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Author Topic: Reno going after new USBC contract  (Read 4761 times)


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Reno going after new USBC contract
« on: June 07, 2011, 06:21:50 AM »
How about a rotation of Orlando, Reno and a variable city?


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2011, 09:22:18 AM »
I think 2005 and 2011 are very different years as far as our economy goes.  There were 16,585 teams in Reno is 2004 and 16,235 entries in 2007.  Both pre-date the housing bubble popping and the market tanking and both are closer to the 2005 Baton Rouge year.  In 2010, entries were 14,189 in Reno.  I would be suprised to see Baton Rouge exceed the numbers it put up in 2005 or exceed the numbers Reno put up in 2011.  


In general, I think my statement was correct that participation is generally higher when it's in Nevada.  Just getting there and staying there is already going to increase my annual budget significantly and that's food for thought at the least.  I highly doubt I am the only one who looks at costs associated with the trip when planning the trip.  Don't get me wrong though, I'm heavily leaning towards going, I just don't like to spend money, let alone more money. 


I've been fortunate to make money both years I've gone.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


340-370 revs
18 mph
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In the bag:  Arsenal: (In the bag) C-System Alpha Max, Wicked Siege, Loaded Revolver, Evil Siege, Damage, Slingshot, Avalanche Slide, Swarm, C-System 3.5.


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2011, 09:46:15 AM »
I like the idea of a three area rotation. East, Central, and West event. I would even go for a two consecutive stops in each area idea. E,E,C,C,W,W then repeat.

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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2011, 11:36:22 AM »
I think the only way an Arena rotation will make economic sense is if it is done with 2 of them, like Reno and Orlando. That way you have the USBC Open there one year, and the Women's Open at the other facility, then switch the next year. If you do 3, then one year, one of the venues is idle. In today's economy, I don't see you making enough revenue to sustain something that big with it sitting idle for more then a year. I also don't see you getting enough additional tournaments that will pay the lineage fees a place like this would have to charge to sustain the years the tournament isn't there. Maybe in Orlando, if they open it up to open bowling, but I don't think even that would be enough, and it would raise the maintenence costs by doing it. JMHO

kidlost2000 wrote on 6/9/2011 9:46 AM:I like the idea of a three area rotation. East, Central, and West event. I would even go for a two consecutive stops in each area idea. E,E,C,C,W,W then repeat.

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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2011, 11:47:11 AM »
The stadium in Reno doesn't sit idle when the Open isn't there. The PBA has an event or two there of course, but there are lots of tournaments held at the stadium every year. Storm has one that lasts for a couple of months, but any group can schedule an event at the Stadium. We have leagues that bowl their sweepers at the stadium. Of course, most of these tournaments are weekend only or Fri, Sat and Sunday events. But the stadium has income other than the Open. I bowl there five or six times a year personally.
Jorge300 wrote on 6/9/2011 11:36 AM:
I think the only way an Arena rotation will make economic sense is if it is done with 2 of them, like Reno and Orlando. That way you have the USBC Open there one year, and the Women's Open at the other facility, then switch the next year. If you do 3, then one year, one of the venues is idle. In today's economy, I don't see you making enough revenue to sustain something that big with it sitting idle for more then a year. I also don't see you getting enough additional tournaments that will pay the lineage fees a place like this would have to charge to sustain the years the tournament isn't there. Maybe in Orlando, if they open it up to open bowling, but I don't think even that would be enough, and it would raise the maintenence costs by doing it. JMHO

kidlost2000 wrote on 6/9/2011 9:46 AM:I like the idea of a three area rotation. East, Central, and West event. I would even go for a two consecutive stops in each area idea. E,E,C,C,W,W then repeat.

Be good, or be good at it.


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2011, 12:04:51 PM »
What's wrong with Vegas??? If we are gonna go to the same city over and over again wouldn't Vegas be the one to go to? Seemed to me that the 2008 Tournament went off very well.


I dunno, but I can tell you I sat out this year cause I am bored with Reno and the long trip.



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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2011, 12:16:58 PM »

     Sorry for not making it more obvious. But so these leagues go to Reno now. Are they also going to go to Orlando, and to whatever 3rd arena is built? Are there going to be hundreds of new leagues formed just to hold their sweepers at one of the 3 arenas? The years either the women's tournament or the men's tournament isn't in Reno, how often are the lanes used?  A few weekends here and there. a month or two for the Storm Mixed Tournament?


You can't support 3 bowling arenas. There aren't enough tournaments, league sweepers, or PBA events to go around. Reno has the Casinos, Orlando will have Disney, so unless you find backers like that, that won't care about a the economic loss the Arena will generate at times, you won't have a 3rd Arena in the Central US. If the tournaments and leagues that currently go to Reno, go to one of the other arena's, guess what? The NBS loses revenue, and perhaps can't support itself anymore. Unless you create new leagues, new tournaments that will go to the other 2 arenas, you are robbing Reno to pay Orlando or city X. That is not sustaining 3 Arenas. I think my point stands.

milorafferty wrote on 6/9/2011 11:47 AM:
The stadium in Reno doesn't sit idle when the Open isn't there. The PBA has an event or two there of course, but there are lots of tournaments held at the stadium every year. Storm has one that lasts for a couple of months, but any group can schedule an event at the Stadium. We have leagues that bowl their sweepers at the stadium. Of course, most of these tournaments are weekend only or Fri, Sat and Sunday events. But the stadium has income other than the Open. I bowl there five or six times a year personally.




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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2011, 01:00:29 PM »
I think it's pretty apparent the new stadiums would need to be multi purpose centers stationed with other activities... Maybe a movie theatre, Shopping Center, Golf Course.  These would essentially need to be resorts to sustain the lack of bowling traffic annually.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


340-370 revs
18 mph
230 book on THS
200 book on PBA

In the bag:  Arsenal: (In the bag) C-System Alpha Max, Wicked Siege, Loaded Revolver, Evil Siege, Damage, Slingshot, Avalanche Slide, Swarm, C-System 3.5.


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2011, 01:02:29 PM »
A large facility in Orlando would draw tournaments and league sweepers from it's local area as Reno does. You don't need "new" leagues for that. The stadium in Reno is booked most weekends for various tournaments. The California Bowlers Tour, MAMBO, ABT and various other groups have events there all the time.
A facility in Orlando would generate it's own events, just like the stadium in Reno does. And if the third location was in an area like Chicago, then it would do the same thing. We differ in opinion on this, but that's ok. I think the country can support three large stadiums. Besides, if there were locations in various parts of the country, then USBC could consider Regional Opens, similar to what TNBA does now. It just takes a bit of creative thinking to make it work.
Jorge300 wrote on 6/9/2011 12:16 PM:

     Sorry for not making it more obvious. But so these leagues go to Reno now. Are they also going to go to Orlando, and to whatever 3rd arena is built? Are there going to be hundreds of new leagues formed just to hold their sweepers at one of the 3 arenas? The years either the women's tournament or the men's tournament isn't in Reno, how often are the lanes used?  A few weekends here and there. a month or two for the Storm Mixed Tournament?


You can't support 3 bowling arenas. There aren't enough tournaments, league sweepers, or PBA events to go around. Reno has the Casinos, Orlando will have Disney, so unless you find backers like that, that won't care about a the economic loss the Arena will generate at times, you won't have a 3rd Arena in the Central US. If the tournaments and leagues that currently go to Reno, go to one of the other arena's, guess what? The NBS loses revenue, and perhaps can't support itself anymore. Unless you create new leagues, new tournaments that will go to the other 2 arenas, you are robbing Reno to pay Orlando or city X. That is not sustaining 3 Arenas. I think my point stands.


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2011, 02:25:30 PM »
Events don't have to go to stadiums built to suit the tournament only. I'm sure there are venues that could support the USBC tournament every few years as a guaranteed revenue for them and their community.
Is the one in New Orleans a bowling only stadium or is it a convention center that houses different events through the course of a year?  I'm sure there are plenty of places that would jump at the chance to have such guaranteed prolong income if they knew it existed. Especially in this economy. 

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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2011, 06:36:07 AM »
The Reno facility was built with tax dollars by the Convention & Visitors Bureau and is forbidden from having regular leagues or open play.  It can have tournaments, corporate parties and stuff like that ONLY.


The Orlando facility as conceived was to have been a private facility filled with anything and everything, including leagues, when the USBC tourneys were not there.


Very different entities.


The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2011, 11:28:57 AM »

They passed the $2 hotel room fee for the Stadium upgrading and effort to keep USBC tourneys coming back:

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2011, 05:01:44 PM »
not sure how I feel abou that; I like bowling at the stadium, but I am getting to the point I hate visiting reno

Bill Thomas

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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2011, 01:06:36 PM »
Me too!


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2011, 01:31:26 PM »
I don't care for reno. Reno is for people who like to drink and gamble all day. I like a few beers and gamble a little too but it gets old after a while.. Vegas has lots of things to do. Orlando is cool but it is expensive especially hotels. I don't mind spending the money but a lot of people do.
Edited by tburky on 6/27/2011 at 1:32 PM


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Re: Reno going after new USBC contract
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2011, 01:42:27 PM »

I will bowl the USBC every year no matter where it is being held. There are plenty of tournaments held in the same city year after year, including the High Roller, Hoinke, Hamtramck and Lilac, and bowlers flock to them without complaining that they should change venues. I guess if I was more interested in taking a vacation instead of bowling I would be annoyed with the USBC being held in Reno so frequently.