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Author Topic: My Response to the USBC  (Read 1011 times)


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My Response to the USBC
« on: May 26, 2005, 11:56:45 PM »
Stop messing with ball specs that don't really change anything anyway.

First let me start by saying how sick I am of going to the Nationals and seeing a shot that I should be able to hit, but can't because the only time I see it is when I bowl at the Nationals.

The USBC should mandate that any sanctioned league be played on the National shot, set up by a USBC representative and locked into the machine. If the bowlers want to bowl on a house shot, then don't sanction it, but if the league is sanctioned it should be played on the National shot. This way we all bowl on the same shot, I know that different surfaces will play differently etc., but this will make a bigger statement than putting useless requirements on bowling balls.

It wouldn't have mattered what ball I had in my hand at the Nationals, it was still a demanding shot.

Edited on 5/27/2005 7:48 AM



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Re: My Response to the USBC
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2005, 12:34:27 PM »
A shot laid down in Chicago, will be different than the "same" shot laid down in Reno.  there is more to a shot than the oil pattern.  Lane Surface, outside temperature, inside temp, humidity, etc.  If you know what you're doing, you can take a tough shot, like the one the ABC puts down for the tournament, and turn it into a nice little wall in a short period of time.  If you're upset with the shot your home center puts down, complain to the manager, get your fellow bowlers to complain.  If the USBC mandates a universal condition, proprietors simply won't sanction.  If I spent $100K on a lane machine, I'm not gonna let some outsider (I don't care who they work for) come in and monkey with it.
The clock on the wall says 3 O'Clock...last call...for Alcohol!
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Re: My Response to the USBC
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2005, 12:56:02 PM »
Bowling is just like any other sport. Over time it will evolve. Could you imagine a guy like Mike Vick playing football in the  60's? Should NASCAR go back to the old days of cars on the beach? The rules need to change with the times, but put the sport in reverse is not the answer. The chnages to most other sports have been as a result of safety not to keep scoring low. Even limiting speeds in NASCAR has been for safety not just to make it slower. Should golf make a bunch of rule changes so you can't fdrive the ball 300+yards? How about a 10lb basketball to make it harder. water filled footballs so you can't throw them very far sound like a good idea? Bowlers report directly to bowling centers and pro shops. If a bowler thinks the shot is too easy there are a couple things that can be done. #1 find a center with a harder shot (sport leagues, pba leagues, tournaments) #2 get less aggresive equipment (white dot leagues, plastic & rubber balls)

These proposals if passed will be the death of the usbc. I have heard wide talk of other governing bodies coming to the forefront.
hey (r)andy, id like to know, how do i taste?

you you know (r)andy i tried to be the bigger man, oh wait, from what she tells me i am the bigger man.    
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Re: My Response to the USBC
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2005, 07:50:38 AM »
well they will mess around to much, centers &
leagues would sanction we already talked
about it. A free 300 ring WOW from USBA.
We have about 250 men bowlers at $10
apeice we could get some nice plaques or
something for 300 & 800 bowlers
we only had 5- 300's last season.


its a fun sport if i was serious I would
be on tour or something I don't have
enough money for regionals evens.

this USBA wants it to be a big time sport
not in our lifetime.

Golf,nascar,whatever, not bowling.