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Author Topic: Question about the rules at nationals concerning cleaning  (Read 1224 times)


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Question about the rules at nationals concerning cleaning
« on: April 09, 2007, 04:58:27 AM »
As I understand it....once you get on the lanes for your match, you cannot clean your bowling ball, meaning after weigh in. It's okay to wipe it with a microfiber towel between shots but that's it. It true...what about between sets...meaning between team and doubles/singles? Can you clean your bowling balls then? I assume so but....
Also...what about between singles and doubles or is that considered one match?
I assume that any attempt to alter the cover of your ball during a match is a no no.




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Re: Question about the rules at nationals concerning cleaning
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 01:02:44 PM »
Also...what about between singles and doubles or is that considered one match?

In most tournaments, doubles and singles are considered a single block, meaning that chemicals in the "only before or after competition" category are not legal between those two events.  I would expect Nationals, with all it's extra cleaning rules, to be this way as well.



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Re: Question about the rules at nationals concerning cleaning
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 01:03:59 PM »
Singles and Doubles is considered one event. So no cleaning or abrasives during/between them.

You will have to recheck-in for team or S/D which ever one you do first even if they are on the same day.



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Re: Question about the rules at nationals concerning cleaning
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2007, 01:15:13 PM »
i just got back from nationals yesterday.  you are allowed to wipe your ball with a towel between shots.  you are allowed to have a rosin bag but not in the bowlers area.  there isnt enough time between singles and doubles because they are right after each other.  and i believe they are considered the same.

i saw a lot of people scuffing their ball with different abralon pads between rounds, and shots.
Pin Point Bowling Concepts
AMF Beverly Lanes
Montebello, CA
(323) 724-4420

Edited on 4/9/2007 1:05 PM

If you saw that, you should have reported it to a lane monitor. My understanding is no alterations can be made the cover of the ball once it goes through the weigh-in, unless you go back and recheck the ball again. While it probably had little to no effect on the outcome, whoever was doing that was technically in violation of the rules and could have had to disqualify that ball from competition, or worse. You may not like the rules but all should have to follow them equally.

And there is no cleaning between singles and doubles but you can do whatever you'd like to the ball between team and S/D. As long as it still passes through the check-in ok the next day.


 "Some time, when the crew is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, tell 'em to get out there and give it all they've got. And win just one for the Zipper. I don't know where I'll be then Doc, he said. But I won't smell too good, that's for sure."


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Re: Question about the rules at nationals concerning cleaning
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2007, 01:24:52 PM »
As I understand it....once you get on the lanes for your match, you cannot clean your bowling ball, meaning after weigh in. It's okay to wipe it with a microfiber towel between shots but that's it. It true...what about between sets...meaning between team and doubles/singles? Can you clean your bowling balls then? I assume so but....

Once the ball has been check in (weigh in), you can't touch with anything but a dry towel. You can't tap the rosin bag on the holes as many people usually do, either.


Also...what about between singles and doubles or is that considered one match?
I assume that any attempt to alter the cover of your ball during a match is a no no.


After team and before S/D, you can do anything you want to the ball.

Singles and doubles are continuous; you just "run" to the next pair and start bowling immediately. So there's nowhere to take your balls to do anything to them, and there's no time to do anything to it/them.
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