I have had both good and bad experiences when getting a ball Nationals.....and one time got both in one, lol. Let me explain....decided to purchase a Storm Special Agent last time Nationals was in Reno. Went in, got it drilled, fit was good, and proceeded to shoot 1950 with it. But in Singles, I tried one tenth frame to swtich to one of my original balls, and I couldn't throw it, it was like I forgot how to use it. Well finished out the Special Agent then and went home. About 2-3 weeks later, was finishing up my winter league and something still felt wierd when I switched between my old stuff and the Special Agent...took it to my Pro Shop and he checked the spans and they were all good, decided to weigh it, and low and behold, my 16lb Special Agent that I asked for was really a 15lb Special Agent, which is why I had issues switching between them. At that point, it was too late to do anything about it, plus the ball had begun to crack. He took it back and got me a 16lb one that I still have a love. So while I shot very good, I didn't get the ball I asked for.