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My take on the practice session
« on: February 11, 2008, 02:06:15 PM »
I posted the following on following the practice session at the convention center in Albuquerque on Sunday.  Don't know if it'll help any of you, but I figured I'd share here ... (Pat, you should post too!)

Originally posted on

Things to consider as I make my report: 1 - I'm lefthanded; 2 - I'm a woman with slower speed (14 mph), lower revs (about 250), and a lower average (right around 160).

With that in mind, here's what I thought.  I'll also include my husband's take from the right side.

Approaches:  Me - I don't slide, so I was in heaven.  Hub - They were tacky.  He used Dexter 8 sole and 7 heel.  He stuck so badly a couple of times on his right side spare shots that he considered changing to his 10 sole.

Lanes in general:  We were on 1 and 2 next to a wall, so I think we had a few issues that weren't as evident in other areas.  For the first game or so, we were basically clearing off the sawdust and wall board residue.  Every ball that came back had a combination of those two things and major amounts of oil.  On the left side, there was also something my ball kept rolling over that gave it an interesting pattern of minor scratches in my track.  No worries, though.  They were very good about handing out ball damage vouchers for repairs once the pro shops open.

Lanes in specific:

Left side (me) - The pattern we were dealt was by far the hardest I've ever seen.  That's not saying much, since my sport shot experience is limited.  The oil was long and rather heavy.  More than I've ever seen.  My ball started to make its move around 44-45 feet.  From 5 out there was nothing, straight as an arrow.  I could have shot my 7 pins from there.  From 8 to 12, same thing.  I got no turn at all.  If I could repeat shots on 6-7 with a decent amount of hand in the ball, I was hitting the pocket.  Lively pins led to a lot of corners left.  The pins that should have taken out the 7 or 10 were flying over them.  I started with a Hole Finder Solid (OOB).  It was just drilled, and I had some fit issues, so I didn't stay with it long.  Once I get it fixed, it will be the ball I start with for team.  It had a good look down the lanes.  my Hole Pounder Solid (OOB) was useless.  No turn at all.  I had some success with an old Storm Power Charge Pearl (scuffed).  I had to make a move with my feet that was uncomfortable for me.  I rarely stand left of 23, and I finally found a shot standing 17 shooting 6-7.  Speed control was essential.  I had a problem throwing through the breakpoint.

Right side (hub) - Noticed the same about the pattern, ball broke later than he was used to, somewhere around the outside dark boards (gotta love downlane markers).  He was throwing a Lane 1 Evolution and a Lane 1 Nebula.  He had his best looks shooting 7 or 12, got nothing in between.  He also had to move his feet.  Stood much farther right than he's used to.  Liked the reaction of his Nebula the best.  My observations of other righthanders on our pair.  Down 15-18 with little turn seemed to be a good shot for a few of them with low or no revs.  One who I consider to be a rather good bowler with good speed and revs was crossing the arrows at about 18 going out to about 13 and had a great line.

Venue:  It's gorgeous!  I think you'll all enjoy your visit to the convention center.

Sorry this is so long.  I hope I've helped at least a little.

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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 10:26:22 PM »
Thanks for the report....I had a friend out there doing some work and he talked to one of the USBC people.  They told him that the lanes should be similar to last year.  I hope so

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"

Pat Patterson

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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 10:48:09 PM »
This is what I saw yesterday:

During the Team practice session I could not throw anywhere left of the 5 board(lanes 43-44) and could not throw my normal equipment to start. Had to bump the gutter and throw a medium load particle(Legends Conquerer with the pin below ring finger type drilling) and shot 223 the 1st game. Switched to a heavy load particle(Legends World Class Particle, similar lay-out to above mentioned Conquerer) and shot 227. Last game I switched to my normal ball or THS ball as some like to call it, a Particle Pearl(Legends Black Pearl) and shot 256 for 706.

Got to bowl the Doubles & Singles practice squad as well and they re-oiled. The pattern went from an outside shot(like during the team practice) to OB. Wound up shooting up the 10-12 board with a Heavy load particle(Legends World Class Particle sanded to 500-abralon), shot 217-245-218=680. Changed pairs and found out they oiled every other pair differently(heard it in passing), so when you changed lanes from the "mock" doubles set to the "mock" singles set you would experience two different patterns. Found the shot just a little different so not sure if it was true. Anyway, played basically the same line with the World Class around 10-12 and shot 243-190(missed three 7-pins, very odd especially since I am normally a very good spare shooter, just ask DEB). During the 3rd game the lanes decided I need to work on my back row spare shooting as I failed to strike in the first 7 frames.  Frankie May from Visionary Bowling Products came by and asked how the lanes were and we BS'd for a little bit.  He noticed the line I was playing and asked if I would play the 3rd arrow to see what was inside. He said, but don't quote him or me, that the National patterns(regardless of which is applied) will usually have a decent shot around the 3rd arrow. So, I took out a polished Legends Black Pearl(Pin above ring finger, stacked leverage) and proceeded to shoot 229 for a 3-game set of 662. I guess he knows what he's talking about and he's a pretty nice guy.

Overall, I know the actual pattern will be different, but I hope not too much.  I will be bowling the 6:30pm and 9:00pm Sweeper tuesday night and I will report out on any findings after I get done bowling and after a quick bite to eat at Hooters!

Pat Patterson

Edited on 2/11/2008 11:50 PM
Pat Patterson


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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2008, 11:28:07 PM »

You didn't tell me about Hooters.


Yes, Pat's a VERY GOOD spare shooter.
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Pat Patterson

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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2008, 01:59:30 AM »


You didn't tell me about Hooters.


Yes, Pat's a VERY GOOD spare shooter.
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Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2008, 07:40:24 AM »
Thanks Deb and Pat for the reports!!

And I'll take Deb's word on your spare shooting Pat

From what I saw last year, it seems like the length is similar but maybe a little more volume of oil. I always here of people playing outside there, but I never seem to get that shot when I arrive. Last year I played around 3rd arrow and moved left from there and shot very well. Will probably start there again.

Pat, I grew up in the same town as Frankie May, before he became a Nationals fixture, very nice guy, very knowledgable. You won't do yourself wrong listening to what he has to say.

Can't wait to hear about the sweeper tonight, good luck and have a few wings for me!


Pat Patterson

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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2008, 02:46:50 AM »
Well, I got to bowl the sweepers last night at the USBC @ the convention center in Albuquerque.

I got to bowl the 6:30pm and 9:00pm squads.  First off I bowled with Deb on the 6:30pm squad , we were assigned lanes 1-2.  Started out in practice throwing a Big/R-Bang , Black Pearl and a Conquerer .  The lanes were a little slick for the polished reactive resin and pearl particle(both pin above drillings),  I had a pretty good look with the Conquerer so I started with it(pin below drilling).  I wound up shooting outside the 5 board as there was a heavy volume of oil inside that, proceeded to shot 257 first game.  Second game got a little loosey goosey with the arm swing and finally wound up tossing 199 for 456 after two games.  The last game decided to switch to my World Class Particle(pin below drilling sanded with 500 grit abralon then lightly polished).  I picked up the ball speed a little and proceeded to shoot 214 for a 670 series.  Wound up cashing 8th for this squad and won 6 brackets for a total of $225.00.

For the 9:00pm squad got to bowl with Deb again, this time on lanes 27-28.  I started out practicing with the World Class Particle and Conquerer and decided to stick with the World Class Particle due to a little more volume outside the 5 board.    First game I had trouble getting the ball to turn the corner and was leaving a lot of 2 pins from coming in light and wound up shooting 185(missed a couple of easy spares along the way).   Second game I moved a couple of boards left and the lanes seemed to open up a little bit more after the first few frames.  I wound up throwing the last 6 strikes for a 246.  The 3rd game started with the front 5 strikes before leaving a 10-pin, a couple of errant shots and finished with a 232 for a 663 series.  Wound up cashing 12th for this squad and won 4 brackets for a total of$180.00 and a Grand Total of $405.00, not bad for a $100.00 investment.

Overall I think they are going to stick with the latter oiling pattern from what I heard from a few of the USBC staff.  I think the condition was fair for both sides as some of the better left-handers and right-handers were around the 650-680 series range with only a couple of 700’s shot.  Also, I didn’t hear too many people complaining about the patterns that were presented to us today to bowl on.

I hope this info is helpful to all that get a chance to read this……………  

Pat Patterson
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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2008, 08:22:39 AM »
Thanks for that update Deb and Pat.  Hope it helps me.  
Pat, what is your normal line during THS league nights?  I was reading that you were pretty much playing around the 5 board.  Is that where the shot(best shot) will be?
Deb, hope they took care of the sticky approaches.  Otherwise my slide knee may take a beating. I don't slide much but my knee doesn't like sudden stops. I have one of those slide socks but i never have used it, hope I don't have to.

Additional questions Pat;

Did you notice people playing deeper Like 15-18 swinging out to 8-12?  If so, did they score ok?  In your opinion, where is the best part of the lane to play?

Edited on 2/13/2008 1:13 PM


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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2008, 09:28:47 AM »
I pretty much have nothing to add to Pat's report except that the approaches seemed to be a lot better.  I didn't hear anyone complaining and didn't see anything that would indicate they were tacky.

As for my bowling, I'm praying that they choose the shot from the 9 p.m. squad.  On the 6:30 squad there could have been 20 pins on the deck, and if I needed to hit just one, I would have missed.  I was completely clueless.

I will say that I was using the session test two new balls, but that's no excuse for flagging 2 pins and 3 pins, which I did with regularity.  It was just one of those nights for me.

Needless to say, I was a prize fund and brackets donator, but I wouldn't have missed the experience for the world.  Pat hadn't seen me bowl in a while, and he gave me a few good pointers on how to get the ball down the lane with a bit more success.  Thanks, Pat!  I'll try to remember to "put some stink on the ball" when I bowl the events.

I'm still waking up, so maybe I'll post something a bit more informative after my second cup of coffee.

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Pat Patterson

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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2008, 12:17:59 PM »

My normal line on my THS is around 10-12 board at the arrows and around 9-10 board at the 45' hash mark.  As far as where the best shot will/would be I didn't experiment as much during the Sweeper event due to it paying money(just tried find a comfortable spot and try to make a little money).

As far as the approaches are concerned, I didn't have an issue with them and didn't notice anyone else struggling with them.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for that update Deb and Pat.  Hope it helps me.  
Pat, what is your normal line during THS league nights?  I was reading that you were pretty much playing around the 5 board.  Is that where the shot(best shot) will be?
Deb, hope they took care of the sticky approaches.  Otherwise my slide knee may take a beating. I don't slide much but my knee doesn't like sudden stops. I have one of those slide socks but i never have used it, hope I don't have to.

Additional questions Pat;

Did you notice people playing deeper Like 15-18 swinging out to 8-12?  If so, did they score ok?  In your opinion, where is the best part of the lane to play?

Edited on 2/13/2008 1:13 PM

Pat Patterson
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Re: My take on the practice session
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2008, 10:09:21 PM »
I had no issues with the approaches.  Just trying to get lined in was my issue for the night.  If I had to suggest to people is to stick with one line and keep working it.  Bring 3-4 balls with different drillings and surfaces on it, but so that you can work the same line (hope this makes sense).