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Author Topic: Opinions  (Read 6462 times)


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« on: April 30, 2014, 03:03:59 PM »
I have been thinking of posting this for a long time but why not give it a shot.

I don't want this to turn into some a post where people bash each other for their opinions just a simple intelligent conversation.

The top 50 in points on the PBA tour are not allowed to bowl in the USBC open. I want your thoughts on this.

My opinion is why are those 50 bowlers not allowed to bowl in a so called "open" event? Do they not pay their USBC membership just like the rest of us? I do not see the reason for not letting them bowl. As the rule stands 2 pba members are allowed on 1 team and only 1 member in doubles. Why  not allow the top 50 to bowl and make a rule where only 1 top 50 (or exempt or what ever they want to change it to) per team and so on?

I have talked with a few people in my area about this and it seems like the argument is always talking about Chris Barnes, Jason Belmonte, Sean Rash, etc. Which I can sort of see their point. My thinking is so what if Barnes or jones or anyone else bowls. They still have to bowl well to win. Believe it or not those guys have bad games or just cant figure it out at times as well. There are guys out there bowling every year that are just a good as a majority of guys out on tour. Its 9 games and without having a good team and/or doubles partner(s) the only titles they can win on their own are singles/all events. The rest take teamwork and a quality group of bowlers. I can name a few guys off the top of my head that bowl every year that could easily make top 50 in points every year.

But honestly how many of you out there can name or even know who lets say 30th-50th spots are? I'm going to go out on a limb and say not many unless you really follow the tour. If you were 30th-50th last year in points you earned between 30,000 and 15,000 on tour. This year alone Tony LaCaze (leading all events, did well in the side events) has the opportunity to make more in 9 games than his last 2 full years on tour. More power to him. I don't know him personally he bowls with some really good friends of mine and I don't see any reason why a bowler who does this for a living is banned from such a big tournament. Eagles mean as much to some people as any pba title.

Not to get into the talk of why there are less teams each year at nationals, why not allow a few more guys to bowl. Even if it is just 50 or more teams each year it is still more teams bowling which I don't ever see as a bad thing.
Shawn Naumann



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Re: Opinions
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2014, 10:26:23 AM »
    I may have used your post, but my response wasn't directed at you. It was for everyone out there. You are by far the exception. Most of those doing the most vocal complaining don't lift finger 1 to do anything to help stem the tide. I, for one, appreciate your efforts as I would like to see bowling stablize, as I know it will never get back to where it once was. But it is easy to say be is entirely another to know what to do. That was part of my point....there is so much causing the decline, that I don't think anyone could have been pro-active enough to stop it from happening. And if there were some people who were that smart, they wouldn't be working for the USBC making peanuts, they would be making millions working someone in the business world. So we can come on sites like this and complain and complain and whine and complain and......or we can come together as group and try to come up with solutions that might do some good. There are probably thousands of bowlers on this site....collectively maybe we can come up with an idea, and as each person adds to it, morphs it slightly, we can turn it into something useful. We have the advantage of having a user who has connections at the USBC, Riggs. If we can come up with a truly valuable idea, I am sure he would be willing to pass it along. If they don't use it....THEN we can all criticize them for not doing enough. I just get tired of seeing complaint after complaint, but when you ask how you fix it, everyone says it's not their job.


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Re: Opinions
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2014, 10:29:20 AM »
I hear they were also responsible for 9/11.  :o

    You are correct. And they are behind all the issues in the Ukraine now too. It's amazing they have the time to screw up bowling with how busy they are. ;)