I know opinions are like a-holes... But i am in a pickle...
I have a few balls in the pro shop being resurfaced. So saturday night i rolled a few that i pulled out of the closet. And i had forgotten why i always caried one of these in the bag, i might not have used it every night but when i did need it, it made the difference of making the cut or not.
I can only cary 4 balls with me.
My choices.
Nexxus OOB drilled to arc
C-system 3.5 resurfaced to 4000 drilled to arc
Mutant cell resurfaced to 2000 pin over bridge
Storm natural OOB drilled 1:30
Hammer Big Block Diesel 2000 drilled 1:30 My fall back ball when i need to get in and play a tight line.
Mutant Cell drilled stacked this ball rolls early... Not really thinking about this one.
I don't need a spare ball as i can roll every ball dead straight. I can pick up 10 pins with the nexxus no problems there.
I am just trying to rationalize my choices and wondering what you would do with what i have.
Obviously you were not listening to your ball...