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Author Topic: Post your tournament Scores!!!  (Read 6383 times)


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Post your tournament Scores!!!
« on: March 09, 2004, 08:52:18 PM »
I am a 160 average bowler and I bowled in Reno on Feb 21, 22


Team:     510

Doubles:  521

Singles:  568

High game was a 242 in Singles

I thought I did ok for my average.

Post your tourny scores

P.S. Tied for 7th in the ABC/Storm Bowlers Journal Tourney 180 and under division.

Edited on 3/10/2004 12:47 PM

Edited on 3/10/2004 12:47 PM

Edited on 3/11/2004 3:46 PM

Edited on 3/11/2004 3:46 PM



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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2004, 05:05:23 PM »
Curtis's got enough game for every member of this board, with a bunch left over!
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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2004, 05:11:10 PM »
212 average, First Nationals. Just got back

441 Team
575 Doubles
602 Singles

I was hungover for team, bad excuse.

some guy shot 858 for singles!



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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2004, 05:45:35 PM »
Curse of Dusty,  the monitor asked me what I changed.  I told hm I started hitting my mark, and adjusted.  I don't know why, but I kept pulling the ball either one board left or one board right of target for most of the 1st 7 frames.  

My teammates couldn't figure it out.  One said it was probably not being loosened up with only one shot per lane warm-up.  We ordered the DVD of Singles only, I kind of wish we'd paid the extra $35 for doubles too.  I'd sure like to see what I was actually doing.
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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2004, 12:38:47 AM »
Team event was a bit of a surprise. The shot was not what I expected. I just read Wilbert’s report, and what he describe is exactly what I saw. Anyway, I started off strong in the Team event. I was a bit lost during warmups, and threw 5 shots, not getting close on any of them. I threw 3 shots with the Inferno, and 2 with the Raging, and I wasn’t close on any of them, missing the head pin to the right on three shots, and going nose and brooklyn on two others. I went to the Fuze Eliminator to start game 1, and came up light on both shots (2-4-5 & bucket). Spared both, and went back to the Inferno, playing the same shot (around 22 laydown to 18 at the arrow, out to around 13 or 14 at the breakpoint. I executed well, and shot 231 the first game. Second game I started with a spare (7 pin), then left the dreaded ABC 4-9. Damn near picked it up. I moved in a board on the next shot, and came up light. Spared, went back to where I was, and hit the nose. Anyway, I struggled with execution and ball reaction. Spares kept me from a total disaster, until the 10th frame. Left a 3-6-10, and I was probably thinking more about throwing my Fire Quantum on the fill ball than the spare I was shooting, and took the 3-6 off the 10 for an open 10th and a whopping 169 (I was high on my team this game too!!!).
Last game I started off with the Fire Quantum, left a mixer 7, spared it – but I liked the reaction. It was getting through the heads better than the Inferno, and there was enough back end to play with. Unfortunately, I opened the next two frames – sliding by a seven pin and a 4-7. I fought my way back, and had a shot at a decent game, but just didn’t carry when I needed to. Shot 192 the last game. Total 592 for my first ever ABC. The second game killed me in the brackets though. Too bad, because the first and third were enough to make it a big day. I dropped a lot of brackets in the 2nd game to scores in the 170 to 185 range.

Doubles was a disaster. I am a slow starter and always take a while to get into a rhythm. I made an arsenal change, dropping the Warp Zone off and brought in my 15# Spirit. With only 1 shot per lane warmup allowed, I decided to play it like the end of team. I threw one shot with the Fire Quantum, and one with the Spirit. I decided to play the Spirit, attempting to lay down around 21 to 22 and hit 17/18 at the arrows. When I executed well (which wasn’t that often, I struck, but I was just throwing the ball poorly. Either forcing the downswing, or turning the ball early. I pulled far too many shots. Spare shooting kept it from being a total disaster, but even so, nothing to be proud of. I ball-fished for a while, and just never got untracked. Ended up with an entirely forgettable 180-179-177-536.

Singles started off right where I left off on doubles. I ball fished for most of the game, threw the ball mostly poorly, and ended up with a 178. I then decide just to move in deeper and pull out the Inferno. The ball reaction was surprisingly good, and I even had a couple of boards to play with. I was playing I ended up throwing the last 2 games swinging the ball from a laydown of around 25 to 27 swing over 19 and 20. I was also executing better, and finished up 224-215 for a 617 total, and an all events total of 1745. Nothing spectacular, but it could have been worse. Had I had to do it all over again, I would have stuck with the Inferno the entire 9 games, moving deeper as required, and adjusting loft and speed. The lanes were very playable, and only poor execution, bad ball choices, and 5 poor spare shots during the 9 games kept me from shooting in the 1850 to 1900 range. The only downer was that once again I didn't do that well in brackets. I did enjoy my first ABC experience and the Stadium, and will definitely go back next time it is in Reno.

Edited on 4/21/2004 0:33 AM


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2004, 12:46:41 AM »
Team-640- 182, 193, 265
Doubles-563- 224, 168, 161
Singles-605- 181, 224, 200

All Events-1799

I was please overall with my performance. Could have made a couple more spares but most of my misses were on multipin spares. I threw hard and straight at everything except for buckets and 2-8 combinations.

The 265 in teams was a lot of fun, it led us to shooting close to 2800 so we will cash. It was my highest game at Nationals in my 5th year out. I had the front 7, then drifted right a touch and went face leaving the 4-7-10, then struck out.

Doubles I really had a tough time matching up. I went through 3 balls in the last 2 games and found nothing that resembled a good look.

Singles I went to ball #4 and had much more success. Just tried to stay as clean as possible.

With the way the scores are this year, Im almost prouder of this set of scores than I am my 1881 at Billings.

Chris Green, PA
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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2004, 12:55:38 AM »
not going this year, because my team moved our date to bowl from early april to end of may. all of my leagues are finished my 2nd week of april, so i'd be not bowling for at least 6 weeks b4 nationals. i think not.


"I only have 3 boards to work with, and they all have arrows on them!!"


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2004, 06:18:21 AM »
I just got done watching the video of myself. In team I was hitting 23 at the arrows, not getting the ball wider than 14 or 15.

In doubles I was a little erratic but trying to play 24 at the arrows to about 16 at the break point.

In singles I switched to something sanded. By game 2 I was playing 29 and 30 at the arrows (hadnt played this deep in 3 or 4 years).

Only Losers Feel Pressure
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2004, 01:39:13 PM »
215-220 avg

Singles- 181, 194, 216- 591
Doubles- 209,223,186- 618
Team-205, 212, 204- 621

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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2004, 07:23:53 PM »
616 team   (3020 total)
693 doubles   (1325 total)
723 singles
2032 all events
9558 team all events

Edited on 5/10/2004 7:16 PM


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2004, 01:03:55 AM »
Team: Sunday May 9 8:30 squad lanes 17-18
   169, 203, 179 - 551 Team shot 2689 Used Warp Zone first game, Inferno 2nd,3rd

Doubles May 10 5:30 lanes 61-62
   175, 197, 254 - 626/1195 total  Inferno all 3 games
Singles lanes 63-64
   211, 213, 224 - 648  Inferno

Interesting sidelines: First shot of doubles, I hit light pocket, slid the 5 pin left to about half way between the 4 and 8 pins, 7 and 10 both stand. Only time I can remember leaving the 5-7-10. Good start, eh.

Also, 2 of the balls I weighed in had too much side weight. Fixed on the spot. Funny thing is that both of them were weighed in at the Masters this January and passed.


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2004, 03:28:58 AM »
Team - 565
Doubles - 724
Singles - 695
All Events - 1984


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2004, 12:36:16 PM »
187 AVG, first time in reno:

Team 8:30 PM 5/26(lns 49-50)- 166-185-166= 517
Doubles 11:30 PM (lns 61-62)- 144-225-216=585
Singles 11:30 PM (lns 63-64)- 150-204-155=509
All Events = 1611

D/S was WAY WAY to late for me to be bowling as you can see I had to wake up
By singles I was dead tired.  Not to mention being from Ohio I was still getting
used to the time change.

I'm just happy I stayed above 500

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member

Edited on 6/2/2004 11:06 AM


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2004, 04:28:06 PM »
Team - 605
Doubles - 639
Singles - 567

We bowled on 47/48 at the 8:30pm time slot.  I started Team playing around 15 with a small swing.  I pured 5 shots for a nice start only to throw it all away on 2 bad shots that led to nasty splits.  This seemed to be the theme for this event.  I had 5 opens, 4 splits and 1 bucket.  The shot wasn't quite as tough as I expected, but I didn't execute well enough to shoot anything.  Our team all kept a breakpoint around 8-10 and this broke the lanes down quite a bit as I ended up inside 4th arrow.  I entered this event a little scared because we watched the same squad the day before and I would bet that 75% of the practice balls went in the ditch.  Those gutters were clean.    

Doubles/Singles - I am very disappointed in myself here as there was a great shot.  I just couldn't loosen my release up enough and topped a few shots.  We didn't have any huge scores out of our group, but several 600's and a 700.  We had the 11:40 am squad and started on 15/16.  I watched our group play anywhere from a small swing around 12 to inside 4th arrow.  Everyone could find a decent reaction, it just came down to execution and carry.  I didn't seem to have a very strong backend, but I did leave a few ring 10's and 4-9's that limited my strings of strikes.  

I only saw a few wrongsiders.  I witnessed one start with the front 8 playing the 2 board going up the boards.  Heard about another playing a small swing around 14 that shot 700.  Take your pick.

I was fortunate enough to watch the guys shoot 300's on the same pair (3/4) in the Singles event before we started.  I saw basically all of that game and was on my knees hoping I could find that kind of look on my pair.  One guy was a tweener with decent hand and speed, the other was a stroker.  The tweener was crossing around 9 out to 5 at the breakpoint, while the stroker was just a couple boards straighter.  I don't want to take anything away from their accomplishments, but both did miss their target at least 2 boards left and right sometime during the game.  My friend and I cringed when they both tossed one out to the 3 board, but looked at each other in amazement when the shot ripped the rack.  The tweener's first shot in the 10th never got right of 9, but finished flush in the whole.  His release looked pretty solid, he just pulled it.  I gave him the benefit of the doubt until he turned around shaking his head.  He knew he just got away with one.  I share this story just to emphasis to those still going that you need to keep your mind open.  I would not have believed these 300's except that I witnessed them.  Obviously I tried their same line on my pair, but watched the ball skate too bad on anything outside the 5 board.  One of our guys tried it for half a game, but switched after no strikes and a pocket 7-10.


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2004, 10:25:03 PM »
you bowled better than 2 guys i bowl with that have 220 averages. one of them shot 1505, the other 1432 for all events.


"I only have 3 boards to work with, and they all have arrows on them!!"


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Re: Post your tournament Scores!!!
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2004, 04:53:44 PM »
I just got back, bowled on June 3rd and 4th. (I used a v2 solid all 9 games)
Team-2:30 squad - 189-199-182=570
I played outside hitting up the 6 board with much axis rotation but not much tilt. When I loosened up my swing I did well. Missed two one pin spares (head pin, and five pin) and had 3 splits. Opened two tenth frames which hurt my count. Righties playing inside said their balls tend to squirt after about 6 frames, balls with more midlane reaction with a decent strength cover looked the best. Overall good carry as my speed and rotation matched very well for this shot. Muscled execution and easy spare misses cost me the 600.

D/S 11:20 AM - D

Major mental malfunction. I had opened up a large hole on my thumb the first day on a miss hit throw. (too much axis rotation) Upon arriving and throwing my practice ball my thumb had swelled up about two sizes. Well it took about 6 frames of fiddling with my ball(s) and calming down. By then I had 4 opens. Was able to execute well and finished with a four bagger for 169. Now i felt comfortable and was able to execute pretty well. Shot 228,218 the next two and felt pretty good about my performance although brackets were a foregone thought after that first game. Again I was able to shoot up the 6 board with a v2 (polished 1500 drilled 4X4)

Singles - 579 =192+174+213

Switched pairs and had followed a few righty crankers two who were launching the left gutter caps. First game was ok with a split and an open. Second seemed about the same but i definitely was having problems getting enough length to hit the break point(turning too early) couldn't carry well. Changed to a broken wrist release the last game had the first 5. Pitched the next one out and left a big washout and tugged the next for the dreaded 6-8 (lefty) Finished good. I had no major problems with carry. 1 tap 7 but the 6-8 was expected as it was high flush from an inside angle. I carried many sweepers with the light hit. Had a few brooklyns on a few muscled releases. Overall quite happy with performance. Spare games needs a revamp and I actually had problems with the approaches. My ABS slid like skis and my Dexters stuck a ton. Due to a shipping problem my extra soles and heels are now owned by someone else so changing was not much of an option thank goodness I take both pairs when I go away. Good luck to all and see yah in the Bayou next year.