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Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« on: May 15, 2007, 02:51:58 PM »
For some dumb reason, the City of Wichita couldnt agree with the USBC to hold the tourney.  Im pissed, as I was looking foward to NOT having drive far or flying.



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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2007, 10:41:22 AM »
I would like to see a state that has never hosted a tournament before, one of the Dakotas, or Carolinas, Maine, someplace totally different


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2007, 11:05:45 AM »

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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2007, 11:07:43 AM »
I would like to see a state that has never hosted a tournament before, one of the Dakotas, or Carolinas, Maine, someplace totally different

The Dakotas aren't even states anymore, are they?  Don't we have to have it in the US?

I think Mike's got a good idea with Memphis.  Centrally located for a LOT of people, and best of all, only three hours from me.  I really wanted to go to BR as my family is from south Louisiana.



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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2007, 11:16:03 AM »
I agree.  Going west every year is a pain in the ass, and if you look at the history of bowling many of the huge bowling cities haven't had the premier tournament in years.  I would love to see the USBC in St. Louis or Chicago, but Memphis, Tunica or even Indianapolis would work well.  Oh and for whoever mentioned Springfield, MO. you may want to rethink that, it's in the middle of Jesus Land and there's really not much going on unless your a bassmaster or really into country music.


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2007, 03:16:49 PM »
The problem is getting cities to bid with the USBC conditions.

Like others have said none of the bigger areas that are convention hot sites want to tie up a center for 6 months. So it ends up being mid sized cities that the tourism from it is a big enough benefit to bid for it.

It appears that it has gotten limited down to about 10 cities even willing to bid on the tournament anymore. That is why Corpus, Albuquerque, Baton Rouge, Knoxville, Billings, etc keep coming up in the rotation talk.

The USBC also requires a bribe, ah err, up front money. To get it Wichita gave them 200K up front, rent free space at the convention center, and I believe another 750K at some future date.

I guess the issue was that the city wouldn’t guarantee that the convention center would be maintained to the existing level of condition. The state laws wouldn’t let them guarantee future funding outside the budget year at least that is the cities excuse at this point.


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2007, 06:27:18 AM »
Billings was the best trip in 15 years.  When you got there you thought those people had never seen visitors.  I thought they were going to ask us in for dinner in their homes.  Moose Drool is beer you want to bring home if you can.  I'm serious these people went out of their way to be nice. If you have never seen Custer's Last Stand National Cemetery you won't believe it.  It is a national cemetery like Arlington. There is a Local sports bar downtown on the corner called Billings Sports bar that has the best burger in the world. I need a job marketing Billings. Enough of my dribble. I hope i get back someday. I'll take my wife and grand kids.
thanks for your time.
thanks for your time.


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2007, 06:38:03 AM »
I really enjoyed Billings but I would prefer to see it somewhere east of the Mississippi river.  It has been a while....


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2007, 08:12:22 AM »
By Carrie Rengers
Wichita Eagle

Posted on Thu, May. 17, 2007
How the city lost bowling tournament

Speculation -- and frustration -- is running high in business circles and among those in city and county government:

What really happened to cause Wichita to lose the United States Bowling Congress Open Championships for 2011 and a potential $100 million economic impact?

Three contractual issues caused a breakdown in negotiations.

"Some lawyer on city staff couldn't see past his policy book," says Mark Jensen, a Wichitan who served on the American Bowling Congress board from 1992 to 2005. (The ABC was a predecessor of the USBC.)

"The minor sticking points are so insignificant in their scope, but the consequences are so devastating that it's hard to believe that we've lost that event," Jensen says.

Mayor Carl Brewer says he and City Council members are equally stunned.

"I ended up finding out Friday evening, and at that point in time, we were told that there were some concerns, but they were still working on it," Brewer says. "I said, 'Go back and tell them... I'd be happy to fly there myself.' "

He and Vice Mayor Sharon Fearey quickly drafted a letter moments before they attended the Wichita River Festival parade.

On Monday, a convention bureau official told Brewer USBC officials wouldn't meet with him or talk with him but said the city's attorney could call the USBC's attorney.

"We still aren't exactly sure why they made the decision... or wouldn't even accept a phone call from me," Brewer says. "The Council should have been allowed to at least talk about it."

USBC attorney Thor Lundgren says three things caused negotiations to end:

• The city's unwillingness to choose either itself or the Greater Wichita Convention and Visitors Bureau as the sole entity listed on the contract. The USBC "desires one party to be responsible for all contractual arrangements," Lundgren says.

• The city's inability -- due to state law -- to make monetary assurances that the condition of Century II would be the same or better for the tournament as it is now.

• The city's refusal to use arbitration as the sole means of settling any disputes.

The issues "should not have been deal-breakers," says Tom Docking, the bureau's counsel.

He says more negotiations could have avoided this.

"But they cut it off," Docking says of the USBC. "The city should have been afforded a better opportunity."

Lundgren says there were plenty of opportunities.

"There shouldn't be any surprises here," he says. "These negotiations went on for months."

City and bureau officials say that's true, but "the end of the negotiation was sudden and surprising," says city spokesman Van Williams.

"As long as both sides are negotiating and at the table, there's always options -- in theory and in the real world," he says.

Jensen says that's unacceptable for a contract bid that the city won in 2004.

"We have really backed USBC into a corner," he says. "They can not wait another two or three years for us to get off our backside and get this thing done."

Jensen says a USBC board member called him last fall to ask what the holdup was.

"He asked me point blank: 'What's the matter with your contracts? We are waiting.'

"That's when I called the (bureau) and... was told everything was fine," Jensen says. "Everything is not fine."

The city's loss of the event has given rise to several theories, such as the city wants to sell Century II or turn that space into a casino, and that's why it couldn't make a guarantee about its condition.

Brewer says that's "absolutely crazy."

"There's no way the city would be interested in selling Century II," he says.

Some wonder if the building's current condition might have led the USBC to back out -- meaning other facilities elsewhere are better. Further, they wonder if the organization got a better deal for 2011.

"They don't have another place," Lundgren says. "They've put themselves in a bit of a position."

He says the real issue is that every time USBC officials asked the city to be flexible, they heard: "We can't."

Jensen says too many people worked for too many years to make this event happen.

"To lose it this way is unforgivable," he says.

Brewer refuses to accept that it's a totally lost opportunity.

"We are not going to give up," he says. "If their board would just give us the opportunity -- myself and Council members and our team -- to sit down and visit with them, I think we can change their mind."


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2007, 08:45:10 AM »

I know back in 93 I think Tulsa had the tourney, but from some I have talked to, they weren't too impressed with Tulsa. They do have a lot more to do now and more hotels, especially with all the casinos around there.

OKC has casinos in the vicinity of the town (Norman, Shawnee, Newcastle, El Reno, etc) but only one casino in the city limits, which actually is called a racino because it is at the racetrack.

What they have aren't real casinos...real casinos have dice.  If they thought they might have dice in the next four years or so, then they can promote themselves as casinos...


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2007, 10:07:53 AM »

I know back in 93 I think Tulsa had the tourney, but from some I have talked to, they weren't too impressed with Tulsa. They do have a lot more to do now and more hotels, especially with all the casinos around there.

OKC has casinos in the vicinity of the town (Norman, Shawnee, Newcastle, El Reno, etc) but only one casino in the city limits, which actually is called a racino because it is at the racetrack.

What they have aren't real casinos...real casinos have dice.  If they thought they might have dice in the next four years or so, then they can promote themselves as casinos...

Casinos or not, the have a federal gaming compact to promote themselves as casinos. You can play blackjack and poker. Plus tell me another place in Oklahoma you can go to and win $250,000 by gambling your money.

Do we really need to be anal about what constitutes a casino?

why yes, yes we do.  The reality is that not everyone is swayed over the current poker fad and, at least when WIBC was in Tulsa, there were no high limit blackjack tables.  When I go to a casino, I expect to be able to throw dice.  And so until Oklahoma gets dice tables, I shall continue to mock what that state claims to be a casino...


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2007, 06:05:12 AM »
I would LOVE to see it come to D.C.  The night life is booming for all crowds...sights to see...colleges...drinks....and heck they even have a new convention center.  I think that the increase in business would do the city great.

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Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2007, 03:20:24 PM »
Detroit - they could use the money, have casinos galore right across the river, and we draw pull more Canucks!
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2007, 01:46:25 PM »
RICHMOND VA decent night life brand new convention center.And what other host city can you see more in sight seeing WASHINTON DC 2 HOURS AWAY WILLIAMSBURG 30 TO 45 MIN AWAY VA BEACH 1 AND A HALF AWAY Charlottesville, VA 1 HOUR AWAY.


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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2007, 02:37:43 PM »
I am from Ohio so I am kinda biased but, I think Cincinnati would be a great location. It has casino boats on the river. Good night life. Plus it would make it convenient to bowl one of the biggest tournaments in the nation (The Hoinke) for people who would normally never get the chance. Plenty of hotels, restaurants, pro sports teams although terrible they are there for families to enjoy.
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Re: Nationals looking for new City in 2011
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2007, 10:58:16 AM »
I recommended to the USBC either San Antonio, TX or Atlanta, GA.
Texas is neither southern nor western. Texas is Texas - Senator William Blakley