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Author Topic: My Nationals Report  (Read 1425 times)


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My Nationals Report
« on: May 18, 2008, 04:20:53 PM »
Start with the important stuff...
Only side event bowled was the Sport Challenge. Was tricked into playing right by the inviting look. By the time I realized it, it was too late. Fair, tough shot. Many ways to get to the hole, but not so easy to knock down all 10. Very enjoyable though---and adequate Nationals practice.

Bowled Thursday night team at 830pm. I was on 9 and 10. Racks were fine. 10 hooked in the ball track at the end of game 1, but inside of that went long no matter what. 9 was hooking more to start, but never really went crazy where I was at. I threw a few shots out in practice to see what was there. For me if I kept it going straight up front, the ball hooked early. If I pushed it, even a board, it missed the head pin. After 3 shots, I scratched that plan and went in. Not as deep as I normally am at Nationals (normally I find myself alone in at 22-25 at the arrows) but I was still inside of everyone on my pair. I was fortunate in that regard. I played 18-14. Pretty aggressive with the ball speed. I shot a clean 230+. 2 open 180+. Clean 220+. I shot 646 and my team ended up just shy of 2900. This was thanks to a big last game. Our bottom 3 went 267, 210+, then me. The 2nd game we had a 930ish score with 2 doubles as a team---2 DOUBLES!!! We just grinded out our spares. I used my relatively dull cell the entire set. I moved 1 board (Yes thats right, I said 1 board) all night. My shot just never changed. The 2nd game I had a split in the 1st and a terrible 7th frame (1-2-8, didnt cover the 8). I literally moved 1 board with my feet. I carried a jersey in the 10th frame of game 2 for our only double. I carried a jersey for a triple in the 7th frame of the last game. My best carry was half pocket to light---ripped the rack. When it would get just 1 board higher, it was a weak 10. Left 7 10 pins (surprisingly made them all).

Bowled Friday night at 11:30pm for D and S.
I watched the teams in front of me for both pairs. For doubles I had guys who hooked it, starting out in between 2nd and 3rd. By the time I stopped watching, most of them (including their relative straighties) were left of 20). This should set up for me to get in my wheelhouse.
I was on 37-38. I threw 2 shots of practice with my Cell. Switched immediately to my modified Rico Drilled Flash Force---pretty shiny. I started playing 24-14 and I had a board or 2 in that would basically backup and be flush in the hole. If I missed right, it was high---like 3-6-10 high. Shot a clean 225, clean 250+. then a disappointing 190+ with 3 opens. I was clean for 25 frames, then I chopped a 6-10, left a 4-9. I doubled to come back for a chance to strike out for 700---then I rung a 10 pin and flagged it. I was upset with 3 shots from this set. A 3-6-10 early, a 6 pin in the 2nd frame of game 2 that I pulled too much, and the shot where I left the 6-10 which I fed right early. I had a great ball reaction---the pin reaction just didnt necessarily cooperate all the time. Still I shot 676, so I wasnt upset. I moved a total of 7 boards with my feet and 4 with my mark.  

Singles pair was 39-40. The Singles pair I saw everyone but 1 playing right of 12. Then only one from the doubles pair playing in. So I figured the inside didnt break down much after what I experienced Thursday night as far as breakdown. I, however, did try a shot with the Flash Force (moving 5 right with my feet and 3 right with my mark from where I started doubles). I still left a washout. I switched immediately to the Cell and converted the spare. From there I grinded a clean 211 playing a line similar to that of my team event, only with a little more room right. At the end of the 211, the 2 guys playing in and myself and burnt a hole in the 12-15 range. The ball wouldnt layoff any more and if I projected it around that spot, it was a 2 pin. To start game 2 I moved 3 left with my feet and stayed soft with my speed (the move I saw work for more than just me---just because the track opens, doesnt mean you can send it to the track and expect wild recovery). I got it rolling from there. I shot 230+ with a missed 10 pin in frame 2. Then a 259---front 7, 4 pin, strike, 7 pin, strike on the fill. 704 in singles. Moved a total of 6 and 4 with my feet and target respectively.

A few random thoughts...
Lane 40 sets up a huge 1-3 pocket about every 3 or 4 shots---at least.
Every adjustment I made worked---I was fortunate in this regard. I had a teammate who made a move right at the wrong time and proceeded to go high 4 straight shots, even when trying to adjust back and more. This is how a clean 190-200 turns into a 140 or 150.
I saw too many fluffers trying to play 10 board as always.
I would have been dead without my Cell. The 2 sets I used it, nothing else I have would have hooked or hit where I was playing.
I had never shot over 1900 before this year---only shooting over 1800 once despite averaging 194 for 8 years (that happens when youve shot 1799 twice with an 1882 mixed in). So of course this year I shot 2026.
I had 6 opens for the event. 2 missed 10s, a chopped 6-10, the 1-2-8 I didnt convert, a 4-9 and a 6-7-10. Previous years Ive missed the 3-6-10 or any spare involving the 3 pin and another pin standing as many as 7 times---this year I may have left 4 or 5 different multipin variations with the 3 pin and made them all.
I did hook at all my left hand spares. There will be those that say you cant---you cant without hand (in my opinion). I trusted that my ball would hook cross lane and it did.
I brought 5 balls with me to NM. Cell, Flash Force, Classic Zone, Impulse Zone, and Clash (spare ball and extreme dry lane option---thumbin for spares). I ruled out the Impulse after bowling the Sport Challenge and seeing how it would roll on a more challenging pattern. It never came in the building again. My Classic Zone never made it out of my bag. My Flash Force was a bit of a hunch---I just know it makes a pronounced early move with the controlled backend from the Rico drilling. That ball and drilling was just what the doctor ordered.
I didnt think the shot was as tight as some have suggested. I didnt think it was easy obviously, but you just need enough ball to play it. If you are going with what you used last year because it worked, you probably wont have enough ball for early on in teams---then youll be fighting it the whole series.
I loved this scenario. Our 4 teams on 2 pairs next to each other both have scoring issues which the lane monitor butchers royally. It takes 15 minutes for each. Then we are warned for slow bowling that we only have X time left in our squad. So then before our singles match the team from Illinois that moved in the top 5 has shot 1100 and 1000 or something like that and are a full 5 FRAMES BEHIND EVERYONE. Its not because they arent striking. WHAT A JOKE. They didnt get warned because they were scoring. They were discussing every shot (which is fine). Giving each other 2 and 3 lane courtesy in their group. They bowled 5 frames into my doubles match. I feel bad for those following them---and yet their shift wasnt cut short. The timed set is a joke if it is going to be implemented on a case by case basis---who cares about them because they are struggling? Oh but if you are successful, take as much time as you need to make the top 5. AN ABSOLUTE COMPLETE JOKE. Probably upset me more than anything Ive ever seen at Nationals. I told my team on Thursday night to not think about the lane monitors and tourney officials and just take care of what we could---and we did. But to watch that the next night was embarrassing.

Food---it was all good, everywhere we went---name the place in town, we ate there and it was good. Maloneys service was slow---but the drinks will pollute you. Try the Queso dip N chips. The cheese sauce is bangin.

I stayed at the Hyatt---saw some complaints about this place. I had no issues with the Hyatt. In fact, I feel glad I was there. Had a scary experience involving my friends and my girlfriends missing at 215am on Thursday night. While they turned up fine, the Hyatt phone staff and employee who came to the door were both able to communicate properly in the situation, but they responded extremely promptly. I was very grateful.

I drive out every year, so no airline issues to report.

Any questions, feel free to ask. Some of this may be very jumbled---that happens when my brain is still going a mile a minute about the whole situation. I still cant believe Im in the top 100 in all events and the top 200 in singles. Its quite a high. I know of at least 1 person who went with my group who frequents the site. Maybe he can give his thoughts on what we saw together---just to either back me up or discount what I saw.
Only Losers Feel Pressure

Edited on 5/19/2008 7:56 AM
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328



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Re: My Nationals Report
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2008, 07:53:13 AM »
What surface did you have your cell at? I am bring two with me when I go next week, one drilled strong the other a longer pin. Right now I have both OOB but thinking of taking the stronger one down to 1000 abralon.

Great shooting and thanks for posting your thoughts.



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Re: My Nationals Report
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2008, 07:54:49 AM »
Box finish, relatively strong early drilling.
Only Losers Feel Pressure

Edited on 5/19/2008 7:56 AM
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328


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Re: My Nationals Report
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2008, 10:55:29 AM »
Great bowling and great report, NoThumb.
FYI - Skip Wolfe has been unbelievably slow his entire career. A great guy who bowled regionals for years, we used to give him crap about how slow he was all the time.
Skip if you see this, awesome bowling. Know some disappointment there but still a heckuva effort.


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Re: My Nationals Report
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2008, 11:12:46 AM »
PA to NM is a heck of a drive ... how was THAT?
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: My Nationals Report
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2008, 03:49:30 PM »
NoThumb, Thanks for the feedback. Great shooting again.



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Re: My Nationals Report
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2008, 06:48:11 PM »
I drive every year, so it was nothing compared to Reno. 2001 I drove by myself out to Reno---only stopped to sleep for 4 hours. Just slept in the van. Most years we have 3 or 4 go out and we just rotate until we get to our destination. People give me money for gas in return, I am their UPS/FEDEX getting their equipment there. They know it gets there and for me----its cheaper than flying for the few people in the car. This year was a relatively easy trip---although I did have a first in 9 years this year---a speeding ticket in Ohio. I was dumb---stuff happens.

Thank you for the grats. I honestly was surprised the way everything fell together for me.
Only Losers Feel Pressure
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328

Keith Frye

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Re: My Nationals Report
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2008, 12:02:17 PM »
Great bowling NOTHUMB and great report. I was the lead-off bowler on his team.  I did not enjoy nearly as much success. In fact, this was probably my lowest scoring year.  It also was my first nationals outside of Reno.  I feel like my execution was pretty good but I never found the right match-up of line and equipment. My rev rate is significantly lower than NOTHUMB and that may or may not have been a factor.  I did notice that the other bowler on our team who fared well for the tournament, also has a fairly high rev rate. They also both used Cells for most or all of the tournament (take that for what it is worth).

I missed one "easy" spare in each of the three events. During team, I had zero doubles. I started up 7 and eventually moved in to 11 or 12. I tried a few shots around 15 but I didn't have recovery right or hold left.  Grinded out 530+. Played with a Scorchin' Inferno, pin under ring, low hole, with a lot of surface. Also used a Lane Masters Conquerer, pin up, with low hole, box surface.

I exchanged pairs with NOTHUMB for doubles/singles (see his report above). 39-40 for doubles. Played 20 at the arrows with a shiny Sting, pin up, no hole. I did manage to get a few doubles but no strings of strikes.  Mix in a few splits and I ended up with another 530+ set.

On to 37-38 for singles. Stayed with the Sting. Ended up in front of the ball return playing fifth arrow. Again, I managed a few doubles here and there but never put much more together. Toward the end of the third game, I pulled out my Terminator Rebellion with a label drill (cg slightly right) and about 1200 polish surface. I had a good look playing around 17 or 18 at the arrows to about 12 at the break point.  I may have been better off had I gone to that earlier. 570 for singles with my one and only deuce in the last game of the tournament.

Side tournaments:
Bowled one set of the Roto Grip challenge the night before team event. It seemed to forshadow how my tournament would go.  We bowled at the end of the night and the posted low cash score was 383. After shooting 179 with one open and no doubles, I finally get my first double in the eigth and ninth of game two. I need the first strike of the tenth to cash and leave a ten pin on what was not my best shot. End up with 199 clean for 378. As mentioned at the start of this thread, multiple angles to get to the pocket but carry is not always there.

Bowled the BTM on Saturday afternoon. I hadn't fully recovered from bowling the 11:30 pm shift the night before and not getting to bed untill 4:30 am.  So I didn't bowl well at all. Leisure Lanes is an old AMF center and there were many mechanical failures.  Mid-way through game one, we had to move to another pair because they couldn't fix the right lane in a short amount of time. We had at least one delay on every pair (five pairs total) for all four games. The tournament director was apologetic and offered a free re-entry.  However, we were bowling the last squad of the day and were leaving the next day. He did promise to make note to give us a free re-entry next year in Vegas. As mentioned before, it was an AMF surface and the last shift so the lanes were hooking quite a bit.

As I was burnt out, I opted not to bowl the 40 Frame Game (also at Leisure) but watched three of my buddies. Fresh house shot. As AMF surfaces tend to have more friction, the shot played a little more inside to out. It didn't appear too difficult to get to the pocket and strikes were plentiful.

Mike Jasnau lesson:
Myself and a buddie each did individual training sessions with Mike Jasnau last Thursday morning. I thoroughly enjoyed my session. He gave me two main things to work on. Video definitley allows you to see things that you don't realize you are doing or not doing.

We also did the team practice session.  Unfortunately for me, I was not practicing with the actual group that I would bowl with. His advice was for the team to break down 7-8-9 going up the boards with strong surfaces. Then move left with parallel moves or small angles (2-1) moves.

I have two tournaments scheduled in June.  I'm looking forward to a better showing!


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Re: My Nationals Report
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2008, 11:14:06 PM »
Another thought. I read alot about how tough it was to carry this year. I find it should be difficult every year based on the patterns they use. This year reminded me of Reno 2004 for pin carry.

Reno 2004 was before they replaced the lanes. Alot of people tried to play the ball track and didnt like their ball or pin reactions. That year I played in with a Tornado (and yes I had more than enough ball in my hand) and never wanted to be higher than half pocket. My pin reaction was phenomenal from the half pocket zone. A little higher in the pocket was a weak 10. I had a 2 board zone that you would expect a weak or a solid 10---they were all WEAK 10s. I left a couple solid 10s. A couple in doubles on the pair that was really, really hooking and 1 on the singles pair on a bad rack pull. Otherwise, pretty much everything was weak if it was a 10.

What does this say about the shot? Maybe nothing. Just what I noticed. I think the rev game has a significant advantage this year if they can be accurate. I dont believe (as some do) that they always have an advantage, but I feel that this year if you could turn the ball a little bit but stay on line that you could overpower the shot a little bit.
Only Losers Feel Pressure
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328