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Author Topic: My Nationals Experience  (Read 855 times)

Jesse James

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My Nationals Experience
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:15:49 AM »
Just got back from Nationals. Had a grand ole time. I stayed at the Sands, but I guarantee that will be the last time I ever stay there. The hotel reminded me of an overly large Days Inn or Motel 6. I'm sure back in the 50's and 60's it was a great centerpiece of attraction, but the smoke that was imbedded in every fiber of the building, was dam near unbearable.

The employees and service was resonably good, I just couldn't stand the smoke and the age of the building. Not to mention, that they messed up one of the reservations for one of my clients, whomed I'd booked there months earlier!

Anywho, I spent most of my time at the Silver Legacy which was light years ahead of the amenities at the Sands! I managed to book my displaced clients there, at the last minute, and was regretting that I didn't move myself as well. That joint is "Top Shelf" all the way. Classy beyond a doubt!!!

Well onto bowling! This was my 3rd consecutive Nationals experience. I had two very disheartenining previous experiences at Baton Rouge and Corpus Christi. Shot 1300 and 1400 all events in those previous outings! Nuff said.
I was ready for the difficult shot this time however. I had done my research. Watched a few videos, and had accurately predicted a wide open shot for leftys, and a wet, blocked shot for righties! Went in, with a resonably sound plan of attack. Shot Team first and then D/S.

Boy was I surprised when I started off playing 18-15 and was rewarded with a turkey, right off the bat, on the fresh oil! That was when the cockiness kicked in, and I said to myself, "Yeah....I GOT THIS!"
And that was about the time, I was reminded that this was Nationals!!! Totally negating my strikes. Struggled like heck to pull out a 178 game, that was the high game on my team! Never mind that was also struggling to read the lanes, and my newly punched up Mystic. My Horizon Solid actually gave me the best read overall on the lanes, and it was absolutely superb for picking up spares. Problem was, that after carrydown set in, it really faltered in turning the corner! 2nd game.......139! four total opens, two of which were splits........and zero strikes!! Man O man, switched to the Mystic, and a big difference was evident. The Mystic turned the corner with ease, I just couldn't figure out the line to play with it. By the time I got a feel for it, the third game was over. A 164 game of constant fishing!
A sorry 481 set, even worse than my teams score from last year.

I was determined to make amends. I began to watch others bowl with my similar style. Next day on lane 27, I shot singles and doubles with my newly acquired dbls partner. (Big shout out to Carl Storms from Washington!!!)
Since my original partner never even made it to Reno, I hooked up with Carl who is a great guy, and a heck uva bowler! Told me he carried a 215 average, and he proved it as well! In doubles, I decided  on the Mystic, since practice showed me that the area I like to play in, was pretty well tracked up. It was a good decision. My partner came out the chute with a nice 236 game, and I was right behind him with a 235.

2nd game, my partner struggled a little with the transition and carrydown, and only shot 179. I struggled as well but eeked out a 192 game. 3rd game was like synchronized bowling! My partner shot 233, and I shot 234. We struck in all the same frames, as well as sparing in all the same frames.....only difference was the fill balls in the tenth! It was great, and really made the experience fun! We both cashed in Brackets, and finished with a 1297 combined, which for me was outstanding, based on my previous performances.

Then we switched and went to singles, which was a completely different animal. We had choppy dried-up heads, and carrydown in my favorite play area. My partner did much better than me, but I struggled mightily!
I shot a measly 154, getting to the pocket consistently, but not carrying well.
I had three missed spares as well.
2nd game, I shot 184, which might have been a 200 if not for a whiffed six-pin.
3rd game, a serious grind of a game, because I hit the pocket consistently, but did not carry! I felt as though, I actually bowled my best game of the day during this game, beacuse of my concentration. The ultimate score of 165 really did not display the amount of execution I actually put into it to get to that sorry score.....but oh well, for me 1646 all events was an all time hi.

What'd I learn: THe Nationals require total concentration on every shot. It requires great discipline, and smart selection of lines to the pocket, as well as anle of attack. What might work at your  local house, won't work here!
But THE most important factor to scoring well, was consistent speed control!
Too hard.....bad carry. Too soft.......corners.

I had a ball, hanging out along the catwalk between Eldorado, Silver Legacy and Circus Circus. The Rum Bullions club was off the chain!! The Sands had an outdoor band on Wed, that was pretty good, but they had and even better wet T-shirt display on that Friday. The girls were very Hot....and the T-shirts were nowhere to be found!! Boooyah!!

Reno weather was outstanding and the food was great, almost everywhere we went.
Next time I'm there, however, I'll either be at Silver Legacy, Eldorado, or Peppermill!!

P.S. Notables that were there  bowling with us.....Mark Roth, Mike Aulby, Teata Semiz. It was great to see Aulby throw the ball. He was using an Ultimate Inferno. The woman on his team was slaying the outside portion of the lane. She was throwing an Awesome Flip..........down the 5-board and killing with it!!! She shot a 258, the game Aulby struggled to a 208!!

Big shout outs to my new friend Kelly Rouse of N.C.!! See ya in Alberqueque Dude! I flew United on an Airbus 757, on the way back. It was the most comfortable flight I have ever been on.......cause I have long legs, and I could actually stretch them out with no problem!

Oveall.... a great trip for me. Can't wait till next year! on a certified Sport pattern....should be fun!!
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!



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Re: My Nationals Experience
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 08:58:49 PM »
Thanks for the report. I keep hearing the Silver Legacy is the place to stay next time. I looked up the names you reported, like Roth and Semiz. There must have been a whole group of senior tour bowlers there at the same time. I saw Soutar, Chamberlain, and other names that are all my age or older that bowl on the over 50 tour.


tarheel bowler

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Re: My Nationals Experience
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2007, 07:57:41 AM »
The lady that was bowling with Mike Aulby was Lucy Sandelin.  She is a 10 time member of Team USA and was on the ladies tour for a couple of years.  She recently won the USBC Senior Queens title.  

I really enjoyed meeting you in Reno and talking with you.  Look forward to seeing you next year.  I will try to post my experiences today.