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Author Topic: My Experience  (Read 9374 times)


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My Experience
« on: March 17, 2012, 02:32:00 AM »
 Quick report.  Bowled the team event tonight.  I found the conditions to be nearly impossible.  Decided to start outside.  Had absolutely zero area.  Miss a board outside and missed the head pin right...  Missed two plus boards and it was ditch.  Going the other way, zero hold.  Anything slightly projected off left absolutely took off.
 After starting terrible, moved inside and found nothing there.
Several 230+ average bowlers on the pair,  high set was 570, and drastically dropped off from there (into the 400's)..

I don't even know what to say right now.  Frustrating and disappointing...  Not really looking forward to s/d.


Edited by Strapper_Squared on 3/17/2012 at 0:33 AM



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Re: My Experience
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2012, 11:52:28 AM »
Let me add my thoughts:


First and foremost, thank you to Strapper and Big for posting your experiences, even though they may not have been your best.


Second, I agree with Russell here. This tournament is a team event, the teams that work together the best, have the best game plan and execute that game plan deserve to win. Look at the team in First presently. The last few years they struggled in this tournament. They went back worked on their games, and game back and executed a good game plan and are now leading. You have to release the pattern, otherwise a select handful will get it and have an unfair advantage over the rest. Releasing it to the public allows all to see it. And I don't see how you can't find a center that would be willing to put out the pattern for you. If you talk to the manager, explain that you could have at least 1 (but maybe more if you ask around leagues for people that are going to the Open) bowler come in during a normally dead time and throw a guaranteed 4-5 games every week for a length of time if they only put out the Open Pattern, I don't see why they wouldn't. And if they refuse, try a different center and explain that this center wouldn't do it, and I bet the other center will just to steal business from it's competitor.


And lastly, I know I haven't bowled on the pattern yet, but I have to disagree with some of what I am hearing. In the past, I agree hitting the range finder at 10 downlane was the way to play the lanes. But based on what I have seen on the webcasts, the best looks have been starting at about 5, going straight up. The Jr Team USA Support groups tried to burn up an area outside of 5 during practice then move in to use it. Team 2 looked very good games 1 & 2 playing more at about 5-7 board range. It appears the best strategy (again this is just from watching and reading) appears to be to stay outside as long as possible, balling down instead of migrating left until about the end of game 2 or start of game 3, then moving left (for a RH). If you read what Riggs reported, the team in First said that by the end of team they were only crossing 13 at the arrows. That means they had to start outside of 10 in game 1. This is just my opinion, but I think the reason some of the non-elite bowlers are struggling this year (besides the fact that the shot is just tougher then in years past) is that they are stuck in the mentality of hitting that range finder at 10. No matter where you play, you are only going to have 1-2 boards to hit to strike, but it seems that going very straight up the outside give teams the best look to start and allows the best looks later in the event.


Again this is JMHO, your's may differ.




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Re: My Experience
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2012, 01:07:32 PM »
The Champions of this tournament should be the players who take the tournament seriously.  Not the ones who average 230 on a house shot and expect to fly in the night before without any practice, line up over 3rd arrow like they do at home during the first ball of team event and shoot 850.  I could only imagine if any other sports champions came from a pool of amateurs who spend little to no time attempting to improve their ability and understanding of today's game. 


With that said, the best players will almost always prevail no matter the condition, so 850 might not be good enough.  And scores like that will ultimately scare participants away.  Low scores on the other hand invite potential.  People can see themselves shooting 720, 730, 3300 because they do it in league regularly.  Then they get down there and find a harsh reality.  And hopefully, that spawns a new desire to get better.  For some, they'll just complain that they were "locked out." When reality is, they just aren't very good.     


For instance, the guys leading team, spent weeks practicing as a team and devising a strategy to make the pattern play easier.  To make their slight misses turn into striking opportunities.  They turned that into a 3400 score and a 200 pin lead on 2nd place.  2nd place just happens to be the team that bowled with them.  They prepared.  And now they've put themselves in a position to possibly win.  Talent will only get you so far in life.  Eventually, you have to put in the extra work to be a champion. 


I think it's ignorant to think you can take your ragtag house shot game to a Championship Tournament and expect to win, let alone, be competitive.  On the other hand, if this is truly a vacation and you just like bowling the event, I wish you all the best and hope you have a great time.  I've had a blast in my first two trips.
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

340-370 revs
18 mph
Arsenal: (In the bag) Nexxus F(p+r), Nexus F(p+f), Nexus f(p), C-System Ulti-Max, C-System Versa Max, Massive Damage, Karma Pink/Purple.  On the wall, Loaded Revolver, Lethal Revolver, Damage, Slingshot.


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Re: My Experience
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2012, 01:17:10 PM »
I agree 100%.  It is easy to draw conclusions based on what we see from other people.  The lines they play only tell half the story.  The equipment used is the other half.  Just how strong were the balls that were being thrown?  We dont really know for sure.  All we know as of now, is someone went out with two older MoRich balls (Awesome Revs and Seek and Destroy I believe) and he did not bowl as well as he hoped.  Drawing our own conclusions, it appears that as usual depending on the squad and who is in front of you, team event is better playing more direct and minors is better playing inside and using the range finder as the breakpoint (Team Leader 3400 playing in the track area and Singles Leader no thumbing playing 4th-5th arrow and swinging out to range finder). 


I watched a few bowl on the pattern at a house here in my hometown as they took some lanes for a Demo Day and laid down the USBC Pattern.  Unless, you rolled the ball fairly slow, those that were strokers, even though using the Track 716T and Columbia Dark Encounter, had little to no chance to hit the head pin when they tried to play up the outside (5-6-7).  Chances are someone who is fairly rev dominate can get away with playing up the outside with a more up-the-back type release.  Otherwise, they are better off in the 8-9-10 area.  

Jorge300 wrote on 3/19/2012 9:52 AM:
Let me add my thoughts:


First and foremost, thank you to Strapper and Big for posting your experiences, even though they may not have been your best.


Second, I agree with Russell here. This tournament is a team event, the teams that work together the best, have the best game plan and execute that game plan deserve to win. Look at the team in First presently. The last few years they struggled in this tournament. They went back worked on their games, and game back and executed a good game plan and are now leading. You have to release the pattern, otherwise a select handful will get it and have an unfair advantage over the rest. Releasing it to the public allows all to see it. And I don't see how you can't find a center that would be willing to put out the pattern for you. If you talk to the manager, explain that you could have at least 1 (but maybe more if you ask around leagues for people that are going to the Open) bowler come in during a normally dead time and throw a guaranteed 4-5 games every week for a length of time if they only put out the Open Pattern, I don't see why they wouldn't. And if they refuse, try a different center and explain that this center wouldn't do it, and I bet the other center will just to steal business from it's competitor.


And lastly, I know I haven't bowled on the pattern yet, but I have to disagree with some of what I am hearing. In the past, I agree hitting the range finder at 10 downlane was the way to play the lanes. But based on what I have seen on the webcasts, the best looks have been starting at about 5, going straight up. The Jr Team USA Support groups tried to burn up an area outside of 5 during practice then move in to use it. Team 2 looked very good games 1 & 2 playing more at about 5-7 board range. It appears the best strategy (again this is just from watching and reading) appears to be to stay outside as long as possible, balling down instead of migrating left until about the end of game 2 or start of game 3, then moving left (for a RH). If you read what Riggs reported, the team in First said that by the end of team they were only crossing 13 at the arrows. That means they had to start outside of 10 in game 1. This is just my opinion, but I think the reason some of the non-elite bowlers are struggling this year (besides the fact that the shot is just tougher then in years past) is that they are stuck in the mentality of hitting that range finder at 10. No matter where you play, you are only going to have 1-2 boards to hit to strike, but it seems that going very straight up the outside give teams the best look to start and allows the best looks later in the event.


Again this is JMHO, your's may differ.


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Steven Vance
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Re: My Experience
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2012, 02:38:06 PM »
i bowled on the pattern at my home house with pretty high friction HPLs and i was using my pin down burst at 2000 playing 11-8-4 and couldnt miss. as long as i was within a board radius of my target it was at least in the pocket. i just made 2-1 moves in until the ball started to quit then moved to my transition pieces. i prob didnt break it down enough and i dont have enough tilt for it but i couldnt find anything inside like 4th arrow. too much over under. this pattern is pretty easy i wont be surprised at any high sores.

sacred heart university bowling, jr.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
balls for sale in my profile
everyone is born right handed, only the gifted overcome it
Edited by cheech on 3/19/2012 at 12:40 PM


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Re: My Experience
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2012, 03:39:42 PM »
Everyone should know that this is not a THS tournament. Instead, it is your chance to go out and bowl on a real shot and compare yourself with the rest of the elite bowlers. If you make the shot easy, you may as well do away with the Open all together. Just another THS carry contest.


I don't buy into the shot is easier for some bowlers than others. Crankers and fluffers can score on the shot if they are accurate and make their spares.  In team, team strategy has as much to do with scores as bowler's style. Shoe up and bowl. Take what you make. And most of all, no babies or sissies allowed.





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Re: My Experience
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2012, 04:01:41 PM »
Today I made my 1st practice session at our house. Each year the pattern is close, but not exact to what I see at the tournament. 
So far my best look was straight up 7-8 board with a "rolly solid" without polish (Lethal Revolver).  The ball read the pattern and didn't jump sideways at the end. Carry was good when I got it there. Miss left and paid the price by going through the nose for the 3-6-9-10 several times. If I fluffed it outside it was usually a washout.
I did find another nice line crossing the arrows around 12-13 and hitting the marker down lane at 10 board with my Versa Max. Two games over 200, and 2 under due to splits and generally horrible shots. I plan to try at least one more session before I go to Baton Rouge in April.  I am trying to eliminate certain balls that give me the least predictable look. The pattern is demanding and the bowler will need to stay relaxed to repeat shots. As far as seeing the pattern break down, it was just me today so it held up. If I learn anything new from future sessions I will post it here so others can learn what they can before we go embarrass ourselves.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Allstar Lanes
Brunswick Regional Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


Xx 12 X 300 xX

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2012, 04:16:56 PM »
I bowl tournaments and I think the tournament is a joke.  That is just my opinion.  I think it is unfair to the membership of the USBC.   Just my opinion.
It's a membership tournament that is made of of a membership that is in the 170 average range.     Take a membership tournament and spin it all you want.
The "professional" amateur tournament should be the Masters.   If you want to show you stuff, it should be in the Masters and not the Open championship.    
The Open Championship is widely regarded as the league bowlers championship, simply because its made up of league bowlers,  exactly what the USBC is, a league bowler organization.   It is not a professional bowling organization.   
Making the lanes stupid hard, and then embarrassing the membership is not the answer to the sports problems. 
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 3/19/2012 at 2:23 PM


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Re: My Experience
« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2012, 04:51:31 PM »
99% of the time i agree with Russell, but in this instance, this guy is dead on. We can scoff at, throw subtle insults, and diminish the 170-180 bowler, but common sense tells me these guys wont spend $1k+ to go shoot 1300 AE. Conversely, if you make them too soft, elite players will put up phone numbers.

USBC  has opened up a Pandoras box, good luck getting the genie back in the bottle. Theyre on the verge of wrecking this tournament.

PS- I had 1813 this weekend and worked my Fanny off for every pin.

Xx 12 X 300 xX wrote on 3/19/2012 2:16 PM:I bowl tournaments and I think the tournament is a joke.  That is just my opinion.  I think it is unfair to the membership of the USBC.   Just my opinion.
It's a membership tournament that is made of of a membership that is in the 170 average range.     Take a membership tournament and spin it all you want.
The "professional" amateur tournament should be the Masters.   If you want to show you stuff, it should be in the Masters and not the Open championship.    
The Open Championship is widely regarded as the league bowlers championship, simply because its made up of league bowlers,  exactly what the USBC is, a league bowler organization.   It is not a professional bowling organization.   
Making the lanes stupid hard, and then embarrassing the membership is not the answer to the sports problems. 
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 3/19/2012 at 2:23 PM

”Who do you think you are? I am!!!!!” -Pete Weber
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Bill Thomas

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #39 on: March 19, 2012, 05:07:47 PM »
I agree with northface.  USBC was losing and will continue to lose entries because of back to back Reno.  Now they throw in what is a very difficult shot for many of our "elite" bowlers and next to imposssible for the 75% who dont cash anyway and they are taking a significant risk of even more entries lost.  USBC seems to have a penchant for screwing up good things.  Let's hope they haven't screwed up the best tournament going.


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Re: My Experience
« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2012, 05:14:25 PM »


Xx 12 X 300 xX wrote on 3/18/2012 12:50 PM:
But its a "league" bowlers tournament.  There is no team playing in league bowling.   The shot is wide open and you play where you play and you score as high as you can for your team.  Your hosting a tournament for the mass members of the organization and then making them bowl a pattern that they have zero confidence in and nowhere near their comfort zone.


A tougher shot is fine for a tournament that is not for "league" bowlers.   Your doing them a disservice if you put something out there that embarrasses them.


Somebody in another thread said they shot 395 in singles.   Come on now, this is a good experience for the regular "league" bowlers?


Other than a vacation this tournament now is a delusional event if your not a "professional" amateur.  


The USBC could do a better job with the lane conditions, and the embarrassment factor.     That's all I am saying.

There is nothing wrong with a sport condition that plays around the 10 board, or track areas.  The traditional scoring zones for league bowlers.   When you start bumping them outside of that area, and creating mass chaos than there is going to be lots of low numbers.   But you can spend $120 and your team can learn how not to embarrass themselves too bad.


Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 3/18/2012 at 1:02 PM


Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 3/18/2012 at 1:03 PM
 No offense to you but what you have been saying about the harder condition is a problem with out sport. Way way way to many "league" bowlers have gotten way to used to wide open average 230 with out any effort league shots. So when its anything other than that they cant do anything. I see it all the time around my area. Guys that average 230 bowling a few league nights a week with no practice or anything. If you average 230 whats the point of practicing and wanting to get better? But I see it all the time when these same bowlers bowl on anything other than a house shot they cant cut it and then complain about the condition being "impossible" and having to be a "pro" to bowl on them. All I am saying is that the wide open league shot has boosted way to many egos and made the sport look way to easy to way to many people.



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Re: My Experience
« Reply #41 on: March 19, 2012, 05:28:57 PM »
 Dont get me wrong, there are 230+ avg players who dont practice and have no desire or incentive to improve. This really is not about them, as their ”ego” typically keeps them within the confines of their home center(s), they wouldnt dare go to USBCs. Around here, if youre north of 230, you have a pulse and the ability to repeat. So typically these guys dont embarrass themselves.

”Who do you think you are? I am!!!!!” -Pete Weber
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Re: My Experience
« Reply #42 on: March 19, 2012, 05:29:28 PM »

 It's called a reality check for those that bowl on typical house shot (aka the great wall). They have regular and classified divisions.
Xx 12 X 300 xX wrote on 3/19/2012 2:16 PM:I bowl tournaments and I think the tournament is a joke.  That is just my opinion.  I think it is unfair to the membership of the USBC.   Just my opinion.
It's a membership tournament that is made of of a membership that is in the 170 average range.     Take a membership tournament and spin it all you want.
The "professional" amateur tournament should be the Masters.   If you want to show you stuff, it should be in the Masters and not the Open championship.    
The Open Championship is widely regarded as the league bowlers championship, simply because its made up of league bowlers,  exactly what the USBC is, a league bowler organization.   It is not a professional bowling organization.   
Making the lanes stupid hard, and then embarrassing the membership is not the answer to the sports problems. 
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 3/19/2012 at 2:23 PM


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Re: My Experience
« Reply #43 on: March 19, 2012, 05:36:19 PM »


bhsbigcountry wrote on 3/19/2012 3:14 PM:


Xx 12 X 300 xX wrote on 3/18/2012 12:50 PM:

But its a "league" bowlers tournament.  There is no team playing in league bowling.   The shot is wide open and you play where you play and you score as high as you can for your team.  Your hosting a tournament for the mass members of the organization and then making them bowl a pattern that they have zero confidence in and nowhere near their comfort zone.


A tougher shot is fine for a tournament that is not for "league" bowlers.   Your doing them a disservice if you put something out there that embarrasses them.


Somebody in another thread said they shot 395 in singles.   Come on now, this is a good experience for the regular "league" bowlers?


Other than a vacation this tournament now is a delusional event if your not a "professional" amateur.  


The USBC could do a better job with the lane conditions, and the embarrassment factor.     That's all I am saying.

There is nothing wrong with a sport condition that plays around the 10 board, or track areas.  The traditional scoring zones for league bowlers.   When you start bumping them outside of that area, and creating mass chaos than there is going to be lots of low numbers.   But you can spend $120 and your team can learn how not to embarrass themselves too bad.


Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 3/18/2012 at 1:02 PM


Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 3/18/2012 at 1:03 PM
 No offense to you but what you have been saying about the harder condition is a problem with out sport. Way way way to many "league" bowlers have gotten way to used to wide open average 230 with out any effort league shots. So when its anything other than that they cant do anything. I see it all the time around my area. Guys that average 230 bowling a few league nights a week with no practice or anything. If you average 230 whats the point of practicing and wanting to get better? But I see it all the time when these same bowlers bowl on anything other than a house shot they cant cut it and then complain about the condition being "impossible" and having to be a "pro" to bowl on them. All I am saying is that the wide open league shot has boosted way to many egos and made the sport look way to easy to way to many people.

I think if it has gotten that out of hand then the proprietors should toughen up the conditions. Right now the high average in our center is 223. While I know at the super center a few miles away guys are averaging around 240 (however, these aren't league bowlers, these are US Support members that you watched bowl on Saturday).


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Re: My Experience
« Reply #44 on: March 19, 2012, 06:02:00 PM »
This feeds into guys bowling less than their ability so they can go to USBCs and Rambo brackets.

tburky wrote on 3/19/2012 3:29 PM:

 It's called a reality check for those that bowl on typical house shot (aka the great wall). They have regular and classified divisions.
Xx 12 X 300 xX wrote on 3/19/2012 2:16 PM:I bowl tournaments and I think the tournament is a joke.  That is just my opinion.  I think it is unfair to the membership of the USBC.   Just my opinion.
It's a membership tournament that is made of of a membership that is in the 170 average range.     Take a membership tournament and spin it all you want.
The "professional" amateur tournament should be the Masters.   If you want to show you stuff, it should be in the Masters and not the Open championship.    
The Open Championship is widely regarded as the league bowlers championship, simply because its made up of league bowlers,  exactly what the USBC is, a league bowler organization.   It is not a professional bowling organization.   
Making the lanes stupid hard, and then embarrassing the membership is not the answer to the sports problems. 
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 3/19/2012 at 2:23 PM

”Who do you think you are? I am!!!!!” -Pete Weber
NLMB 150 Dream Team


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Re: My Experience
« Reply #45 on: March 19, 2012, 06:19:59 PM »
Regardless if the shot is easy or tough the good bowlers and the one's that prepar the most will have the best results.  The issue is nobody wants to bowl on any thing tough in leagues so when they see something somewhat difficult they are lost. Off to anothe pratice session....good luck all.