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Author Topic: Mini report  (Read 860 times)


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Mini report
« on: May 20, 2009, 06:11:18 AM »
I have a few things to say about the tournament for those who haven't gone.

One major thing is DON'T shoot the 123 tournament at the Silver Nugget without your own car. I took a taxi from Cashmen center to bowl and pick up my balls that I had shipped there. The guy who runs the tournament is a great guy named Rick Ramsey. The shot in my opinion is much tighter than the USBC. It gave me and idea what to use and where to play.

Bad part is, I waited over 2 hours to get back to Cashmen to take my stuff to the USBC site, and then had to have a local barfly give me a ride. The taxi drivers will not come to this place. I asked at least 6-8 people to give me a ride to Cashmen and I would give them $10 which was what I paid for the taxi there. No one would do it.

The shot at the USBC in my opinion is much easier than Reno if you can play inside. I mean if you can stand 30 plus left and get the ball over 17-19 board or so and let it track to the range finder at 10, you will hit the hole. Most people cant play that deep from what I saw, you need a ball that has the pin above the ring, with 1000 grit dull.

I shot 1651 with, 531 team,536 doubles, 584 in singles. I had major knee replacement with an infection in 07 and had another knee put in on 6-08. I had 22 opens with 3 missed single pin spares. I bowled the grave yard shift in doubles and singles and was surprised how much oil there was left.

Hope this helps someone out.


Edited on 5/21/2009 4:40 AM



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Re: Mini report
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2009, 03:46:18 PM »
Thanks shipper, good report and great info for those of us who have yet to go!  Considering your circumstances, good bowling too!!
Paul Saunders
USBC Bronze Level Coach