Zicha, Spreadbury, Jordan, Schaub, Nape - 10,025, after 3,303 in team.
Bigun and the boys called as they were boisterously driving to celebrate taking the lead. Bigun said he was 59 clean today (split first frame of singles) and only shot about 130 over. Said he left at least 20 10-pins and 8 4-pins - carry was horrible for him. He said Zicha and Pete bowled great both days, Tony was unreal in team and Walt sacked up the last game today.
They bowled team on 47-48, which was the pair me-Richter and Mac-Shades bowled doubles on and he described it the same as we experienced - a huge skid spot in the middle on 48 that kind of made it tricky but overall a nice pair that was much better for straighter guys (Shades and Mac crushed me and Satan).
Their score will win, IMHO - unless there is a secret good team still to bowl that I don't know about.
Tough break for the Wichita guys.