Someone earlier mentioned something about why the need for more divisions. I dont think there is a need for more divisions as a plural but think that having one more division is a possibility. Why? Simply because scores today are not the same as they were 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. Scores have risen ALOT. Your elite bowlers 20 years ago on league shots were 220. Now you have guys all over the place that are in the 240s; record being 260+. The sport as a whole has evolved but the Tournament hasnt. I think the Tournament is falling behind. The answer each year cant simply be "Lets flatten the pattern out to bring scores down". There will always be a difference of opinion no matter what happens. IMO.....the only way to bring more interest to the Tournament, is to add a 3rd division simply because your 190 THS bowler has no chance against the guys on a PBA level. Bear in mind that 190 average is on a THS. Know what that most likely equates to at the Tournament? Probably in the neighborhood of 170, on average though I am sure some will average over 200 for the tournament. The average base is much more wide spread now than it was years and years ago. You have enough guys now averaging 210+ that you could create an Elite Division.
As someone mentioned about the Tournament being a cash cow. Well, for alot of guys in the regular division it has become that. A guy like myself that averages 230+ on a THS and averaging 205-210 at the Tournament; I am going out there and making decent money because I know I can average 20 pins below my THS and still be in good shape. I have never shot anything higher than 1960ish AE and yet have made as much as $4,000. Lets do some math:
230 x 9 = 2070 (THS average)
210 x 9 = 1890 (roughly my USBC Tournament average)
190 x 9 = 1710 (lower end to qualify for Regular Division based on THS average)
There is a pretty significant gap there. For 9 games on a THS, there is a 360 pin gap. So the guy averaging 190 on a THS can shoot his average and hardly make a dime while feeling like he accomplished something by averaging that on a tougher condition whereas the 230 guy can shoot almost as much as 200 UNDER his THS average on the same pattern and make a couple thousand if the timing is right? Bear in mind this is hypothetical. Not all 190 bowlers are going to average 190 out there and not all 230 bowlers are going to average 210+ That is why I think there is a need for another division. We could have a 179 and below as Classified, 180-210 as Regular, and 211 and above as Elite. I believe by doing that, you increase the mentality of bowlers being able to walk away making some money because they are bowling against others of their own skill levels. This is one reason why league bowling is declining. You have those averaging 190 that know they cant compete with the 230s out there so they want more handicap. Then the 230s are mad because they worked hard for that 230 and dont think they should have to spot that many sticks to a person capable of popping out a 250 anytime. Scratch leagues are dying out. Then the next issue is the economy; getting it back on track so more people can afford to make it out there to participate. My fear for the Tournament is that it will become like leagues; slowly dying out.
Peace doesnt always have to be silent.