Have been staying at the Sands exclusively in Reno since they started sponsoring the PBA in 1999. They have 3-4 PBA events this year, in addition to the USBC Open Championships. Sands is comparable to staying at something like a Super 8 with a casino -- nothing fancy but it works. Casino folks I know are great, from marketing executive Jennifer and host Dennis down to the craps crew that has more fun with us when we win than anyplace I''ve ever played -- only crews ever to give a 2BAD to us on a win.

Fuzio''s is a huge step up from what was there before and Mel''s Diner is fine. Also has a nice little fitness center with an awesome whirlpool.
Is it as fancy as the Silver Legacy or some other properties? No.
But it''s a decent place THAT SUPPORTS BOWLING.
Where our sport has fallen to is in great part due to the lack of loyalty by bowlers to sponsors ... going back years and years and years. Best example was when Seagram''s stepped up and created the first $100,000 first prize with the U.S. Open in the late 1980s. I can remember going into bowling alleys and they had wine coolers ... of other brands besides Seagram''s.
Or bowling tournaments where beer brand X sponsored and the bowlers were in the bar afterward drinking another brand.
NECKCAR got where it''s at in huge part because of the legendary loyalty of NECKCAR fans.
Bowling sadly gets what it deserves in this case.
The Sands does more for bowling than any other property in Reno and it gets very little appreciation or loyalty in return.
The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:
http://host.madison.com/sports/recreation/bowling/Edited on 6/9/2010 8:25 AM