I lost my timing while bowling most of the Nats but I did make good shots towards the end. I was using some surface and staying between the second and third arrow and got to the rangefinder around 10 at the break point. It plays similar to the right if you have some hand. I think four out of my last six shots in singles were pocket strikes. Out side of five one has to be be soft for it to make it back and swinging to the five at 20 feet or so will result in taking three off of the left side. Straight up with my 2D, Cell, or t-road solid resulted in a crossover. Best look came from my Total Bedlam.
I am about 17 mph at the pinsand I have an inside out release if that helps . I have more hand than a tweener but less than a no thumber.
The only thing I know for sure is you will need surface.