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Author Topic: Michigan bowler shoots 833, leads two events at USBC Open Championships  (Read 1793 times)


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Terry Syring my teamate is now leading singles with 833 and all events with 2155. It was a very exciting day on friday to say the least.


Spider Ball Bowler

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He's a lefty isn't he?
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!


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Righty, high revs and throws it really well.   Great bowling!


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What was he using? We tried to get out, but he was already done.
-The Hammer Booth-


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The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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I can't imagine shooting that on what we had for minors -- AWESOME bowling!
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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He's a lefty isn't he?
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

Regardless its great shooting on a tough pattern.  How does being left handed discredit his set?  I'm left handed, and I find that on non-house conditions, its actually HARDER to score because we don't have the effort of 8-9 other people breaking down a pair.  So if I start with a 160, chances are if I don't find a look soon my scores will be between 160-190 for the rest of the day.

I've seen it all too many times where score-wise, I'm right in the middle of the pack after game one with a decent 190-210 game... then the right side opens up and they find some area to shoot 210-230 for the next couple games.  I'm still stranded trying to find a good look and pop off a minor 600 instead of a 650+.  

Take it for what its worth, yes us lefties have an advantage on house conditions, but when it boils down to sport shots, you guys have the benefit of knowing that in game two and on, you've got a little bit of area to play with.

Congrats to Terry, I just hope my Hy-road does that well for me.  Any idea what the surface was on it?
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"


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Re: Michigan bowler shoots 833, leads two events at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2010, 02:58:47 PM »
I was 1000 abrolon with a few games on it. The pair was pretty toasted, I was playing around 25 and he was about 5 or 6 right of me. Terry has a pretty high rev rate and loves to throw it hard and he was in his wheel house. He really threw it well it was fun to watch and the free dinner and drinks were nice after to. It was the least he could do after winning all the bracket money that squad.


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Re: Michigan bowler shoots 833, leads two events at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2010, 03:12:16 PM »
He's a lefty isn't he?
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

Regardless its great shooting on a tough pattern.  How does being left handed discredit his set?  I'm left handed, and I find that on non-house conditions, its actually HARDER to score because we don't have the effort of 8-9 other people breaking down a pair.  So if I start with a 160, chances are if I don't find a look soon my scores will be between 160-190 for the rest of the day.

I've seen it all too many times where score-wise, I'm right in the middle of the pack after game one with a decent 190-210 game... then the right side opens up and they find some area to shoot 210-230 for the next couple games.  I'm still stranded trying to find a good look and pop off a minor 600 instead of a 650+.  

Take it for what its worth, yes us lefties have an advantage on house conditions, but when it boils down to sport shots, you guys have the benefit of knowing that in game two and on, you've got a little bit of area to play with.

Congrats to Terry, I just hope my Hy-road does that well for me.  Any idea what the surface was on it?
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"

Before you get your panties in too much of a bunch, you should realize that Spider Ball Bowler is uh, left handed as well.

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Michigan bowler shoots 833, leads two events at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2010, 03:19:22 PM »
He's a lefty isn't he?
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

Regardless its great shooting on a tough pattern.  How does being left handed discredit his set?  I'm left handed, and I find that on non-house conditions, its actually HARDER to score because we don't have the effort of 8-9 other people breaking down a pair.  So if I start with a 160, chances are if I don't find a look soon my scores will be between 160-190 for the rest of the day.

I've seen it all too many times where score-wise, I'm right in the middle of the pack after game one with a decent 190-210 game... then the right side opens up and they find some area to shoot 210-230 for the next couple games.  I'm still stranded trying to find a good look and pop off a minor 600 instead of a 650+.  

Take it for what its worth, yes us lefties have an advantage on house conditions, but when it boils down to sport shots, you guys have the benefit of knowing that in game two and on, you've got a little bit of area to play with.

Congrats to Terry, I just hope my Hy-road does that well for me.  Any idea what the surface was on it?
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"

Dude, take your meds.  First off, if you can show me where I said his awesome score is discredited because I THOUGHT he was a lefty, I'll apologize.  I was just asking the OP if he was left handed because for some reason I thought he was.  Second, I'm a LEFTY lol.  I know how it can be on tough shots that never break down.

I'm not sure why you attacked me, or thought I was attacking Terry for bowling a huge score on a tough shot, but um, yea well I don't don't know what to say.

Congrats to Terry and I hope he lands himself an EAGLE!
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!


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Re: Michigan bowler shoots 833, leads two events at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2010, 03:22:14 PM »
He's a lefty isn't he?
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

Regardless its great shooting on a tough pattern.  How does being left handed discredit his set?  I'm left handed, and I find that on non-house conditions, its actually HARDER to score because we don't have the effort of 8-9 other people breaking down a pair.  So if I start with a 160, chances are if I don't find a look soon my scores will be between 160-190 for the rest of the day.

I've seen it all too many times where score-wise, I'm right in the middle of the pack after game one with a decent 190-210 game... then the right side opens up and they find some area to shoot 210-230 for the next couple games.  I'm still stranded trying to find a good look and pop off a minor 600 instead of a 650+.  

Take it for what its worth, yes us lefties have an advantage on house conditions, but when it boils down to sport shots, you guys have the benefit of knowing that in game two and on, you've got a little bit of area to play with.

Congrats to Terry, I just hope my Hy-road does that well for me.  Any idea what the surface was on it?
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"

Before you get your panties in too much of a bunch, you should realize that Spider Ball Bowler is uh, left handed as well.

At no point am I bashing Spider Ball Bowler's game.  You can read through that all you want, all I'm stating is that its actually easier for the right handers to score on tougher conditions because they have 8-9 people helping to break down a pair.  Regardless of how easy, or in this case, hard a shot is, and regardless of what hand is used 833 is quite the feat.
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"


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Re: Michigan bowler shoots 833, leads two events at USBC Open Championships
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2010, 03:28:46 PM »
I apologize if that came off as an attack Spider Ball Bowler.  I suppose I read a little too much into it, and felt there was a great deal of sarcasm in your previous post.  I guess I''m all too tired of hearing every one complain on Friday nights about how being left handed is unfair, and how left handers should have 20 pins to knock down a frame instead of ten.  I was at a tournament yesterday where I finally dug down out of my 4 month long slump to post a decent set for my team event, only to have every other person on the opposing lane tell me that if they were left handed they could post scores much higher than that.

Either way, I''ll just let it go, sorry for making it seem like an attack, I guess I was still a little wound up from yesterday.
"So there I was... BALLS DEEP!!!"

Edited on 3/28/2010 3:30 PM