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Author Topic: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge  (Read 18624 times)


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My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« on: May 21, 2012, 02:53:38 PM »
First of all, if you have spectators going, make sure they take sweaters to the lanes. If you think you are going to bowl well, think again. The shot is someting I have NEVER seen in all of my years of bowling. It is flat across the lanes with back-ends that hook really hard. Miss your mark 1 board right the ball stays right. Miss your mark one board left the ball misses left. You won't see any sloppy strikes or flying pins off the side boards. Spares are a guessing game of wether or not the ball will miss left or right.  The best scoring seems to be right down the middle where there is a slight bit of more oil. If you have a plastic ball, take it with you. This maybe the best ball for this condition.
We parked in the Belle parking garage and walked to the lanes through the Belle Atrium. It is a little farther but it is free.



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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2012, 05:25:47 PM »
Something to keep in mind is that 60,000 - 90,000 bowlers show up for this tournament.  The shot has to be tough otherwise everyone would complain about how high the scores are.  This is not your local city tournament with a THS.  It is about quality shot making and a solid spare game. 

Anyone who criticizes two teams playing together to open the shot is missing the point.  Regardless of what the format is or how it changes, good bowlers will ALWAYS have strategies to deal with the conditions no matter what they are.  Great bowlers will execute those strategies. 

I do understand them oiling before S/D.  Now everybody plays the same shot vs. luck of the draw with the left overs of the teams previous to you.

My one criticism for a team staying on one lane the whole event is that you lock the right-handed bowlers on the right lane on how far they can move left before stepping around the ball return (or opposite for lefties).  Where the left lane would be open.  That's usually not an issue for most, but still.

I love the tournament.  I've never even shot 600 there playing off a 220 average.  But that's on me.  I know where my flaws are and I'm working on them to get better.   

I agree with your first statement.  Difficulty in the lane pattern also brings the cream to the top.  You should have to work and be great at your craft to become a national champion.  Some people would be happier not cashing shooting 620 than cashing shooting 550 because they could say they averaged 200+.  I don't get it.

I don't think anyone is criticizing two teams working together to open the shot.  But there are no 10-player team awards.  Considering that if you don't have a companion team, you are at the mercy of "luck" on who you draw as a companion team, the same philosophy being implemented for fresh oil for singles and doubles, should be at least considered for the team event.  Again, not every team that bowls goes with a companion team.  Great teams will always have an advantage, nobody denies that.  That's why they are great. 

Good point about the ball returns, but I think the fresh oil will prevent anyone from needing to get that deep.  Doesn't mean they won't try to get that deep, but do they really NEED to get that deep?  We never got there this year and we were on the double burn (Team and singles & doubles squad before our S&D squad).  But we did see a number of players way left, but I guess that's all in perspective in how you read the oil and where you think you NEED to be. 

I love the tournament as well, tough condition and all and would bowl it whether it was fresh for all squads or not.  Always a good time and bowling trip for me and my brother. 

Good thoughts dogtown!


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #32 on: July 17, 2012, 05:27:46 PM »
The shot is made to be tough and the scores reflect that. It gives everyone a chance to compete even on a tough condition if they make their spares they are going to shoot enough to cash, and maybe even do a  little better. It is also enough to make the great bowlers execute consistently or they too will not fair much better.

Game plans are what it takes to win and compete on this condition. If you think equipment is too much of a factor then you can fix it with the amount of oil. The less oil you have the quicker it will dry up when bowlers try to use their super soaker equipment. Many bowlers suffer on drier conditions as well.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 05:30:28 PM by kidlost2000 »
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2012, 07:18:14 AM »
Something to keep in mind is that 60,000 - 90,000 bowlers show up for this tournament.  The shot has to be tough otherwise everyone would complain about how high the scores are.  This is not your local city tournament with a THS.  It is about quality shot making and a solid spare game. 

Anyone who criticizes two teams playing together to open the shot is missing the point.  Regardless of what the format is or how it changes, good bowlers will ALWAYS have strategies to deal with the conditions no matter what they are.  Great bowlers will execute those strategies. 

I do understand them oiling before S/D.  Now everybody plays the same shot vs. luck of the draw with the left overs of the teams previous to you.

My one criticism for a team staying on one lane the whole event is that you lock the right-handed bowlers on the right lane on how far they can move left before stepping around the ball return (or opposite for lefties).  Where the left lane would be open.  That's usually not an issue for most, but still.

I love the tournament.  I've never even shot 600 there playing off a 220 average.  But that's on me.  I know where my flaws are and I'm working on them to get better.   

Impressive attitude Dogtown!

And FYI: I would not worry about running into the ball return if team went to 1 lane (an idea I find very intriguing).  Since they went to fresh oil for all team squads I don't believe that has ever been an issue on our right lanes.  And if it is the pattern either was a bit odd or the bowlers played the lanes foolishly!

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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #34 on: July 18, 2012, 09:20:04 AM »
Something to keep in mind is that 60,000 - 90,000 bowlers show up for this tournament.  The shot has to be tough otherwise everyone would complain about how high the scores are.  This is not your local city tournament with a THS.  It is about quality shot making and a solid spare game. 

Anyone who criticizes two teams playing together to open the shot is missing the point.  Regardless of what the format is or how it changes, good bowlers will ALWAYS have strategies to deal with the conditions no matter what they are.  Great bowlers will execute those strategies. 

I do understand them oiling before S/D.  Now everybody plays the same shot vs. luck of the draw with the left overs of the teams previous to you.

My one criticism for a team staying on one lane the whole event is that you lock the right-handed bowlers on the right lane on how far they can move left before stepping around the ball return (or opposite for lefties).  Where the left lane would be open.  That's usually not an issue for most, but still.

I love the tournament.  I've never even shot 600 there playing off a 220 average.  But that's on me.  I know where my flaws are and I'm working on them to get better.   

Impressive attitude Dogtown!

And FYI: I would not worry about running into the ball return if team went to 1 lane (an idea I find very intriguing).  Since they went to fresh oil for all team squads I don't believe that has ever been an issue on our right lanes.  And if it is the pattern either was a bit odd or the bowlers played the lanes foolishly!

Also even if the ball returns were to be an issue, with the new online reservations system they could have you select what lane your on, first come first serve.  I know of a team that went this year a month later than normal because they didn't get their entries in on time.  First come first serve basis on entries, lane assignments, squad times are the way to go in my opinion.


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #35 on: July 18, 2012, 10:47:22 AM »
Thanks Andyman3333 and Riggs.

How do you feel about the USBC not posting the oil pattern on-line?

I can see both sides.  By posting it you give bowlers the opportunity to practice at home (assuming they have a house that will provide the pattern). 

By not posting it, people who bowl the later dates could come here and read what other bowlers experience.

Your thoughts?


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2012, 11:33:35 AM »
Thanks Andyman3333 and Riggs.

How do you feel about the USBC not posting the oil pattern on-line?

I can see both sides.  By posting it you give bowlers the opportunity to practice at home (assuming they have a house that will provide the pattern). 

By not posting it, people who bowl the later dates could come here and read what other bowlers experience.

Your thoughts?

I have no issue with it being posted.  Might even need to be posted a week or two earlier so the teams that go early have a chance to get a practice session in.  It gives everyone the same opportunity to know what they are giong against.  If you don't post it, odds are, the pattern will be known by a few and may leak and get in the hands of some players, but not all...  It's just safer to post it and let everyone lay it out at their own house and get some practice on it.  You can't exactly replicate it anyways since so much goes into how a pattern plays than just the pattern.

I've got a few guys that break the 400 rev barrier and we haven't gotten into the ball returns yet on the fresh in team event.   


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2012, 11:41:30 AM »
Plus if you live near Arlington or are willing to travel there. They are putting it out everyday for bowlers to come out and practice. Want to pay for help, they will even provide coaching. I think posting the pattern is fine. Most bowlers have no idea what they are looking at anyway. The key I look for myself is pattern length and then feedback on if the pattern is playing tighter or looser than was expected. The 31 rule and adjust from there.


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2012, 01:01:31 PM »
I talked with one of the lane men recently and he indicated they are leaning toward using more oil for next year.  This would really make working together more important to break down a spot.  He talked about trying to get ahead of the supersoaker balls with more oil.  I was sure skeptical in that new balls seemingly get stronger every month.

Obviously there's extensive testing done for this tournament and there won't be any decisions until shortly before the start.

Personally, I made a couple bad decisions early and bowled a little unsure the rest of the tournament.  When I did get myself a good look, I couldn't free my swing up enough to take advantage of it.  I had 1 open through the first 5 games of minors, but not enough strikes to make a real score of it.  Tried something different to carry in my last game of singles only to misread for a couple opens.  It really goes by so fast I wish I had a few more games. 

I'm looking forward to having side events at the stadium next year.  Hopefully that does happen as it seems possible.  Same surface, same shot, same temperature would be nice to learn from.  I can sure see Bowlers Journal tournament entries soaring if this happens.  I'm sure they'll find ways to package multiple entries together even more than they already do.


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2012, 01:30:11 PM »
I think I agree.  Posting it online makes it fair to everyone.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 01:08:06 PM by Dogtown »


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2012, 02:03:57 PM »
Personally I think more oil is a bad idea...if you want to neutralize the hook monsters...make them hook more like this year.  High end balls were pretty much useless on the fresh....and breaking them down was tricky.  If you make the have more volume it will be a sea of 360 grit balls in practice and then simply take a step left.


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2012, 05:08:32 AM »
Personally I think more oil is a bad idea...if you want to neutralize the hook monsters...make them hook more like this year.  High end balls were pretty much useless on the fresh....and breaking them down was tricky.  If you make the have more volume it will be a sea of 360 grit balls in practice and then simply take a step left.

Russell, I agree with what you are saying here. I honestly think they put out the damn near perfect shot this year.

1) It was very very playable and easy to get to the pocket, but you didn't have much margin for error.
2) You didn't have to use the most aggressive equipment to get a reaction. You just needed a ball that would read and not hockey puck down lane.
3) It kept the scores competitive even if that competitive line was much lower than 600.

To one of the other posts above. I would release the pattern by the end of December to let everyone get a chance to bowl. It just helps the industry in general. I don't care for practicing on open play broken down house shots, but I ALWAYS end up practicing on the pattern before I head out to Nationals. Good way to increase activity in local bowling centers who participate.


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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2012, 12:42:41 PM »
Pattern MUST be posted so it is fair for all.  If it's not posted SOMEONE ALWAYS KNOWS.  And if you don't believe that you are far too naive.

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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2012, 01:41:48 PM »
USBC is probably looking to increase the volume of oil since there aren't many who want to head back to Reno!

Bowling Tourney, your number one contradicts itself. Easy to get to the pocket but not much room for error. The scores support that the pattern did not play easy for the masses. The pattern did keep the scores down and that was great for the bracket players. 180+ games were golden the day I bowled teams and obviously a lot of other days too when you listen to people tell you what they shot to get paid. Last night I went and practiced and when I looked up, I was +236 for 4 games. Don't you know it, a few people told me how hard they were until I pointed to my monitor and then it was "They're easier on this side of the house!" LMAO That is the mentality of why USBC feels they need to relax the shot.
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Re: My 2 cents about Baton Rouge
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2012, 01:54:53 PM »
USBC is probably looking to increase the volume of oil since there aren't many who want to head back to Reno!

Bowling Tourney, your number one contradicts itself. Easy to get to the pocket but not much room for error. The scores support that the pattern did not play easy for the masses. The pattern did keep the scores down and that was great for the bracket players. 180+ games were golden the day I bowled teams and obviously a lot of other days too when you listen to people tell you what they shot to get paid. Last night I went and practiced and when I looked up, I was +236 for 4 games. Don't you know it, a few people told me how hard they were until I pointed to my monitor and then it was "They're easier on this side of the house!" LMAO That is the mentality of why USBC feels they need to relax the shot.

+236? Mama mia, what did you shoot in Baton Rouge?
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