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Author Topic: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30  (Read 6832 times)


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Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:29:40 PM »
Reno paper reporting this big news ... if it is true and happens.



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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 12:40:44 PM »
 That rumbling sound you hear? It's all the Reno haters running to their computers so they can let everyone know how they will stop bowling the Open rather than go to Reno again.  ;D :D :P
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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 12:44:22 PM »
They're already filling the thread on my FB page :D


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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2012, 02:28:12 PM »
Interesting. I'm actually kind of impartial on this. I know my team and companion team would most likely bowl all of them, but I could see a case of entries dropping in the 4th or 5th straight year going back to Reno. I do understand the benefits from a USBC standpoint, and from a prize fund standpoint. Much less expensive for the tournament in Reno, meaning more money into the prize fund.
However, I can see the people that use Nationals mainly for a vacation getting sick of going back to Reno a few years in a row, not bothering to go back the following years.  Depending on what travel costs and entry fees (including additional fees depending on how you pay) will be by then, people may use that money to take a full vacation instead of making a vacation out of the Nationals trip.
I don't see it being an issue the first couple years, but after a few years my guess is a pretty considerable drop in entries.

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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2012, 07:29:47 PM »
Wonderful news!  Going to the same city for 11 straight years!! Now who is not going to get tired of doing that!!


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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2012, 09:01:10 PM »
Deal actually is good news for Reno-haters:

By my figuring, from 2019 to 2030 14 USBC tournaments – Open or Women -- will not be in Reno.


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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2012, 09:36:24 PM »
I was one of the haters on the FB page :D

I love the bowling stadium, just the city costs so much to travel to from the east coast.  I hope you're right Riggs and the OC gets a few less overall.


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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2012, 10:02:37 PM »
I'm not a Reno hater.
Being on the East coast, I just don't like the idea of always having to travel so far and always having to use 2 planes to get there.

If I were also using this trip as a vacation, I never found a lot to do there, not being a gambler. I imagine more than a few regular people who enjoyed visiting other cities (which I did enjoy) will get tired of its always being in the same city.

The tourney  being in an already built stadium and in the same city seem like these factors will save the USBC a lot of time and money. I wonder who will reap those benefits?
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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2012, 10:36:30 PM »
I believe it is going to Reno on "regular" basis not every year.


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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2012, 05:21:40 AM »
Does it save the usbc money, of course it does. Does it mean that someone will get a bigger pay check at the top of the later, of course it does. So smart business move for that guy. Does it mean you will have a large number of people that pay for your paycheck upset, of course it does. It is the equivalent of having the world series in the same stadium every year. To me it just doesn't seem fair to ignore what seems to be a large voice of the people that you work for, and it doesn't seem right to make it hard for many to travel. But then again the usbc hasn't cared about what the general bowling public wants for some time now.


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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2012, 07:44:29 AM »
I agree it can be a little monotonous going to Reno so often.  But all I hear is complaining.  For those who are the most adamant about not wanting to go to Reno, what other options are there?  Other cities aren't bidding.  And those who do provide deals that are not as fiscally beneficial to the tournament and USBC. 

I am not sure of what the costs are and so forth, but I can imagine having the stadium already built makes it a hard deal to pass up.  So we can all argue about the location or what USBC does with whatever money that is saved from being in Reno till our faces turn blue.  But if you really want to make a difference, either organize a very large boycott of the tournament or become mayor of a city and cut the USBC a deal they can't refuse.  Money will always talk in any business.

And if you do have a legitimate suggestion, let's hear it.  This forum has bright individuals and I for one would love to hear what they feel is a good solution.

Joe Cool

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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2012, 07:56:28 AM »
I hope Riggs is right, but my concern is if they do away with the Women's Open, that suddenly becomes a lot more OC's in Reno.  I don't mind so much as I do better gambling than bowling, but I know I am in the minority on that.
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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2012, 08:18:44 AM »
I hope Riggs is right, but my concern is if they do away with the Women's Open, that suddenly becomes a lot more OC's in Reno.  I don't mind so much as I do better gambling than bowling, but I know I am in the minority on that.

Joe, if they do away with the Women's Championships it most likely will be to rearrange the events in some other fashion so there still are two. Example: A new Open Championships with open and women's divisions, Sport conditions and everything geared to high level competition ... and a Classified Championships (know it needs a better name) with possibly open and women's divisions that might offer softer lane conditions, divisions and/or handicap, and be geared more for the bowler who goes to the tournaments more for fun and vacation.


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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2012, 09:02:45 AM »
So essentially we get to pay ($2 room tax) for improvements on a stadium in a city we don't want to go to?? Awesome!


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Re: Reno has deal for USBC tourneys 2019-30
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2012, 09:48:22 AM »
So essentially we get to pay ($2 room tax) for improvements on a stadium in a city we don't want to go to?? Awesome!

For the record, USBC events are there for a few months of the year. Tax is paid 365 days a year. I had a Reno hotel casino person tell me that the vast majority of the tax is paid by non-bowlers and bowlers now are getting 100 percent of the benefit.