I wouldn't be able to point to it in a rulebook, but I've heard (from reputable source at a ball manufacturer) that altering the markings on a ball (whether that be blacking out the pin and cg, changing the colors of the logos, etc) could constitute intentionally modifying a ball from its designed state. (I probably didn't word that correctly there might have been a better way to say it, LOL)
Granted, this sort of "technicality" would be an extreme response I would think, given that it would be hard to prove that it caused a competitor an "unfair advantage", but I suppose you never know what they might say about it.
I would think you could try to contact the USBC and ask what their take on it is before you take it out with you, just to be sure. I wouldn't want to get that far and not be able to use the equipment I brought.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the
judgement that something else is more important than fear...