Question for it unusual for your minors events to be broken up into two squads? I've never heard of that before, but I've only attended 7 nationals (from 2003-2010, missed Albuquerque).
I had a great time, but struggled with a 505 in doubles, rebounded with 661 singles. In team, shot a 568 with spare disorder
Thank you to all who have posted on your experiences this year...very helpful, and I'd have to say, dead right in all instances. I had a great look with a box-finish Reign of Fire, then switched to my NVD (4000 finish) for the end of team event. Too bad I missed a few easy spares. I had a burnt pair in doubles and really couldn't get a decent reaction, even with my old Eraser at 4000, so that's the luck of the draw. I was happy to rally with a 661 using my NVD again, but had the honor of catching Miss Pluhowsky in brackets (even though she kicked all our butts, she really is something to watch...perfect form).