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Author Topic: my under-age reno experience  (Read 1698 times)


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my under-age reno experience
« on: April 11, 2004, 04:41:12 AM »
Well, I am finally back at school, so its time for my ABC report.
Flight-  Flew Northwest and I brough 2 2-ball totes with 1 suitcase.  I had no problem checking my 2 totes and nothing got damaged on either flight.  Flying out was great, used the Easy checkin system and got everything set without a problem.  On the way back, huge wait with only 1 person working the desk and an entire plane trying to check in at once.  When we finally got bags checked and thru security, everything was fine.

Hotel/Food/Gambling- We stayed at out at the Sands, which wasn't that bad.  The rooms were clean and much bigger than I expected.  My parents like to eat at rather inconvenient times for the happy eater I am, but I made it through.  We ate at Mel's in the Sands a few times and I didn't have any bad experiences with it.  One problem with the trip was that I am not 21, so each time I went somewhere with the parents I would play the "How long until I get carded?" game.  The first day out there we went to the El Dorado and I made a quick 50 on nickel slots and I quit.  Shortly after, I was shown the door.  During the day, I managed to last a few hours of watching the parents play before being asked to leave, but at night I had about 30 seconds on the floor before being ousted.  For the most part, the slots were extremely tight, getting a decent payout on one usually meant losing it later on another.  The blackjack dealers had a knack at getting 4 or 5 card 21s and hitting on 16, drawing the ace for 17, and cleaning out the table.  

Team- The team event was quite the adventure, and I never really got lined up.  For the most part, I only found soup on 53-54 and had trouble hitting the pocket without throwing the PERFECT ball.  I used my El Nino starting at 23 hitting 3rd arrow and letting the ball roll back.  I was consistently inconsistent at hitting my mark and shot a solid 181-148-170 for 499.  I really had a hard time getting the ball to move outside, but when I moved in and slowed the ball down a bit the shot opened up.  Like previous ABC's, consistency was needed and there was a definate OB.  I left more 1-2-4's in Reno than I have all year.
Singles/Doubles- This shot was a little bit lighter, but still needed accuracy to score.  I started doubles in the same spot as I finished team with the El Nino and shot 173 with opens in the 2nd and 3rd frame.  The next game I was on fire and didn't miss much, shot 243(My first 200 at ABCs).  Third game the bonehead opens acame back in the 1st and 5th for 187.  173-243-187=603.
In singles, the shot was the same so I came out firing a CLEAN 224.  The next game I was fine until I missed a 2 pin in the fifth.  I tried to come back, struck in the 6th, smash 9 pin in the 7th, strike in the 8th, smash 10 pin in the 9th, 8-spare/strike in the 10th for 186.  I carry those 2 frames and its 226.  3rd game I had 2 stupid opens, but had the first 2 in the 10th for 204.  224-186-204= 614.  

Altogether, spares were a huge part of the bowling.  I had more opens in team than in doubles and singles combined.  Consistency was needed, miss outside and say bye-bye, miss inside and hope to carry brooklyn.  I didn't see as many problems with the twister pins as I expected, but there were times that the carry was questionable (Singles game 2).  I still bowled decent enough in doubles/singles to make me feel better about team.  499-603-614= 1716 all events. Last year I had 1591, so this year was much better.  
-Edited w/gambling notes-
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling

Edited on 4/11/2004 7:37 PM



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Re: my under-age reno experience
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2004, 12:40:13 AM »
Thanks for the nice post. What balls did you use for team; and then for D & S?
Did you move in much as the D & S event wore on?


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Re: my under-age reno experience
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2004, 12:45:07 AM »
In team, I tried my sapphire zone and freak out and could not get them to budge.  I "used" my El Nino for the majority of team and got the 499.  In D/S, I also used the El Nino.  Over the six games, I ended up moving all of 2 boards inward to find more oil.  The shot held up really well for me, I was the only one of the 3 righties playing 3rd arrow, everyone else was out around 9-11.
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling


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Re: my under-age reno experience
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2004, 01:56:04 PM »
Overall, that isnt too bad. It takes a few frames to get used to everything.

I bowled April 4-5 and didnt do too bad. I threw my Icon 2 the entire weekend playiing the same line for all 3 events. I played outside, everyone else on my pair the whole weekend was inside so I didnt need to move much. I ended up with 596 in team, 618 in doubles, then almost fell apart with 561 in singles = 1775 All Events. This was only my second time at Nationals so I was pleased. I beat everyone from our area which I think gained a little more respect for myself.

Good bowling though, hopefully you can start a little sooner next year.
Co-Owner/Operator of 10 Back Pro Shop
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Terre Haute, IN


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Re: my under-age reno experience
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2004, 10:45:34 PM »
Jeff, I definately agree with you there.  I never saw it before, but it really was quite a dirty place.  Inside the casinos wasn't bad, but on the streets you never really knew who you would come across.
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling


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Re: my under-age reno experience
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2004, 12:38:39 AM »
No kidding...

When we went and bowled the 40 Frame game, the guy working the counter said that if we saw any hot girls walking down 4th St alone, dont talk to them because they're probably a prostitute. Sweet!
Co-Owner/Operator of 10 Back Pro Shop
Storm Staff
Terre Haute, IN

Old Coach

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Re: my under-age reno experience
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2004, 09:25:38 AM »
Dan, good bowling, really enjoyed your post, wish we would see more like yours instead of some of the garbage we are seeing.  Good luck with your college bowling and look forward to next years report.