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Author Topic: my nationals report  (Read 1239 times)

storm making it rain

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my nationals report
« on: May 26, 2010, 12:57:23 PM »
I bowled Monday and Tuesday thus week.

Team event: I've always struggled in the team event in my 11 year nationals history. I started with a pin down reign of fire playing in about 18 to 13-14. Started OK with strike spare. Then I hit the 2-8-10 area. I just felt the inside wasn't there with my group. Made a move outside playing up 5, too much over/ under for out there for me. Ending up shooting 159 out the gate. Next game I went to a pin down virtual energy playing in the 15 to 13 area. And filled every frame for 201. I was getting in my comfort zone to start game 3 with 3 strikes ring 10 stone 9 weak 7 and ended up shooting 243 for 603 in teams. I was happy with that considering my start to that event and not having any open frames the last two games.

Doubles event I started with the VE again (9:20 squad) and it didn't seem like enough to me. Switched back to the ROF to save 206. I was able to burn a little spot with that game and switched back to the VE for the rest of my events. Ended up shooting 235 and 236 for 677 in doubles with just one open the first game.

Singles event: the pair next to us were kind of all over the place so I wasn't sure where to start. I made a 3:2 move right and it ended up being too much. I struggled for the first half of game but saved it with a 5 bagger at the end for 200. Next game I got back in to where I was in doubles to shoot 235 and followed that up with 245 to finish my day with 680 in singles and 1960 all events. And with the minors squads I put in $400 for brackets and cashed out for $1475.

Overall I'm happy with my bowling out there. The team event was a little easier than in the past but IMO they were not easy. Just like usual you have to make shots and find a way to carry and of course make your spares. After my slow start of 159 I think I only missed 4 spares the rest of the tournament, which is huge.

As for Reno itself: we stayed at the eldorado and it was OK. Reno is Reno in my opinion. Not too much to do there really.

We also flew southwest airlines and I had no trouble with the flights, the baggage (3 balls in a slim tote and my spare ball in my suitcase)

Thanks for reading and good luck to those that haven't bowled already



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Re: my nationals report
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 03:17:54 AM »
Nice report.
Proshop Operator
North Bowl Bowling Center
ctwings10--"Here's the problem with any retail service - You can't fix stupid."