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Author Topic: My Knoxville experience  (Read 5771 times)


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My Knoxville experience
« on: May 18, 2003, 09:00:55 PM »
Here it goes. As painful as it was here is a recap of my experience in Knoxville.

I got there Thursday in a horrible thunderstorm with tornados and hail. It never did seem to stop raining the whole weekend except for a few minutes here and there.

I started off at the Bowling This Month which was on old wooden lanes and had a short flat shot. I tried to just stroke through the shot with my Stinger going across the 3rd arrow out to 5 and back to the pocket which would work when I was able to keep my hand behind the ball and my follow-through quiet, but as soon as I put any turn on the ball, or blasted through with my swing the ball would head straight for the head pin. I realized that this is not my style and trying to force the ball using a style I am just learning is not to my advantage, so I switched to my TPC Shooter with a high Polish and pin at 5" above my ring finger and mass bias in the track. I moved deep inside around the fifth arrow and swung the ball out to 5 and back with some good turn and managed to shoot 209 my last game. I was alone and only one other bowler was there. He was trying to use a Super Freak and an Apex Intensity that were both hooking off the lane just past the arrows. He asked Diane (the tournament coordinator) if they had oiled the lanes. She said yes we just finished before you walked in here.

I then ran back to the Bowlers Journal to meet up with my teammates and barely made it because traffic is terrible there. The Bowler's Journal shot was the opposite of the Bowling This Month short shot. The Bowler's Journal was a very long and flat pattern, it seemed like the ball was going to slide right in the pocket, then would jump on the headpin. I used my Apex Adrenaline drilled 4x4 and my Vortex V2 sanded drilled 4x3. I had a nice shot straight up the 10 board on one pair, but the next pair the ball would over/under, and would just start to open up again when I would have to change lanes and bowl the next game and start all over. I found a nice shot moving deep inside and slow hooking my V2 and over the 4 arrow and letting it go out to 10, but if I got too much speed, or not enough hand the ball would wash out.

The next stop was the Storm Sport Challenge. I had the best shot on this one. The shot was 41 feet flat sport shot. I used my V2 and laid the ball down on 17 or 18 and let it roll out to 10 and back to the pocket on the left lane and 13 out to 10 on the right lane and stayed behind the ball more on the right lane. I actually did better on the sport shot than on the other shots, go figure. I beat my set for 3 games in the singles with just 2 games on the sport shot, if I could have made a spare I would have done better, but fortunately I only had to shoot 6 in 2 games.

The ABC Team shot we bowled with just our team, so if you have 2 teams on your pair, the shot will break down differently. We all played the break point at around the 10 board at 45 ft. My optimum break point is 10 board at 42 or 43 ft so the shot was a little long for my liking. If anybody hit the dark board on 8 or 12 at the break point they were looking at the wash out or big 4 combo. It didn't seem to matter who threw the ball or what angle or how much hand they had if the ball didn't hit 9-11 at the break point it wouldn't hit the pocket. I used my Inferno drilled 4x4 and had the most success with it. I dried the line out a little with my Adrenaline and that helped open up the shot a little. I had to play more direct to the break point than I am comfortable with, and would make good shots if I just stroked through the shot (catching a theme here?) and not forced the ball to the breakpoint.

Good food at Corkey's and Sonny's BBQ near the BJ. I hope this helps. By the way bring your spare ball you will need it.



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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2003, 12:15:20 PM »
Thanks for the recap.

I am leaving on the 28th, so this will help me figure out what to take along with me.

One question though,
On the long oil pattern would it have been benificial to use a flood ball(ie columbia WOW, Lane 1 SCB, Visionary schorcher) Or just use a medium/heavy medium ball and play your line a ittle tighter?

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2003, 12:29:36 PM »
The backends were a little snappy, but I didn't have anything with me stronger than the Adrenaline, so all I can do is guess. I would immagine that a stronger ball would work, but you might have to keep your hand more up the back of the ball if you wanted to play a tight line. One of my team mates used a polished Adrenaline and did well with it playing straight up 10 but he has less hand than I do, I had a hard time playing that line with out forcing it. If you can you should do well.


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2003, 12:36:09 PM »
Thanks for the advice.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2003, 12:42:04 PM »
Hey Jim, does it put into perspective how great Ron Bahr's achievement was?
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2003, 02:16:09 AM »
It sure does. Right place + right time + right ball + great execution = Great score. Not to down play Ron's performance, I am just pointing out what it takes to do what he did. I know how things get taken the wrong way.

Me = Right place (I made it through check in and got there on time) + Right ball? who knows what the right ball for me would have been + terrible execution (I knew what I had to do I just couldn't make myself do it)= better luck next year and hopefully this helps prevent someone else from falling flat on their face and if they do they can see they are not alone.

Edited on 5/20/2003 2:21 AM

10 In The Pit

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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2003, 03:35:46 AM »
CoachJim, you're bringing back some memories to me for sure.  Miss your breakpoint a board or two inside, and the ball dives straight through the nose.  Miss your breakpoint a board or two outside, and a washout is as good as it gets.  Basically, there is no middle ground to be either hit it dead on the line, or you're hung out to dry.  It would definitely prove to be an eye opener for someone who primarily bowls on a wall shot.

Speaking of Corky's Bar-Be-Que, they got their start in Memphis.  Since then, they have branched out into Little Rock, Sam's Town Casino at Tunica, and apparently now at Knoxville too.  They make good groceries, for sure!  Their ribs are good enough to leave you gnawing on the bone.  Even if the rest of your trip was a bust, at least you got some good Bar-Be-Que, if this is the same Corky's that I'm familiar with.


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2003, 08:16:27 AM »
That it was.  Lol, I'd love to have things just click on a national stage like that.  I believe he switched to the Pulse at the beginning of the second game.  I don't know if he threw it at all in the 10th of the first game, but I also believe he started out with his Wicked B/R/T.
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2003, 02:10:51 PM »
It would definitely prove to be an eye opener for someone who primarily bowls on a wall shot.

Duely noted I have never realized how much of a wall the shot I nomally play on is, but last night I pulled the ball 2 boards and was cringing thinking of what would have happened to that shot in Knoxville, but the ball plowed through the pocket and struck, and everone congratulated me on a good shot. All I could think of was no it wasn't. Hello big 4!!

Yes the Corky's you speak of and the Corky's I mentioned are the same chain which started in Memphis and left a trail of sauce across the midsouth.


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2003, 02:16:13 PM »
Hamster I am probably not the kind of person who would do anything after shooting a 237 in the ABC's except stay with the same shot, same ball, throw the same way and be happy if my next game is close to that one. Oh yeah and next time wear the same clothes incase they were lucky or something.

I saw Mike Aulby change balls after starting off with the front 6 and finish playing a different line and still shot 300. I get locked in and can't seem to get away from what seems to be working, but really isn't, I always think it is me making a bad shot and not the lane changing. I have much to learn.


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2003, 02:35:18 PM »
Lol, I'm the same way.  I wouldn't have changed a THING, and it's bad enough when I'm practicing.  I'm addicted to my X-Zone, can't hardly put it down.  Gotta break that habit!
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!

Monster Stitch

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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2003, 03:03:31 AM »
Where is the BTM BJI tournament being held at and what is the format?
I haven't got any flyers for these tournaments. Help me out guys.



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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2003, 03:12:32 AM »
Bowling This Month tournament info:

Bowlers Journal tournament page:

Sorry, I did not bowl either one.  Hopefully someone else will respond with information for you.
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2003, 01:32:52 PM »
For some reason, I couldn't seem to keep my ball speed down.  Even with a dull particle, I had trouble getting the ball to stand up before it hit the pins.  I did shoot spare pretty well, I just had too many to shoot at.  Very few doubles left some low scores all around.

Team:  Just plain brutal.  I was fortunate enough to post 2 clean games, but had 2 opens in the middle game.  The really sad part was I couldn't get any strikes together.  Had only a turkey in the 3rd game.  Not much score there.  Tried 2nd arrow to inside 4th arrow, but found I just had to be accurate.  

Doubles:  Started out throwing too hard to get a clean breakpoint.  I did finally start to get a good look the last game after they broke down, but I had an untimely split in the tenth frame to spoil a good game.

Singles:  After they broke down, I chased inside 4th -5th arrow and could hit the pocket, but kept leaving 10 pins.  Switched balls the last game to shiny reactive and finally put together a 4-bagger, but I pretty much lived in the pocket for not much score.  After I got my scoresheet, I was heartbroken because I shanked one of the 10 pins in the first game to cost me a clean 30.  In the nine games out there, I shot at least 35 single pins and only missed 2.  This one was just very costly.

Storm Sport:  My high ball speed was death on this long pattern.  Bowled 2 sets and had only 1 open the first time, but only 1 double, so not much score.  Horrible second outing as I was too fast for any kind of decent look.  Obvious problem spot to work on.

BTM:  Started playing way in because it looked like I could get inside of the dry middles.  Horrible start, so I moved outside where it seemed much slicker.  Ended up shooting decent playing between first and second arrow with fairly tight line.  Was actually disappointed I didn't have more score as I fell into a very nice line.  Watched lots of missed spares because middle of lane played very dry.


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Re: My Knoxville experience
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2003, 11:08:54 PM »
Congrats on making a good showing at the Nationals Brian. I would be extremely happy with +38 I will have to live with -222 until next year. My spare shooting was my downfall. I could have gutted it out but just didn't have good execution.

Did you bowl in the Bowlers Journal?

I think I should have bowled much better in the BTM too. I just missed too many spares and couldn't stop ripping through the release point on my strike shot. I liked the fact that that was the only shot that was different. The rest all played simmilarly with maybe a slightly different angle and ball type. The BTM shot really made me put on my thinking cap.

Thanks for posting your results it is good to hear from you.