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Author Topic: Reno going after new USBC contract  (Read 4757 times)


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Reno going after new USBC contract
« on: June 07, 2011, 06:21:50 AM »
How about a rotation of Orlando, Reno and a variable city?


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 02:31:28 PM »
I think one year in Reno, one year on the East Coast and one year in the Midwest. That way its fair for all the people no matter were they live. I am sure the people on the East Coast get tired of flying to Reno every year.



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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2011, 03:25:10 PM »
A Reno, Orlando and Texas/Baton Rouge/New Mexico/Las Vegas cycle for the tournament would be cool with me. All of these sites offer either convenience or low cost and seem to be willing to host the tournament which I think is the one of the most important factors so the USBC doesn't lose money.

Deven Walls

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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2011, 08:56:00 PM »
I think the Orlando deal is likely dead. I can't see any reason for it to be built in these economic conditions. That is also no cheap trip if you fly there and forget the costs to Disney and surrounding hotels. I would love to go there once, but not every three years. I really hope we don't end up in a long string of Reno trips,but wouldn't surprise me. I figure at best we are looking at Reno every other year with the ladies in an opposite rotation so one of us is there every year. Hoping they could find another location every other year, but who knows. Personally I would like to go back to Syracuse, but only to go eat at Dinosaurs BBQ and might as well bowl a little while we are there. Surprised Corpus Christi has not bid again.

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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2011, 09:21:11 PM »
I really dont like Reno and the fact i cant find a decent price for a flight there directly. I have to make two stops, change planes, and then im there. Its just an inconvienence to go there. Went last year and that will be my last year flying to Reno. Baton Rouge next year will be a plus, i can drive. I like to see new places and always being in Reno sucks. Id like to see an East, Midwest, West rotation but not always in the same cities.

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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2011, 09:42:29 PM »
Entries were down this year for Reno and I think people are getting tried of going there! I think the every third year was more than enough and now they are killing us with Reno!!! Flights are a pain, airlines are a pain to deal with, and Harrah's is getting hard to deal with!!!! I stayed at Harrah's twice, my first and last time!!!!

"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "Bowl up a STORM", be MOTIVated to be "King OF THEM ALL" and not turn from it, besides bowling starts with a Big B!

Bruce Campbell
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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2011, 06:35:54 AM »
i would go for that rotation. i like dw23's thoughts on the places for the 3rd year. but i am open to a lot of places, as i am one of those that will go anywhere to bowl this tournament.


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2011, 06:44:55 AM »
Actually Tex, Orlando is far from dead.  I have both family that lives in Orlando and works at Disney, as well as an Aquaintance whos wife works there and her department was actually given the project of doing a study to see how quick things could be put together there as far as contractors, equipment, materials etc. to build a bowling complex on the property.  Disney themself would be putting this together now rather than The Aloma group that was first involved in it.  The months after the holidays, through school getting out is the slow time of year in the area and with a conservative figure even, they figure having the tournament there would bring a quarter million people to the area that might not normally go there.  I see more people commenting they use this as a vacation trip and there isn't much to do with the repeat trips to Reno.  I know a lot of the guys still make this a trip on their own, but with things getting more expensive and families still wanting to take vactions it only makes sense to kill two birds with one stone.  The Orlando area covers this easily.  We go there every January to visit for a week or so and there is never nothing to do.  Very easy to keep the better half and kid(s) occupied during bowling with all the area offers, and much more for the rest of us when we are off the lanes.  And lately reports from Reno have USBC talking up the Orlando possibility.  





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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2011, 07:01:17 AM »
I posted this in another thread but it seems like it belongs here too:


I don't mean this personally, but I am sick and tired of hearing people whine "why don't they bring it to the East Coast". I can tell you why. There are no cities with a convention center big enough to hold the tournament that are willing to give up yearly, committed income to pay to host the USBC Open. The Open needs at least 100,000 sq ft of space in order to build the lanes, the booths and the offices needed to run the tournament. Find a Convention center of that size that doesn't have yearly bookings (like auto shows, boat shows, gun shows, etc) and then ask the city to bid. These shows commit for years into the future, you can't just turn then away. And if you do try for the tournament, and fail, then you have a convention center sitting idol for 6 months after you have turned away business. With the dire economic times the cities and states are in, no one is willing to take that chance. There are only 2 ways it gets back to the East Coast: Orlando Stadium gets completed, or there is a town that either built a new convention center, or they have one that just got renovated and they bring the tournament in before they book their yearly shows/conventions. So please stop whining about it. If you really want it, do something about. Go to your (or the closest big city) convention center authority and talk with them about bidding. Work with the local businesses (hotels, restaurants, casinos) to help support a bid package by explaining the benefits of hosting the tournament. If anyone isn't willing to do this then, pardon my french, but STFU about it.




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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2011, 09:14:13 AM »
I think you ideally would need 3-4 stadiums, Reno & Orlando included.  Maybe one on the upper East Coast and one in the Northwest.  Ideally, Alaska.  Yep, definitely need a stadium in Alaska.  They got plenty of land to build it on and would relish in the tourism revenue.  They got awesome sport fishing, hunting, Target and an Olive Garden. 


That, and I wouldn't have to fly EVERY year to this tournament.  Sorry, I have no sympathy for anyone complaining about flights, time, cost or anything associated with traveling across the country to get to a bowling tournament.  Reno for me is actually cheap.  The hotels are cheap, the food is cheap, and the access to the stadium from hotels is great.  Plus, if the Pai Gow and Black Jack tables are kind to me like this year, the trip costs me nothing.  I'm sure the USBC saves a ton of money by not having to build lanes in Reno too, which is a plus.   


But count me in as a guy who thinks we need stadiums.  And more than one.  I think we need them for the visibility of this sport.  For the PBA and the USBC. 


By the way, I was joking about having a stadium built in Alaska.  Just tired of hearing people complain about flying from the East Coast or the West Coast.  At least you got Regionals and can drive to another State without having to have a passport!  Mad props to my folks in Hawaii, who also feel my pain.  Though, you live in a tropical paradise and I live on a Frozen iceberg.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


340-370 revs
18 mph
230 book on THS
200 book on PBA

In the bag:  Arsenal: (In the bag) C-System Alpha Max, Wicked Siege, Loaded Revolver, Evil Siege, Damage, Slingshot, Avalanche Slide, Swarm, C-System 3.5.
Edited by Andyman3333 on 6/8/2011 at 9:15 AM


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2011, 12:32:22 PM »

     I understand your pain, now. I just moved to Calgary, Canada. There are no cheap flights to anywhere in the US from here. But Reno actually wasn't too bad. I just did some looking for Baton Rouge next year and the prices are outrageous, hopefully they come down a little by the time I actually book. But that is just the way it is and I will continue to go the USBC Open as long as a team will have me, and my health and my finances allow me to.




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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2011, 02:21:38 PM »


I just looked at flying into New Orleans (About $800 to fly into Baton Rouge and Orleans is only about 1.5 hours away) and the cheapest I get is $588 round trip.  Add hotel, car, food and beads and the trip is creeping to be about twice as expensive as flying into Reno and staying there.  Yowza!  Not liking what I see.  Maybe this is why they get fewer teams the years they don't go to Reno.  I don't know, but these prices are making me reconsider this trip at least.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


340-370 revs
18 mph
230 book on THS
200 book on PBA

In the bag:  Arsenal: (In the bag) C-System Alpha Max, Wicked Siege, Loaded Revolver, Evil Siege, Damage, Slingshot, Avalanche Slide, Swarm, C-System 3.5.


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2011, 05:30:08 AM »
Andy, the last Baton Rouge tourney in 2005 was 13,322 teams and this year in Reno is 12,800 or so.

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:

storm making it rain

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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2011, 07:11:34 AM »
The entries my have been higher in 2005, but where was our economy in 2005? I think this years entries in Baton Rouge will beat out Reno of 2011, but i don't think that's a direct comparison.
Here in lies the problem in my eyes.  I believe Reno will outbid any and all cities like they did for upcoming tournament stops.  Now will the USBC go after the money or go after making the majority of the bowlers happy by having different places to go to.  Now keep in mind i'm one of the guys that will go every year no matter where it is located.  I do not like going to Reno, not because of travel costs, but mostly because i've been there so many times.
Just like anything else I think the move will be about money and money only.  Both for Reno and for the USBC 


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2011, 09:12:37 AM »

storm making it rain wrote on 6/9/2011 7:11 AM:
 Here in lies the problem in my eyes.  I believe Reno will outbid any and all cities like they did for upcoming tournament stops.  Now will the USBC go after the money or go after making the majority of the bowlers happy by having different places to go to.  Now keep in mind i'm one of the guys that will go every year no matter where it is located.  I do not like going to Reno, not because of travel costs, but mostly because i've been there so many times.


Just like anything else I think the move will be about money and money only.  Both for Reno and for the USBC 

I think this is the underlying concern for everybody.  Remember this quote?

Pete Tredwell, USBC managing director of media, said in an e-mail that he couldn't offer specifics of the Reno deal, but called it "a really good offer."

Tredwell added that "Even if the participation numbers decline, it still made sense."


I think it speaks for itself.  Not only are the willing to make members unhappy about about going to the same place year after year, they're willing to suffer declining participation, because the higher bid from Reno is able to offset that.  You can try to get your local city to bid all you want, but the bottom line is, no other city has the ability and incentive to outbid Reno for the following reasons:


1.  They have the backing of the casino's unlike everyone else except Vegas.

2.  They have the most to lose, because you can only do so much with the Bowling Stadium otherwise, unlike the convention centers that all the other cities.

3.  The USBC doesn't have to factor into the cost of building the lanes in Reno, unlike everywhere else.


Even if you draw more bowlers somewhere else, if more revenue from increased bowler participation can not offset Reno's superior bids and lower overhead costs to USBC, you know where they are going to pick.