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Author Topic: postal federal employee national bowling tournament  (Read 5069 times)


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postal federal employee national bowling tournament
« on: May 12, 2010, 10:37:03 AM »
the 2010 tournament is at (Grand Rapids, MI)


Westgate Bowling Center
Comstock Park,MI

anyone have info on the house (oil)



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Re: postal federal employee national bowling tournament
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2010, 12:16:06 AM »
Been there a few times..  Is it a tournament condition or a house condition?  When we bowled state there a few years back (still on the house shot) it was quite easy..  Stand left throw right, 20 board area..  Bowled on a sport shot (never released the pattern) it played quite slick..  Bowled there once in  high school, but that was 11 years ago..   All depends on what shot the tournament will be held on..  but it's typically high scoring, iirc...


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Re: postal federal employee national bowling tournament
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 02:36:56 AM »
60 lanes of pro anvilane, which were installed overtop the old wood surface about 10-12 years ago.  scores go through the roof at that house, stand left throw it to the dry with a good skid flip ball that goes 50 feet and make a 90 degree left turn and strike all day.  you get the idea.  nice heavy blend of oil in the middle to allow errant shots left of target to still smash ten in the pit.  and if your not the tweener or the cranker, just stroke it up 10 and never have to go more than 3 boards to the left with your feet after 3 league games.  this all assumes you bowl the tournament on their house pattern.

and comparatively speaking to lansing, detroit, chicago, and toledo, the female bowlers in grand rapids on the whole are very very poor talent wise, and many of them have scored 300's and 800's at westgate.

matt (the former chink of collegebowling)


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Re: postal federal employee national bowling tournament
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 02:44:30 PM »
i'm guessing it would be a house pattern because the main tournament site has nothing on oil pattern....

this tournament in the yrs i've bowled in it i have seen some houses that shouldn't even have leagues due to the condition of lanes & roof (had a house that the lanes looked as pitted as the surface of an orange and another house that the roof leaked so bad that 1/2 the lanes could not be used on the weekend i bowled... rain just running in on top ove the lanes)

glad to hear the age of the lanes and what their normal oiling is.

the balls i will be taking are VG,VE,Freeze, Twisted Fury Destruction.


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Re: postal federal employee national bowling tournament
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2010, 10:40:15 AM »
this house is a joke and the condition they forced us to bowl in was piss poor. (the ac is broke) no it wasn't it was blowing cold air till it was shut off and never turned back on.

it was colder outside and less humid to.

what this place spent on lane oil (flood) thay prob. could have got'n the ac unit fixed (if it was broke just find it hard to beleive when it was cold in the house when we arrived and there was air coming out the vents before we started bowling and once we started bowling the air stopped coming :ie was shut off.)

then the price if a FOUNTAIN pop $2.00 AND UP(yuck) and beer was over $3.00 A BOTTLE

I have to say atleast the roof didn't leak of course it didn't rain on us so can't say the house would have withstood that.  just another joke of a house and i am certain that when the local bowlers goto bowl in same tournament the conditions will be toatally different.


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Re: postal federal employee national bowling tournament
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2010, 11:15:06 AM »
I was gonna say, 2 dollars for soda and 3 for beer sounds normal to me. I think its that price or a little more at my house.
"There's nothing wrong with today, YET!"


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Re: postal federal employee national bowling tournament
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2010, 01:10:38 PM »
Our team bowled the first weekend of the tournament.It was not a very difficult shot and ALL people in the center and conducting the tournament were great to all of us. It did rain the first day and all lanes were up and running.We bowl this tournament every year and it's always a great time. Wish more tournaments could be run this well.
Bob G


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Re: postal federal employee national bowling tournament
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2010, 10:49:11 PM »
hey darth how would you bowl when the family member that is just whatching is sitting there sweating. not to mention how bad your sweating yourself.

as far as the beer price i could give a crap but i did like how they were charging the $.10 deposit on the bottles but you had to leave them there...the fountain pop i did without too cause i wont drink waterd down drinks.would have had a bottle of pop if there was can or bottle but nope.

dude you know knothing of my bowling skill level so go choke on a duck pin or your husbands.

I'll state this again the conditions that i and the rest of the people iwas bowling with (over 150 from my local area) should be the same condions for the rest of the 3 months this tournament lasts. but i know it wont they will be sure to fix the so called broken a/c unit for the locals that goto bowl in the same tournament  

as for this ( Do you expect some kinda special deal because your a holy league federal employee bowler)1). its a fedearl or postal employee tournament. 2).yes --> most houses that have a tournament that runs for 3-4 months there would be some speacials "sales" but even the pro shop wasn't wanting any sales... the people i traveled with (atleast 10%) of them would have bought something new (ball wise) if there was a good deal.