I'm not privy to the payout ratio and don't have time to check it, but why change anything about the tough conditions when the highest "Low-to-cash" score of any Open Championships was a 596 in singles? 596! It's not 650! 596! Bet you it's lower this year!
And that 596 was the highest ever. This thread, though focused on the majority of the bowling pool, has ignored the fact that the scores to cash are low. Most bowlers aren't looking to win. They are looking to cash or see a new town. Only one person can win in a tournament of 12000 teams, and 60000 individuals. For the majority of us, we're just looking to have a better than average set and break even. Maybe 500 people have a chance at an Eagle. This thread almost has taken the direction of finding a way to make lower average players more competitive with higher averages. Why? The better bowlers will just raise the bar to cash. Now instead of 596, you need 620 or 630. What purpose does that serve?
The only person who truly can control your success is you. As Pete Weber most recently put it, Who do you think you are? I am! See the focus on the "I" statement.
Take the time to practice spares and playing different lines on the lane. Not just 3rd arrow. I CAN'T EXPRESS HOW FRUSTRATING IT IS TO WATCH GUYS HOOK IT AT SINGLE PIN SPARES on a Sport shot! Just throw it straight! Invest in a $60 spare ball. Golfers don't use their drivers on the putting green! Learn your equipment and why it reacts certain ways. Learn to read lane transition and how the oil reacts to bowling balls being thrown through it. And then, get better at executing shots. I bowl 1 league on a house shot. Thats the only league I bowl. Before the tournament, I work with a proprietor to have the shot laid out and arrange to have plenty of people on hand during slow business hours to rack up lineage. I get better before the tournament and that has drastically helped my ability to cash in this tournament in every event. I watch the live streams. I read the blogs. I read this forum and go wide eyes when people say the lanes are unplayable, yet the guy leading singles just averaged 261 for 3 games. I throw it straight at every spare but double wood. 8 for 8 cashing so far in two years in this tournament. Trying to make it 12 for 12.
I've hit bad pairs in singles and doubles and still fought through it to cash. Those bad pairs might affect my chances at an eagle, but not cashing. How important is spare shooting again?
You ultimately control your own destiny. We can't always blame someone else or something else for our own struggles. And if someone comes on here and tells me that they can't get 9 guys to break the lane down with them, I'm going to go insane. Again, are you trying to win an Eagle? Or cash? You can cash without the team breaking the lanes down. Done it twice now. Missed the Eagle by roughly 400 pins. We were close. If only we had broken the lane down as a team! <That's sarcasm>
Find the time to practice and study what is working and not working on this pattern. The information is available if you just ask for it!!! I enjoy bowling this tournament. The aura of the event, the walk, the announcements, and the environment is superb.
I'll probably get railed for suggesting these novel concepts. Someone is certainly going to tell me how they did all these things and still bowled like poo. The lanes were unplayable. So it's gotta be someone else's fault. We're just beating a dead horse here.
340-370 revs
18 mph
Arsenal: (In the bag) Nexxus F(p+r), Nexus F(p+f), Nexus f(p), C-System Ulti-Max, C-System Versa Max, Massive Damage, Karma Pink/Purple. On the wall, Loaded Revolver, Lethal Revolver, Damage, Slingshot.