guess i will put myself in this too and add my two cents
I see a couple of things here.
1. Russels sponsor had a plan, that plan was to put x dollars in the team event, for his first squad. if that squad did well, based upon the 30 minute payout he would cash out and reinvest that money into the second team he was sponsoring (once again based upon USBC saying brackets would be paid within 30 minutes)
2. in the event they didnt cash well, he would go back to his room and get more cash for said second team.
3. facts show that team "a" did well, so the decision was made to go cash brackets to put into team "b" (once again based upon USBC stating brackets would be available in 30 mins)
4. go to binions and instead of 30 minutes it takes well over an hour and then USBC starts squad early/closes brackets early
here is my take on that, Russels sponsor did nothing wrong, USBC/Binions drug their feet on payout. The USBC closed brackets too soon, I personally have never seen team squads start early, singels and doulbles? yes 10 minutes maybe. I personaly think that if USBC is going to run said brackets, a posted closing time should be there, say 10 minutes prior to your scheduled squad time
Im not sold on russels squad doing anything wrong, USBC dropped the ball, no matter where the payout was done, posted start times should be adhered to
F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud
Lane #1 Baby