-5. Last time i was in reno i used chalk and could throw it as hard as i wanted striaght up the gutter and had a great look in team.

I didn't try it in team.  Had I had a solid ball with the same layout as my Python I think it could have worked but playing out there isn't one of my strong points.  I did however move out to about 5-6 in singles and had a decent look from out there once a little friction was created.  I'd definitely start out in practice playing 3-4-5 just to see your look.